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Fun and Games | [Sinner's Well]


Srina had learned her lesson from the last time they’d had visitors, and this time, left the cooking to the attendant droids and Darth Metus. Perhaps this time, they would not leave with the unappreciated parting gift of incredibly horrid food poisoning. The fortress that they called home had been built in the dustbowl wastes of Ryloth. It was secure well-hidden and could rarely be found unless one had the exact coordinates. Whether it was some sort of Sith Sorcery, technology, or a trick of the naked eye was still up for debate. It was for this reason that anyone approaching the area would need clearance codes and an invitation before breaching its perimeter, unless, that is, they wished to be summarily shot down. Normally, the area seemed quite peaceful, with only the occasional coming and going of land speeders and a few ships.

Well, land speeders, a few ships, and a half dozen dragons.

The buildings themselves were tall, ornate, and the topmost spire seemed to linger in the clouds. The atmosphere was thin, but breathable, and the climate seemed mostly temperate. At least, for this time of year, it was temperate. There were occasions when the seasons could be considered exceedingly turbulent with high winds and abnormal bursts of heat—but the planet seemed to know that off-worlders were on the way. Their destination was located in the area that was just barely still considered habitable near the equator without being too hot or too cold.

The bright sun heating the ground caused the air to wave, almost like a mirage, even within the confines of the nigh-invisible habitation sphere and subsequent force fields.

The Apprentice of Darth Metus was currently playing with her Catra'diamtr, Etrigan, while the much larger, much more aggressive Thorne lay sunning herself nearby. The small Echani smiled, true and rare, as she drew her body back, levitating an impossibly large piece of a broken bumper from a transport vehicle. Winding up, she launched it high into the sky, while her eyes followed Etrigan seamlessly. He lifted from the ground without thought, massive wings stirring the sand and dry grass, as he shot into the sunblind sky. She could hear the tail end of a sonic roar, followed by the crushing and twisting of metal, before her Sky Demon landed heavily in front of her.

It dropped the mangled make-shift toy at her feet and Srina let approval flow between them. He was getting faster, more agile, day by day. Unless her eyes deceived her he was also doing a fair amount of growth. She nimbly moved around it, the white of her long-sleeved cotton dress fluttering lightly in the breeze, as she reached for Etrigan. Agoreg vae…”[You did well], she whispered, the Echani language rolling from her tongue as easily as she breathed.

She reached up and let her hand lay on the flat plants of its massive maw, scales surprisingly smooth, before she glanced surreptitiously toward her Master. He was hard at work, with a variety of meats prepared for outdoor grilling, trying to get the fire just right. The quiet woman bit down lightly on her lower lip, before she once again tapped into the Force, stealing a piece of raw red meat from the tray.

Srina dangled it before the adolescent Catra'diamtr and chuckled when he reared up on his hind legs, wings flapping, so he could reach it. Noisily, sloppily, he chomped it down, very self-satisfied. When the Echani looked around to see if she’d been caught, both Thorne and Darth Metus seemed none the wiser, and she let it be. Instead, she went back to training her dragon-like familiar.

Etrigan started getting huffy before she felt something coming and she paused when she both heard and felt the defenses around the Well activate. She had no fear they would actually fire, especially when the shield came down, but they could never be too careful. The droids constantly monitored incoming and outbound traffic….But, ever since Tatooine, she held valid concerns. “Master, I believe that your guests are arriving.”

Srina waited in the courtyard as transport came into view and remained close to Etrigan in order to reassure him. He was still young. Willful. The Sky Demon hunkered down, draping leather wings around her form, and growled low when his head neared her shoulder. “Easy…”

Thorne opened one eye and subsequently closed it. Her afternoon nap had not yet ended and no mere human would break her from her sun-induced slumber.

[member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Emberly Carrick"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"]​
The pilot of the ship held out his hand. I returned him with a handshake as he landed us down upon the tarmac of the Sinner's Well. A place where those who came, either worked here, or were given clearance to come and visit. The planet was desolate and once a place where barely anything lived here. Now, there was something. Due to the Mandragora who had cultivated the planet into the Hub that it is now, I had to give them props. My uncle Metus and his... apprentice? Had done much in my absence.

