Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Further trainings....

It was a beautiful day here on Voss. And this day, the young Knight could be found in his little clearing, deep in the forests surrounding the Academy. He'd ensured his BB unit delivered the holopad with instructions to the location to the hands of one [member=Kianna Auli'i].

The clearing was beautiful, a peaceful steam babbling through, and a large tree in the center, just shy of the steam. Upon her arrival, the Padawan would see the familiar sight of her Master. Cloak, helmet, gloves and boots set in a near pile beneath the tree, next to a wicker basket.

The Knight himself stood in the open, those two silver bladed dancing about his body. His eyes remained closed, as he seemed to glide about in an intricately graceful martial dance, interweaving both the circular, defence form of Soresu, and occasionally an acrobatic maneuver of the Ataru form. The dance was as deadly as it was beautiful, the purifying silver a compliment to the dark enigma that was the furry Felacatian.

After a few moments, both blades would retract as the knight returned to a neutral position. A long, slow, deep breath was taken, before those ears turned, angled at Kianna. A smile cut across feline features as his eyes opened. Turning to face his Padawan, the furry Knight spoke. "It is good to see you, my Padawan. I trust the hike wasn't too arduous?"
It was most definitely a beautiful day on Voss. On a day like this, Kianna Auli'i could be found outside, reading a book in a tree, or simply meditating under it. She hated being away from Meridun, for certain reasons, but the main reasons were the fact she wasn't exactly able to rule from where she sat. She at least had a friend though that was pretty much her twin and they got along like they were the same person, so she knew her castle and her place during meetings were filled in her place.

At the moment, Kianna was reading a fairytale about adventures, mystery and action. In fact she had been so engrossed into the book, she hadn't noticed the BB Unit that had come to the tree where she sat in. She was a few feet up, but the droid flashed her, catching her attention. Kianna jumped, but she looked down seeing the droid and jumped from the tree, landing on both feet with her left hand between her legs on the ground in front of her. How ever the droid found her, she hadn't a clue, but none the less was she impressed. She went down to her knees and smiled at the droid.

"Hello, little guy. What do you have for me today?"

she asked. Out of it's many compartments came a holopad that showed directions that lead directly to her master, who was in the gardens. She smiled once more, giving a slight nod before she then got up and started waling to the gardens. She was a little bit further off than she thought, but she made it there in one piece and rather enjoyed her little walk.

Once Kianna reached the gardens, she saw Master [member="Ryn'Dhal"] doing quite graceful moves through the gardens with his swords, moving smoothly and swiftly. She smiled as she watched him. Once he heard her, she saw his big ears angle in her way and she smiled as he turned and she saw those big golden eyes looking towards her.

"It's good to see you too, Master. The walk actually wasn't that bad. I rather enjoyed it."

she responded with a small smile upon her face.
The young Knight nodded. "Excellent." he'd say, turning to visually take in the clearing they now occupied, deep in the forest. "I found this location, several years ago. I have spent countless hours training, meditating, and learning how to.... be...." He'd explain, before turning towards his Padawan once more. He'd gesture to a tree behind her, a collection of a five, deep gouges, splayed easily twice as broad as her open hand, decorated the trunk. A large creature did this.

"I've come a long, long way, since my first arrival here. There were ups, and there were downs. Thankfully far more ups." he continued with a musical laugh. He turned towards the tree in the center of the clearing, and moved to it. "I have two potentially lessons to go over with you today, my dear Padawan. But, it is you who decides which lesson we pursue." He would take a seat near the basket, gesturing to a soft patch of grass on the opposite side of the basket. When she took her seat, he would open the basket, and draw out a pair of small latched cases. Once laid upon the grass, he moved to open them, one at a time, to reveal their contents to the young woman. Inside one, there was a pair of training lightsabers. In the other, there was a small injector, and a vial of a mild sedative.

"Your options, Padawan, is some entry level saber-training, or some entry level Force Healing. The latter option is a bit more.... complex in nature.... than the prior. So, in this healing exercise, if that is the option you take, I will follow a lesson I had taken early in my training, where you learn how to purge Toxin's from your body. The sedative, while harmless, would be our 'toxin' for this exercise. Worst case scenario, you take a short nap. Much better than learning with something potentially life threatening." He'd watch her face, trying to read her reaction to the options before her. "Of course, if you choose to not do the healing now, we will at a later date. And, regardless of when we take this lesson, as with any lesson, I will always demonstrate upon myself first. Do you understand?"

After she would acknowledge his explanation, he continued on, smiling, those keen ears always shifting, but at any one moment at least one ear was directed forwards, solely focused upon her as he continued. "Now, Kianna, which lesson do you wish to partake of today?"

[member="Kianna Auli'i"]​
Kianna smiled at his response as she then turned around once he gestured to the tree behind her. She noticed the five scratch marks in the tree's bark and she squinted without him noticing, taking a better look at the marks, and her face went back to normal once she heard him speak up again catching her attention once more.

She heard his laugh and smiled once more. As he spoke, she stayed quiet, showing respect, plus she was listening and observing. She found herself to be more of an observer than anything. When he mentioned that he had two different lessons for her to choose from, her head tilted to the left ever so slightly that it was just barely noticeable. As he took a seat, she saw him gesture her to the lush green patch of grass next to him in which she sat down in and continued listening.

Kianna was rather curious when it came to the baskets. She eyed them the entire time while still looking and listening to Ryn. In one, she saw a pair of training lightsabers, which she smiled at, but then she saw a needle in the other basket and frowned slightly. She pointed to it, looking up and giving Ryn a questionable look. As he then explained what was going on, her look lightened up in understanding and she nodded, looking at both, trying to decide which she wanted to do. She wanted to work with the lightsabers, but healing was complicated and if someone was hurt and she was the only one in the area who knew how to heal, who knew how many lives she could save. Plus she had basics of using a lightsaber and healing was a new thing to her.

"I think it'd be a good idea to start on healing. I've worked with the lightsabers briefly and found that pretty easy, but healing seems a little more complicated."

she responded. Needles were never her thing, but that's what was provided, so she dealt with it.

"Healing it is then!" The said with a clap of his hands. He gestured to the injector, pointing the different parts of the apparatus. "Naturally, you would never wish to willingly invite contaminants in the medical field, so you see there are multiple disposable heads for the unit. One head per use." He'd watch her as he explained, feeling her unease over the prospect of being stuck with a needle. "It is quite small, almost painless. Now, I want you to take the device, put a head in place, and then draw a dose from the vial." The injector was clearly labeled, and it was impossible to overdose an individual with a single dose, with this particular model.

After she set up the injector with the appropriate amount of sedative, Ryn would continue the explanation. "Now, this sedative is harmless in this controlled environment. Like I said before, should either of us fail to purge the sedative from our bodies, we'll end up taking a short nap. No harm, no foul. So, now...." He paused, as he craned his neck to one side. He'd run his fingers along his neck, and framed the exact injection location he wished for her to apply the sedative. "This, is where one would inject, when sedating a panicked or irate patient, to render aid with minimal risk to the patient, or to the aid-giver."

As she would inject him, the was the customary twinge of the muscles in his neck, as no matter how prepared, or how disciplined, you were, a pinch was unpleasant. Always. The sedative rushed into his veins, coursing through his system. He almost instantly felt that faint tickle in the back of his head. A long, slow, deep breath was taken. "This exercise was shown to me by a fellow Knight, back when I was a Padawan as you are now." He'd continue to explain, as he focused intently on the chemicals mingling with his blood. "She demonstrated for us, before administering to the group the same dose. The keys are simple....." His right ear drooped ever so slightly, "Focus.... and feel.... The Force will help to guide you to the invasive entity, the sedative in this case...."

A long, slow, deep breath was taken, and as he exhaled, a single, hard shake of his head was given. Raising his eyes to his Padawan, he smiled. "After you can find the 'intruder' within your body, you can remove it. I've witnessed many ways. Some manage to convert it through their bodies and out, in the form of sweat. Not the most pleasant. I am certain there are nearly limitless potential ways to defeat a 'toxin' within your body. I, myself, have broken them down to their base components, most of which are largely harmless, or sometimes even beneficial, to ones body. It is when they are brought together in certain combinations that damage is done."

"In the case of this sedative, breaking it down into harmless elements, made it's absorption by my body a harmless affair." He then gestured to the injector. "Now then, let us replace the head, and set up a dose for you Kianna... Do not worry about getting it flawless the first time. I certainly didn't. Just focus on learning to do it right, in whatever manner will work best for you. We have all the time we need, as long as we're working with simple sedatives. I would recommend adopting a meditation position. It will ease you into a restorative trance that much easier."

After Kianna got herself into position and comfortable, Ryn'Dhal would give her the injection, just as she'd done to him. The quick pinch, and the sedative began it's race. The Knight sat across from her and watched. He had confidence in her success.

[member=Kianna Auli'i]​
Kianna smiled seeing his excitement over her choice to learn healing. Her eyes kept looking between him and the syringe every once in a while as she was definitely nervous about using a needle. She'd never used it on anyone else, but it had been used on her before and the wrong needles had been used, plus they were used in the wrong way for her. Honestly, she just had a bad experience with needles, but she'd tell Ryn about it after the lesson was over.

Kianna was tense, but Ryn's voice soothed her. He helped her calm down a little bit which she was grateful for. As he mentioned to put the syringe together with a head and to put some of the sedative into the vile. Her hands were slightly shaky as she tried to push aside the thought of her past. She got lucky though, because she got very close to accidentally stabbing herself with it as the syringe slipped from her hand briefly, as she was so focused on it. The syringe started to fall through the air, but in less than a second, she used the force to catch it and she grabbed it with her other hand.

"Ok.. so I was focusing a little too much.."

she stated looking over to Ryn, giving a slightly nervous laugh of relief. Kianna then sighed, straightening herself back up. When he showed the injection site of where she should inject the sedative and she placed a gentle hand, making sure the fur was momentarily pulled away from the injection site, before she then injected him with the sedative. Once she injected him, she sat back on her heels and watched him, watching for his reaction and listening closely to what he was saying.

As he then gesture to the injector, she switched the head and the like and handed it to him and shifted, getting into a kneeling position. Once he stuck the needle in, she tensed up a little bit, but once it was over, she closed her eyes and focused on it, trying to figure out a way to change it like Ryn had done. She didn't want to sweat it out. She hated sweating. Kianna continued following the sedative throughout her body, tracking it, trying to extract it. She started feeling a little funky, but she held onto consciousness for now.

He watched his padawan intently. "Calm, be almost meditative. Your breathing, slow. Your mind, at east, on the task at hand. You have about..." He considered the factors and variables, such as perceived weight, probably metabolism, age.... "I'd wager three minutes before your concentration starts to suffer from the sedative, about five until unconsciousness."

"Do not rush. Just feel for the invasive substance. Find it, and you can manipulate it. Break it down, if you desire. Isolate it to purge it through perspiration, or even to convert into a gas to remove it through respiration." He'd attempt to encourage her. She could do this. He was certain. Watching her through the Force, he could see the sedative working through her veins, already slowly starting to do it's work in her body. His math was not far off. In less than five minutes, if she failed to succeed, she would find herself taking a short nap.

[member=Kianna Auli'i]​
Kianna listened and meditated at the same time as she slowed her breathing and focused hard on the sedative. She remembered to keep her midn clear and keep her focus as her master's words echoed in her head at the same time. She had five minutes until she would pass out.. that was the thing that also echoed in her mind.

