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Approved Starship FSC-100 'Prime Assembler' Factory Ship

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Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

Image Source:

  • Classification: Factory Ship
  • Length: 2,000 meters (Collapsed)
    • 5,000 meters (Extended)
  • Width: 340 meters (Collapsed)
    • 665 meters (Extended)
  • Height: 293 meters (Collapsed)
    • 665 meters (Extended)
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: High
  • Hangar Space: High (35 squadrons)
5000m High: 35​
  • Hangar Allocations:
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive: Class 3 Hyperdrive Primary || Class 12 Hyperdrive Backup

  • Standard Ship Features, gravity control, and communications suite
  • Vehicle Garage
  • Bridge
  • Containment Shields
  • 8 Mess Halls
  • 4 Rec Rooms with accommodation for 200 persons each
  • 4 Gymnasiums with accommodation for 200 persons each
  • 40 Refresher rooms with 20 waste stalls and 20 shower stalls each
  • Cargo Bay capable of holding 500,000 metric tons of cargo
  • Crew Quarters for 1,000 crew, 1,000 marines, 500 pilots, and 31,500 passengers (for transfer to assembled vessels)
  • 50 Laundry Rooms
    • With 8 Laundry Droids each
    • With 12 Industrial Washer/Drier Machines each
    • Can clean 32,000 full uniform sets every 8 hours.
  • Can produce items from small electronic components to large space vessels in shield-isolated workspace spheres.
  • Can operate three construction zones simultaneously, constructing one-million cubic meters of material per day from materials stored in the supply bubble.
  • Ample droid workforce for designing and building virtually anything.
  • No Armament
  • Poor maneuverability
The Prime Assembler is the latest in a series of new ships introduced into the House Mecetti fleet as part of Lady Mecetti's Fleet Modernization program. It is an innovation on the Field-Secured Container Vessel typically used to transport vast quantities of supplies as part of major logistics chains. This variant has been equipped with on-board smelters, factories, and droids to assist with every type of design or construction project. When not constructing anything, the vessel can be collapsed to its reduced 2 kilometer form. When construction is anticipated, it can be expanded to 5 kilometers in length.

The ship's first construction bubble is often filled with ore, which is then smelted into usable materials and then forged into parts for distribution to the further three construction bubbles. Droids with thruster units pass freely between the various bubbles using connecting corridors, obviating the need for construction vehicles within the vessel. Gravity is simply adjusted to near zero, and the droids carry or manipulate whatever is required to complete their projects. The Prime Assembler often carries a quantity of mining ships which allow the factory ship to enter a system, strip its asteroid fields for materiel, and load the ship with the ore needed to conduct its operations. For projects larger than 750 meters in length, the project can be split into multiple parts which are then tractored into position and bolted and welded together in space. In this manner, the factory ship can even assemble additional factory ships. House Mecetti's transition to mobile manufacturing facilties may be a response to the threat of the Dark Empire, allowing the Tapani noble House to manufacture anything anywhere, or even in a variety of places, obviating the risk of losing the Obulette shipyard to enemy action by providing redundant facilities.

The ship is entirely unarmed to allow it to operate even in the most restrictive high-security space. It relies on its embarked craft and (hopefully) a military escort to protect it when it operates in less secure regions.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a versatile factory ship for House Mecetti
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti
Model: FSC-100 'Prime Assembler' Factory Ship
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Mechanical
Modular: Yes
Material: Standard Starship Materials and Duranium armor
Armaments: None
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 200
Optimal Crew: 1000
Cargo Capacity: Very Large
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