I was known as a wanderer and not to stay in one place for long. However, I always returned to my home. The Verds. Their clan was massive compared to others. Growing ever more. In fact, I looked to the little girl who stood beside me. Echani girl with white hair, and complexion to match, Her eyes ever blue and bright against her pale skin. She still had a bandage around her neck. Receiving a wound from her birth father after I picked her up from Eshan, the wound was healing rather well. I could heal with the force, and was a fairly good medic considering my mother taught me of all of this years ago. However, I didn't heal all of the wound. For fear of healing too much and causing growths or skipping a step and doing more harm than good, I left the wound as is. Letting the body heal itself.

Upon ending the handshake with the man, he started to return to his vessel and leave. I on the other hand knelt down next to the little girl. My left hand moving a few of the strands of hair that had come loose from the pony tail I had put her hair into, my other gently grabbing her shoulder to keep her still as I spoke.

"I know this place is scary and big, but we are here to meet some friends of mine. I need you to try and stay by my side so I don't lose you. Do you think you can do that for me?"

I knew what her answer would be. She was so submissive and docile that if I told her to go and jump off of a bridge she might actually do just that. Ever since I got her, and have been slowly working with her on how her father was not a good figure in her life, and that she needed someone else to help her, I had taken that role so far. I had not taken her as a daughter. Just more so as a companion as of now. She deserved the freedom of her own choices. While I would be there to guide her and comfort her when needed, I first needed to teach her, and show her that it is okay to be without the bastard that is her birth father.

Standing up, I held my left hand out for her to take. My hand would be large compared to hers. Gently and easily, I would walk her down the halls towards our meeting with Metus and Srina. I made sure to take slower and shorter paces so that I wouldn't be quite literally dragging the little girl. Her frame was small and slowly on the mend from being underfed, and would take some time, but I had hope. Hope that this girl could become so much more and overcome her father's sins.

Upon leading her to the meeting area, I saw that my uncle was working on something. It looked to be food. I could smell it as I stood there in my black and purple robe like garb. Mostly a pair of black pants with a violet long shirt with a black sleeveless tunic over the top. My metal hand rapped upon the frame of the door as I entered. Three quick taps that were gentle to not break anything due to the massive force I could apply with this arm.

"I believe we have reservations for two?"

Calling out with a hint of a smirk towards Metus and Srina as though we were at some restaurant.

"Sorry if I am a little late. Had to reapply a bandage before we came."

[member="Srina Talon"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Emberly Carrick"],


Well-Known Member
This place was strange.

It was like a desert. Everything was hot and dry. My throat still hurt a little, especially when I swallowed, and this dry air wasn't helping. But as scary and different as this place was, I had to be strong. Sith are not weak. I am pretty sure I figured it out on the ship. Father would come back for me when I was no longer weak. I just had to be strong, to be the daughter he wants me to be, then he'll come back for me.

The bandage around my neck was SO itchy, I wanted so desperately to lift a hand to scratch underneath. But Zeph had told me not to, so instead I clenched my fist, and tried to think about something else.

Zeph, as he told me his name was, finished shaking hands with our pilot before turning and kneeling in front of me. It was strange that he did that. Father had sometimes turned around to fix my hair if it was messed up or wipe blood off my cheek, but never had he knelt like that. I stared at my shoes as he moved a few strands of hair out of the way, his free hand on my shoulder. As he spoke, I nodded, nervously wringing my hands together. He was kind, nothing like father. He told me to stay close to him, but... no, he asked if I could do that. Why ask? He was bigger than me, he could just make me if he wanted.

"Yeah... I can do that." I mumbled in reply.

It still hurt to talk, and I grimaced as I replied. He stood, offering his hand. I slipped my hand into his. I felt so small, my fingers slipping into his huge grip. But he was gentle, closing his fingers around my hand, as he turned and began to walk.

