Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Earlier today I saw Fury with my Dad and I have to say that it was very well done. I would suggest seeing it, they were even smart enough to decide that the film didn't need an explicit sex scene or nudity, as they focused more on the horrors of war and what the tank crew was going through and experiencing.

Seriously, go see it. A very good movie.


Well-Known Member
A good movie that doesn't have the random and completely pointless sex scene?
my faith in humanity is slightly restored.
[member="Maya Vixen"]
It's there, they just took the "Fade to Black" concept and used that. You know the two character's slept together, they just don't show it like they would in many other movies.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]
No Hitler. Still plenty of gut wrenching moments as well as a good handful of emotional moments. The actors were very good as well, not once do you feel that it's only being held up by Brad Pit or Shia.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Maya Vixen said:
No Hitler. Still plenty of gut wrenching moments as well as a good handful of emotional moments. The actors were very good as well, not once do you feel that it's only being held up by Brad Pit or Shia.
WW2 was very emotional. Some pictures are hard to look at.

That's good to know. I'll have to look into the other actors after I watch it.
Actually, [member="Arrbi Betna"] told me to go see it but I have no idea if it's even available in Sweden yet.

He told me something about tanks and gore but it didn't really stick to me.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Okay, in all serious though, go see it. Go see it now. It's an amazing movie and focuses on the two aspects people view war, from those that have seen it up close and personal and from those that have never seen it outside of pictures. It's a very emotional film and while it's bloody and gory and people are losing limbs and body parts or being splattered all over, it's needed to drive home just what people suffer through in armed conflict. Go see it. Seriously. Go now.​

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