Delila Castillon
Norah stood covered in dirt and soot from head to toe. Practically dressed, the redhead girl wore bib overalls that were cuffed down by her booted feet. A short sleeve shirt could be found underneath, worn and old it was a P.E. shirt from her old school on Laekia. There was no need to tear up her good clothes. In her hand was a thick notepad and a pencil.
She was squatting next to a large archaeological dig found just outside the Temple grounds on Voss. The dig was a practice dig set forth by her instructors. Strings worked in a grid fashion, separating it neatly into squares for collection. Brows knit together as she wrote quickly, looking up to confirm something and write once more.
Norah had been learning via distance method for some time now. [member="Dirks Hutchinson"] had work in the area, visiting some new site for his job. This gave Norah a full two weeks on at the Temple, allowing her to do the hands on work that she couldn't do back on her datapad on Ceto.
There hadn't been much time for visiting with friends like @Théodred Heavenshield , Boo Chiyo or the casual friends she had made during the class visits. Maybe if she got through the more practical portions of her archaeological dig work she could seek them out for some fun and...well, whatever it was Jedi kids did. She wasn't sure what that was still. Norah was quite the odd one out at the Temple, not having the Force and all.
Standing with clipboard in hand, the redhead moved to another location only to squat and write more.
She was squatting next to a large archaeological dig found just outside the Temple grounds on Voss. The dig was a practice dig set forth by her instructors. Strings worked in a grid fashion, separating it neatly into squares for collection. Brows knit together as she wrote quickly, looking up to confirm something and write once more.
Norah had been learning via distance method for some time now. [member="Dirks Hutchinson"] had work in the area, visiting some new site for his job. This gave Norah a full two weeks on at the Temple, allowing her to do the hands on work that she couldn't do back on her datapad on Ceto.
There hadn't been much time for visiting with friends like @Théodred Heavenshield , Boo Chiyo or the casual friends she had made during the class visits. Maybe if she got through the more practical portions of her archaeological dig work she could seek them out for some fun and...well, whatever it was Jedi kids did. She wasn't sure what that was still. Norah was quite the odd one out at the Temple, not having the Force and all.
Standing with clipboard in hand, the redhead moved to another location only to squat and write more.