I stayed close to Zeph, hiding mostly behind his forearm while my free hand clung to the stuffed dragon he had given me. It made me feel safer, calmer, to have it. Never had I been allowed a stuffed toy before. And he let me take it with me, as well. As much as father would have disapproved, Zeph had said that it was alright to let my body heal, and right now that was taking all my energy... I didn't have any left to be strong, to pretend I wasn't scared. So tucked away behind him, shrinking into myself, I walked with him to some kind of meeting area.

Before us were two people, a man and a woman. Zeph knocked as he passed through the doorway, but didn't stop and wait to be let in. He asked about reservations for two in a tone I didn't recognise. It was... light, I guess? Warm, it felt warm. He'd used that tone with me. It was nice, I had decided. Then he mentioned an apology for being late, calling me out as the reason for it.

My heart instantly raced in my chest, my mind spinning. I'd disappointed him already. I flinched, my hand tensing in his as I braced for the stern reprimand I was sure would follow such. My other hand tightened around the plush toy's neck, pulling it up under my chin. I waited a moment, but nothing happened. Maybe... he was giving me a chance to apologise first. Wait, no, Zeph wasn't like father. He was different. Still, I was the reason we were late.

"I'm sorry I made us late." I murmured, barely above a whisper.

[member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Darth Metus"]
Darth Metus had gone by many titles over the course of his life.

As a native of Mandalore, he had claimed the highest mantle their was - Mand’alor - and built an Empire to reclaim the lost. As a Sith, he had claimed dominion over the very idea of Dread itself. And as the face of the Confederacy, he held the lofty office of Vicelord. Yet today, whilst sheltered from the sweltering heat of Ryloth, Darth Metus lived by another mantle. And, arguably, it was the mightiest of them all: Grill’alor.

Gone were the finely pressed suits or the beskar’gam. In their place was a black apron with the words “kiss the chef” emblazoned in white. The piece was horrendously tacky, but [member="Srina Talon"] had given him a rare giggle at the mere sight of it previously. That was more than enough for the Sith to resolve to keep it on for the whole of the day’s event. And just what was the celebration at hand? Homecoming. [member="Zephyr Carrick"] was paying a visit - and like any decent family Darth Metus was preparing a feast for his nephew.

Before him, a fire roared within the belly of an iron monstrosity. Previously, when Thorne had assisted in pulling the tank-like fixture into place, the alabaster beauty had inquired as to what exactly it was. He introduced it was a Smoker, and the point of it was to impart a distinct, smoky flavor into the meat he cooked upon it. And thus, he busied himself for several minutes preparing the Smoker for action. Resinwood chips were laid out in a deliberate manner upon the innards, before being ignited by a match.

The grate was set into place and the Sith set about “painting” it with oil.

As he busied himself, he could feel the Pride rolling off of his beloved Apprentice in waves. She had seized the opportunity to spend some quality time with Etrigan, her growing Catra’diamtr, by playing “fetch” with a literal fendor. As for Thorne, mother of the young Etrigan, she laid herself out and relaxed. Her aging bones longed to stretch and the sun felt exquisite upon her scales - so much so that happy trills escaped her maw every now and again. All of these things combined were enough that the Sith made his preparations with a smile on his face.

He even let the theft of a steak go unpunished. Despite it being complete and utter Heresy.

When the time came to place the meat within the Smoker, Darth Metus first took a moment to season them. He made a point of forcing a mental image of what he was doing through his Bond to Srina...because, for all his support and all his eating of her horrid cuisine, she had room to improve. Thus, as she played with her Sky Demon, she would learn a valuable lesson in cooking meat of this caliber. Salt. Pepper. Nothing else. And once they were seasoned to his liking, a grand hisss filled the air as he set them onto the grate and closed the Smoker.

It would take a few minutes to cook all the way through.

Master, I believe that your guests are arriving.

”Excellent! They’re just in time!” came his jovial response. Turning on his heel, the thud of a metal fist upon the door heralded the arrival of [member="Zephyr Carrick"] and his charge [member="Emberly Carrick"]. The door opened, revealing the pair and the Sith stepped forward to meet them. His arms were held open wide and he offered a toothy grin to them both. ”Why yes good sir, best seats in the house for you right here!”