She continued working at it, studying it, trying to figure out how to break it down. The she remembered something. She hated needles. If she failed, most likely she'd have to feel the needle in her neck and try it all over again. Then she completely cleared her mind and just focused on the sedative, hearing or thinking nothing else.

Soon, she made it half way through breaking it down and her mind still started wandering off. She started to lose focus, but she knew she had to not fall asleep. She was never gonna sleep on the job.. unless she did..

After a while, she then opened her eyes and looked over to Ryn. She then looked around, seeing that she was still sitting upright and never fell asleep. She looked over to him again and smiled. She had done it. Kianna didn't know how, she just did.

He smiled warmly behind that mask. Most impressive. Perhaps there was some natural talent for the Healing Arts in this Padawan. That was good. "I do believe I shall have you start joining me on occasion in the clinic, treating minor injuries and the like. It will help you to hone your skill, to improve your capabilities of knitting small cuts and scratches together, treating minor illnesses. One must start small, in order to build up to working on larger maladies." He'd state, nodding.

He opened the basket once more, pulling out small containers. Fruits, cheeses, and even some small rolled slices of various meats were within the containers. Along with a pair of canteens filled with water. "After an exertion like that, you'll need some energy built back up. We'll eat, and then head off for a hike, work the tightness that will have occurred from the exertion out of our bodies, before heading back for the day."

He'd grin that feline grin, his tail flicking idly, before reaching over and popping a roll of meat into his mouth. His teeth were definitely designed for a mostly carnivorous diet. He was slightly omnivorous, but meat definitely made up a vast majority of his intake. Ryn washed the first bite down with some water, before going for a small, grape-like fruit. A strong, tart flavor at first bite, but quickly fading to a smooth, sweet finish. His ears perked up as he bit into it. "Well, that was not what I expected packing this! Some times culinary adventures yield more than satisfying results!"

[member="Kianna Auli'i"]​
Kianna smiled as he complimented her on completing the task of disolving the sedative. She was happy that she had done it and her eyes went wide as he told her that he could use her help in the clinic for minor injuries.

"Really? I mean.. I'd be honored to join you."

she said trying to contain the excitement of saving people's lives. She hated seeing people injured and when she tried healing before, at least major injuries, only held for a certain period of time. She wasn't positive, but she believed that the healing came from her father's side. Her attention was then drawn from her imagination as Kianna saw Ryn opening a basket and pulling some food out.

She smiled as she saw an array of lunch meats and cheese for the both of them. First, Kianna took a drink of the water, being thirsty from all f the thinking and then she picked up one of the lunch meat rolls and took a piece of cheese wrapping it around the meat. Growing up, this was always one of her favorite snacks and it still was. Seeing Ryn taking a bite of the fruit made Kianna giggle at his reaction.

"When I was little, I used to eat this as a meal everyday. It was always my favorite, plus it kept my protein levels up. I still eat it as a meal every once in a while. Mainly as a snack now, but when my godmother isn't looking, I sneak meat and cheese with a few pieces of fruit to my room."

she giggled. Kianna finished off her meat and cheese roll before then making another one and taking a bit of fruit at the same time, feeling a little experimental. It was an interesting taste.. but the after taste left a bad impression and she immediately took in some water and continued eating her little meat roll.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ~
After finishing the meal, the feline Knight packed the basket, before hoisting it over his shoulder. He'd grin to his padawan, as his ears resumed their near-constant pivoting. The left ear flicked slightly, as a grin cut across his face. "We should head this way." He'd say, almost mischievously, as he began walking off in the direction of whatever it was that caught his left ears attention.

The terrain broke, a ledge dropping to a lower level. The Felinoid dropped to the lower level, before setting the basket down. It was nearly a twenty foot drop. Looking up, the feline features were drawn back in a smile, as he gestured for the young woman to drop down to him. "I've got you. Come on down." After she would leap down, he'd catch her before setting her down next to him. "We're not far now."

