
Image Source: Deviantart
Affiliation: Inari Shogunate
Manufacturer: Izanami Ironworks
Model: N/A
Modularity: N/A
Production: Mass-Produced
- Layered Glasteel and Ceraglass Viewports
- Laminasteel and Flexisteel Framework, with Alusteel support structures, walls and floors
- Ferroceramic and Quadanium Alloy Internal Hull
- Reinforced Duraplast External Hull Plating
- Secondary Agrinium Hull Underlay (Radiation Shielding)
- Turadium Blast Doors
- Vonium-based Electrical Circuitry and Equipment
Length: 360 meters
Width: 150 meters
Height: 120 meters
Weight: 150,000 T
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 T
- 6 Officers
- 300 Maintenance and Repair Crew
- 1200 Samurai
- 3000 Passengers
- Self-Sufficient for 480 passengers
- Consumables for 1200 passengers for 72 days
Armament: *need help* 30/10/12
- Forward
3 Prow Heavy Ion Cannons
[*]Ventral Side
- 5 Port Itsumade-class Proton Cannons nestled in Firing Ports
- 5 Starboard Itsumade-class Proton Cannons nestled in Firing Ports
- 6 Port Point-Defense Dual Ion Cannon Turrets
- 6 Starboard Point-Defense Dual Ion Cannon Turrets
[*]Dorsal Side
- 6 Port Dual Ion/Mass-driver Deck Cannons nestled in Firing Ports
- 6 Starboard Dual Ion/Mass-driver Deck Cannons nestled in Firing Ports
- 1 Starboard Docking Ring (Maintenance and Cargo)
- 1 Port Docking Ring (Maintenance and Cargo)
- 4 Hangar Bays
Nestled Starboard Hangar Bay, Primary (Imperial Guard)
1/4 Squadron of Furaribi-class Defenders (3) - 1/2 Squadron of Furaribi-class Starfighters (9)
[*]Nestled Port Hangar Bay, Secondary (Imperial Guard)
- 1 Furaribi-class Assault Transport
- 1/4 Squadron of Furaribi-class Defenders (3)
[*]Nestled Port Hangar, Tertiary (Imperial Guard)
- 1/4 Squadron of Furaribi-class Defenders (3)
- 1 Squadron of Furaribi-class Starfighters (9)
[*]Nestled Port Hangar, Quarternary (Imperial Guard)
- 1 Furaribi-class Assault Transport
- 1/4 Squadron of Furaribi-class Defenders (3)
Special Features:
- 1 LV-F Deflector Shield, a shield system that had low shield strength until its "fortress" protocol was activated, diverting all power from the engines and generating a significant boost in shield strength. "Skirmisher" protocol diverts most of the shield reserve power to the engines, giving the Furaribi a significant speed boost. These shields can only sustain nine hits from anti-capital guns before being deactivated.
- 1 Unbreakable Engine Design, an engine system that allows power to be diverted from the engines and to the shield's power reserves, or vice versa
- 1 Advanced Navicomputer, storing an extremely extensive map of most, if not all, hyperlanes and features of the galaxy.
- 1 TriLuna 240MGS Stardrive and Hyperdrive System
- 1 Advanced Life Support Systems, featuring a near-perfect atmospheric air filtering and recycling system
- 1 Tensor Field Generator and Inertial Compensators, assisting in maintaining the structure of the freighter despite heavy loads
- 2 Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor (Power Output: > 2.16E24 W)
- 6 Nubian Creveld-2 Radial Ion Drives
- 1 Extensive Sensor and Communication Arrays
- 1 Soliton Antenna, allowing for the Furaribi to track ships in hyperspace
- 1 Bridge, the area in which the navigational systems, propulsion systems, communication systems, and weapon systems are centrally located and controlled. Various stations are present that control a specific aspect of the ship, and usually one officer and a number of adjutants control each station. Main authority over the ship is given to the officer in charge of navigational systems.
- 4 Hangars, nestled inside the prongs of the Furaribi, these four hangars collectively hold 2 squadrons of starfighters and two dropships. Usually, they carry 1 Squadron of Furaribi-class Starfighters and 1 Squadron of Furaribi-class Defenders, although there is an increasing trend to convert to only Defenders. These hangars can also be retrofitted to hold vehicles as well.
- 1 Dojo, instead of traditional barracks for the Samurai and crew quarters for the crew onboard the Furaribi, there is the dojo. This structure is equipped with the necessary facilities to fully train and house up to 3,000 Samurai. Includes a fully-stocked armory, a barracks, a training area for melee and ranged weaponry, various starship and vehicle simulators, and finally, a unique relic that symbolizes the Dojo's main area of expertise. During particularly long hypertrips, the crew of the Furaribi is often trained extensively to prepare for combat situations.
Maneuverability: 10 "Standard" Protocol, 5 "Skirmisher" Protocol, 0 "Fortress" Protocol
Speed Rating: 10 "Standard" Protocol, 5 "Skirmisher" Protocol, 0 "Fortress" Protocol
Hyperdrive Class: 3
+ Strong anti-capital capacity by locking all guns forward (this is obviously at the expense of being unable to target multiple entities)
+ Fast maximum speeds and high maneuverability due to engine and deflector shield systems (see Weaknesses)
+ Extremely strong deflector shield potential due to engine and deflector shield systems (see Weaknesses)
- Even when guns are not locked forward, the firing arc of all capital-guns is 270 degrees, leaving 90 degrees of unprotected area in the aft of the ship. These 90 degrees are only covered by the firing arc of the anti-starfighter ion cannon turrets.
- At the cost of having higher speeds and maneuverability, shields have low strength and the ship is vulnerable to concentrated anti-capital fire. At the cost of having significantly stronger shields, the ship is completely immobile.
- Standard Protocol is subpar to the defenses and speeds of a balanced frigate, forcing the captain to choose between high speeds and low defense or immobility and high defenses.
The Furaribi-class Destroyer was made to fulfill two, and pretty much only two roles: blockading (defending, depending on perspective) a station, structure, planet or skirmishing enemy capital ships in short engagements before quickly maneuvering out of range to avoid return fire. This is accommodated by the Furaribi's inherent structural design: the LV-F Deflector Shield and the Unbreakable Engine Design.
With the Unbreakable Engine Design and LV-F Deflector Shield, the Furaribi has three different potential protocols: the "Skirmisher" Protocol, "Standard" Protocol, and the "Fortress" Protocol. The "Skirmisher" allows the Furaribi to have significantly greater speeds at the costs of extremely weak shields, only being able to take nine anti-capital hits before being deactivated. The "Fortress" Protocol, on the other hand, immobilizes the Furaribi completely and allows it to take a significant amount of damage before being destroyed. Either way, Standard Protocol is sufficiently subpar in terms of defense, speed, and maneuverability to frigates of its class, leaving the captain, in a tactical setting, to choose between the "Skirmisher" and "Fortress" protocol.
Similar to other Furaribi-class vessels, aesthetics have been spared for greater production efficacy and speed, allowing the Furaribi-class Defender to be produced rapidly to meet the Inari Shogunate's increasing demand.
Development Thread:
- None
Primary Source: