Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Full Circle

Siyndacha Aerin

Pinnacles of Felth

She had been here before, only once, and the girl that stood where she stood now had faded. The naivety once present in the last Aerin had long since been struck from her system and replaced with cunning and desire. The girl that had hid away her deepest-felt convictions and stark opinions for fear of alienating others had been paved over by one that did not hide these things so much as wear them underneath her clothes, her 'mask'. Those under which she now learned were not the one she had first met in coming here, all those years before - no, they were vastly different, and much more suited to her wants and needs.

Had he changed? They were old 'friends', she and Marek, though they hadn't seen each other since the day that Manu Xextos had... well, it was unimportant. They were already acquainted and that was a boon to getting integrated into the 'machine' - a machine that was barely recognizable from the one she had once known, and in a very good way. Would he notice that she had changed? At least there was one very telling mark - a scar down her left cheek that arced down to the corner of her jaw, from an encounter with a droid that had proved challenging to make bend to her will, and not to mention the general way she carried herself, her demeanour.

The Techno Union was more in line with her goals than it had ever been. It would do well for them both, and for the whole, that she was here. It was certain.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
With the space that Marek had sworn himself to protect finally ramping up in its use, and finding its stride on the galactic stage, he had more time for himself. He had the knowledge that the Union was going to run and run well with the CEOs he had on his executive council. Since the days of the fleet emigration lead by Manu Xextos, Marek held the position of Foreman and had run across a lot of different beings, especially during his time as a talent scout. The Confederacy has always been, in his opinion, a cover identity for the real mover of the galaxy, the Techno Union. And now? That Union was running the show.

Which meant he was attracting talent again. Young and old, new and returning. And one of them was at one point very close to his family, at least his cousin, that bubbly blonde. She was back on Roon however, the one that he had seen a lot of promise in, and he was wondering if it was to stay this time? Had the Techno Union brought one of the wayward home? When he got the comm from Miss Aerin, he made sure to clear his schedule and meet her.

“So, Miss Aerin, seemed a bit surprised to see your communication, to be honest. To what do I, we, owe the pleasure?” Really, this girl was something special, in a lot of ways, and none that Marek would weigh higher than the others. But she was definitely a talent he wanted to keep.

[member="Siyndacha Aerin"]

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