Bryce Bantam
Just a dude
Hello everyone,
Our new friends / enemies ("fiend a mies?") have invited us to offer opposition on their next Dom. If you wanna battle Mando's and fight along side my new unit of Cyborg Wampa's and other ORC snow races please feel free to drop on in.
General Details
The message was simple: following the retreat of the Mandalorians, a group of Khomari raiders had gathered around an outcast Sith named Lord Gorrus, a Zabrak from Dathomir with designs on greater things than being in service to the Nightsisters. These raiders, armed with the Force, had risen to challenge the planetary government until a Khomari Jedi by the name of Verin had returned home to stop them. Verin was at first welcomed with open arms, but it soon became clear that the 'Jedi' was more interested in defeating the dark than freeing the planet.
The two factions grew as more and more Khomari flocked to either banner, desperate to see the end of the war that ravaged their world, even as it escalated step upon step, until now Khom teters on the edge of doomsday. Lord Gorrus has constructed a superweapon from agrocite and advanced technology he claims will be able to bombard anywhere on the planet and plans to scour the surface, while Master Verin has declared that the final battle must be taken to the dark.
The remaining Warlords and tribal rulers have gathered under Ugar Iskaal and are, if not presently loyal to Mandalore, well disposed towards it and currently exceptionally ill-diposed towards anyone who has anything to do with the Force. They were surprised for their emissaries not to be met by Ra the Undying, but upon hearing the situation on Mandalore have agreed to voluntarily join the Empire - and in many cases to join or rejoin the Mando'ade, if only the Mandalorian Empire will save them and their planet from destruction.
The Cuir Rekr did not even need to debate the matter for more than minutes - Mandalore could use willing allies like the Taung of Mykr, never mind willing allies who came with their own military, exo-armour and a warlike warrior tradition, along with the added benefit of Agrocite to enhance kyber-crystal powered turbolasers to arm the new Empire's fleet with.
The call has been sent to every Clan and every verd - a crusade has been called to Khorm to rescue the planet from destruction.
ORC in the Dom,
The crazy Jedi reached out to us to help, and fed us a load of bull. He made it sound like he was a good guy, and needed help with defending his Jedi encampment. So I will be leading the story as we discover the truth. The encampment of Master Verin occupies a high plateau of otherwise useless arctic wastelands, with immense walls of snow and portable heaters brought in so as to make the area habitable. Every effort has been made to construct the base far from the civilian population centers of the planet, but it sits upon a six way junction of the mag-rail network that serves the planetary economy, leeching life and wealth in the form of 'donations' to feed the war effort. The area is extremely well fortified and protected by a portable planetary shield generator to prevent orbital bombardment, it will have to be approached on the ground.
Remember both sides feel they are in the right here so don't let OOC and IC stuff get mixed and twisted if you decide to join in.
My post
Our new friends / enemies ("fiend a mies?") have invited us to offer opposition on their next Dom. If you wanna battle Mando's and fight along side my new unit of Cyborg Wampa's and other ORC snow races please feel free to drop on in.
General Details
The message was simple: following the retreat of the Mandalorians, a group of Khomari raiders had gathered around an outcast Sith named Lord Gorrus, a Zabrak from Dathomir with designs on greater things than being in service to the Nightsisters. These raiders, armed with the Force, had risen to challenge the planetary government until a Khomari Jedi by the name of Verin had returned home to stop them. Verin was at first welcomed with open arms, but it soon became clear that the 'Jedi' was more interested in defeating the dark than freeing the planet.
The two factions grew as more and more Khomari flocked to either banner, desperate to see the end of the war that ravaged their world, even as it escalated step upon step, until now Khom teters on the edge of doomsday. Lord Gorrus has constructed a superweapon from agrocite and advanced technology he claims will be able to bombard anywhere on the planet and plans to scour the surface, while Master Verin has declared that the final battle must be taken to the dark.
The remaining Warlords and tribal rulers have gathered under Ugar Iskaal and are, if not presently loyal to Mandalore, well disposed towards it and currently exceptionally ill-diposed towards anyone who has anything to do with the Force. They were surprised for their emissaries not to be met by Ra the Undying, but upon hearing the situation on Mandalore have agreed to voluntarily join the Empire - and in many cases to join or rejoin the Mando'ade, if only the Mandalorian Empire will save them and their planet from destruction.
The Cuir Rekr did not even need to debate the matter for more than minutes - Mandalore could use willing allies like the Taung of Mykr, never mind willing allies who came with their own military, exo-armour and a warlike warrior tradition, along with the added benefit of Agrocite to enhance kyber-crystal powered turbolasers to arm the new Empire's fleet with.
The call has been sent to every Clan and every verd - a crusade has been called to Khorm to rescue the planet from destruction.
ORC in the Dom,
The crazy Jedi reached out to us to help, and fed us a load of bull. He made it sound like he was a good guy, and needed help with defending his Jedi encampment. So I will be leading the story as we discover the truth. The encampment of Master Verin occupies a high plateau of otherwise useless arctic wastelands, with immense walls of snow and portable heaters brought in so as to make the area habitable. Every effort has been made to construct the base far from the civilian population centers of the planet, but it sits upon a six way junction of the mag-rail network that serves the planetary economy, leeching life and wealth in the form of 'donations' to feed the war effort. The area is extremely well fortified and protected by a portable planetary shield generator to prevent orbital bombardment, it will have to be approached on the ground.
Remember both sides feel they are in the right here so don't let OOC and IC stuff get mixed and twisted if you decide to join in.
My post