The snark was strong in these ones.

Upon coming within arm’s reach of his nephew, her embraced the man briefly. ”You’re right on time, actually. Just put the steaks on - it’ll be a couple minutes until they’re ready.” Upon releasing Zephyr, he looked upon the youngling and descended to one knee. ”Well hello there, welcome to my home! Are you hungry? Or maybe, would you like something to drink?”

He chuckled. ”But where are my manners? My name is Metus, and that is my darling Apprentice Srina. She’s an Echani, just like you.”

[member="Srina Talon"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Emberly Carrick"]

The pale apprentice remained still as stone while she watched a tall man and a rather petite, Echani child, make their way through the gate and into the courtyard proper. Srina was curious, instantly, for two reasons. The first had something to do with the fact that eighty-percent of the people Darth Metus called family found reason to loathe her. The second, was due to the shy, almost skittish looking specter that stood at Zephyr Carrick’s side.

Her mind was still jumbled with the confusing images her Master had been playing within her mind, but not so much that she had forgotten her place, or her posture. Even while surrounded by the wings of her Sky Demon her back ran straight as a pin and her expression remained tranquil as a summer sea. She could feel the large creature shifting, both curious, and wary of their visitors. Eyes of onyx followed the man, then the child, evaluating the threat level, before a potential meal. “Welcome to the Well.”, Srina called gently, the sound of her voice like soft, morning bells.

She gave the men space while they greeted one another. Srina tried not to over analyze their guests, however, she found herself doing it anyway. Trained Echani eyes picked at the details, tearing them apart with efficiency, and speed. She had not been supplied with any prior knowledge about the man or the child. She’d only ever truly met Carrick in passing. These two were not related, clearly, as Srina immediately recognized her own. Not to mention obvious differences. Different ears, hairlines, etcetera…They simply didn’t match. Though, in other ways, they did. So, who was she?

An Echani child alone, without their parents, without their family felt wrong. It was as strange to Srina as seeing snowfall in summer or having the sun and the moon in the same dark sky. The House in which she had grown accustomed to for the majority of her life considered children precious. Offspring may have all looked rather similar, but they could always tell each other apart, no matter what. They were all unique. Perfect in their imperfections and distinctive to those that loved them.

The bandage on her throat stuck out like a sore thumb.

Srina moved, an ethereal vision in white, and Etrigan tried to move with her. The Echani paused, a brief smile flickering over primrose lips, before she reached up to still him. He was far more impulsive than his mother, Thorne, who lay sleeping still. “Posto hi…[Stay here]”, she murmured in her native tongue, before focusing on Carrick and his little friend once more.

She came to approach the trio and rest a gentle hand on her Master’s shoulder as he kneeled. He was joyous with the presence of his nephew. She could feel it resonating through their Force Bond like a thousand voices, singing blissfully, all at once. “We have plenty to choose from. Spirits of all sorts for the adults…Fizzy, Jogan Juice, milk…”

“I could even make a dangleberry shake…”

It was a sweet treat that the slender woman could manage, without causing possible food poisoning, or some sort of traumatic hallucinations. There was a reason Darth Metus was the one wearing a ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron and she stayed far, far, from his giant meat smoking machine. Mercurial eyes fell to the flaxen-haired child and a bare smile passed through her. She reminded Srina so very much of Eshan, of home, that it almost hurt. “May I ask your name?”

[member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Emberly Carrick"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"]​
The both of them came over. Metus in his darker skin tones, sharp black hair, and even an apron that had "Kiss the cook" emblazoned upon it. One word came to mind of the man once being a Manda'lor of the Crusaders and the First Mandalorian Empire, Grilla'lor. For his talent in cooking. He continued with my sly choice of words that lept through the air and to them both. I smiled brightly as I closed the distance to meet the man. A small but well warranted embrace of family was between us. From which his apprentice came over and placed a hand on his shoulder to lean down to the girl beside me. I smiled. It was a weird feeling that I had. It was not unlike how when I first taught my sister how to use a sword, and to see her prevail over the challenges I placed before her, only this time, it was for the girl. Being able to stand there and have two individuals question her all of a sudden and still stay here or not break down was a huge step from what had transpired.