After a few more minutes of walking, Kianna would be able to hear water. Rushing water. Ryn reached up, pushing aside a branch to reveal the scene before the young Padawan. "This is one of the many places I seek out to center myself. I share this gift with you. If you need to ease your mind, recenter yourself, and meditate in peace, this is ideal." He'd say, ushering the young woman into the clearing so she could fully take in the sight.


[member="Kianna Auli'i"]​
After they finished, Kianna helped pack up and then stood up and smiled back at him as a mischievous grin grew across his lips. She watched his ears, kind of guessing that was they way they were heading. Once he said so, her smile grew a little bit and she followed him.

As they continued walking, she noticed that the ground cut off ahead of them and she raised an eyebrow in confusion. The view was beautiful, but she was very curious as to where he was leading her. He then proceeded to jump off of the ledge and land a few feet down at the bottom. She peered over the edge with widened eyes. She saw his smile and she gave him a look that said: "I don't think so.." he then told her to jump off the ledge and join him at the bottom. She knew he'd catch her, but she hesitated as she then forced herself to jump off.

As Kianna jumped off, the feeling of falling got to her and she let out a tiny squeal. She'd jumped off of high places, but never this high. When he caught her, she simultaneously placed her hands on his shoulders as stability. He then sat he down and then she looked at him with a slightly stunned look with a tiny smirk.

"That's the highest I've ever jumped.."

she admitted as they continued walking. Soon she heard the sound of water rushing. Ryn then moved a branch away to reveal an elegant, beautiful and calming waterfall. Seeing it, her jaw dropped just looking at the scenery. After he ushered her in, she looked around in total awe. It was truly beautiful.

"Oh.. my.. it- it's beautiful! Thank you for showing me this.. I've honestly not seen something as wonderful as this."

She said, looking over to him and giving a smile. Kianna had not seen such colors mend together so well and the sound of the water was definitely calming. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, smelling a rain foresty smell.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ~
"Not at all, Kianna. This is my refuge. My safe haven. And those whom I teach will be able to find me here, if I am needed." he replied, smiling warmly to his Padawan. At their proximity, she'd likely be able to hear the low, deep rumble of a purr coming from the larger male.

"But, I suspect it is time we begin the hike back to the temple. We should arrive, judging by the sun," he'd pause, looking towards the sky, "likely around dinner, nearly dusk, if we start now."

Grinning to his Padawan, he'd jerk his head in the direction they should go, and began a brisk trot, trying to coax his young Learner into some exertion. If she showed aptitude for the Art of Movement he would begin to match her bursts of speed just slightly, ensuring he always remained a few paces ahead and out of reach.

If not, he still remained ever just ahead, and still out of reach, his tail flicking about behind him, almost tauntingly before the young girl. "Keep up!" he taunted playfully.

[member=Kianna Auli'i]​
Kianna looked around for a second before looking back to Ryn, hearing what he said. She made a note in her mind that if she was ever in trouble, to contact Ryn and come to this spot. It would definitely not be forgotten by her. It would also stay a secret between the two unless there was another trusted individual who knew about it. She mainly kept secrets to herself though. Kianna returned the smile with her own as she heard the deep, soft purring coming from her master.

"I'd have to agree.. It is getting late.."

she responded to his suggestion to get a move on. Kianna looked to the sky for a second, before looking back to Ryn and seeing the little grin that came upon his face. Kianna gave a little smirk and saw as he clearly pointed out where they were going and started running in that direction. She giggled as a small smile pulled at her lips. Shaking her head a little bit in a more sarcastic way, she turned and followed him, jogging to catch up.

Kianna noticed that he was pacing himself with her. Two could definitely play this game. As he saw it to be a lesson, she saw it to be fun. Kianna made it her "goal" to catch up with him, prompting her to run faster and faster as they made their way through the woods, back to the Temple.

"Believe me.. I can catch up!" she paused for a second. "Just depends on how fast you can run.."

she said the last part under her breath.. he probably heard it, but if she didn't want to say it, she wouldn't have..

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ~

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