"There is no need to be sorry. It is not your fault that you are injured."

Srina came over and followed up Metus' question of a drink. Emberly seemed more cautious around men as she was treated poorly by one. However, women were a different story. She seemed to be more approachable by them. Taking this moment to look at Metus, I gave him a very quick rundown.

"Poor father figure was wiling to sacrifice her to get away from me. Healed her up and letting the rest of the wound heal naturally."

Looking breifly over to the girl who still clutched my hand, I knelt down and faced her. Nodding my head.

"Its okay to tell them your name. You can trust these people."

Considering I had saved her life, fed her, clothed her, and spent much more time taking care of her than her father ever had, I felt like she was drawn to me simply because she knew I could protect her, and was willing to risk my life for her. Even though we were not related. However, that will soon change. I was here not just to introduce her, but to also induct her into our family. Mine, and Metus. She needed a solid foundation to build upon. The one she had was crumbling every second. I was hoping that if I could fortify her with myself, then she wont end up like her father, or her mother.

[member="Srina Talon"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Emberly Carrick"],


Well-Known Member
Clutching Zeph's hand tightly, I couldn't help but retreat into his side a little as the man and the woman came over. I pressed myself against his side, feeling the fabric of his clothes against my cheek. I don't know exactly what it is, but something about the smell of those clothes seemed to calm my nerves a little. Maybe it was because I remember that smell when I woke up on his ship, alone, injured, but safe and warm.

I clutched the dragon plush toy,moving it up to my face as the big, dark-skinned man knelt down in front of me. Although he looked scary, his voice was gentle. He asked me if I wanted to eat or drink. In truth, I was hungry. The smell of the food cooking made my mouth water and my stomach growled loudly. I was so nervous about today that I had not eaten much earlier, so my tummy was empty. But... he was a man, older, stronger, bigger than me. I was also in his house. Father had taught me never to demand anything when in another man's house, especially since I was so weak and pathetic. So at his offer of food and drink, I shook my head a little, hiding behind Zeph and the plush toy.

He told me his name, Metus, and the name of the woman, Srina. I whispered them both to myself so I would remember them.

"I-it's... nice to m-meet... you, Sir." Came my rehearsed reply.

I cringed, my cheeks growing warm, my voice was so soft, so weak, father would have chastised me for sounding like a mewling kitten. But even as I flinched, I knew already that Zeph wasn't like that. In fact... he had never even so much as raised his voice at me. I tilted my head back and gave him a quick glance for reassurance as the woman.. um... Srina, that's right, as Srina leaned down and spoke to me as well.

She offered me a drink as well. I was... confused. Was I supposed to accept it? In the past, on the few occasions I'd been offered food, it had been as a courtesy at best, and I was expected to turn it down. But here? Twice? I turned back up to Zeph, confused, hoping he would tell me what I should say.

He glanced back down at me, telling me it was okay to tell them my name. I liked Srina already, she was soft and pretty, with pretty white hair and pretty white skin. I bit my lip, hiding behind my stuffed dragon and squeezing it tightly as I whispered back to her,

"M-my name... is... Emmie, Miss Srina." I replied quietly. "It's... a-a pleasure... to m-meet you."

Yes, Emmie. Not Emberly, she's dead. That girl was killed by her father. Emmie was the one that woke up on Zeph's ship. It was easier to put it like that in my head, anyway. But despite all that, I found it was easy to smile at Srina. Echani... like me. I felt an expression of wonder come over my face as I gazed at her. Like... me? Does that mean... that one day I might be as pretty as her?

I hoped so.

Becoming aware that I was staring, I hurriedly dropped my gaze back to the floor and pressed myself further into Zeph's side. It felt safe to hide next to him, and with the toy dragon in front of me, I would be alright.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"]

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