Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Future LOA... What happens before then, I couldn't say.

Hey guys, so those of you who know me may have noticed that I haven't been very active at all recently. This is mostly due to me starting to get my life together and all, but even then it's about to take a major turn. Last month, I enlisted into the Marine Corps, and Ieave for boot camp in December, maybe earlier. Before that happens, I hope to get Gherron a reasonable er, reason, to not be here. Given already have his partial insanity thing going on, I've decided to finally start the thread where he completely loses it and attacks people. I'd like some of those close to Gherron to be in this thread, and some Jedi healers, as the wound causing this is through the force. After the thread, he will send himself into exile until he deems himself ready to return. To [member="Zak Dymo"] and [member="Nefertari Sovint"] , I haven't forgot you guys, and I will do my best to finish the Tatooine thread with you two. And Nef, you shall get your kidnapping thread. Any comments? Concerns? Type them below.
[member="Gherron Vael"]
Don't be first, don't be last, and don't volunteer for anything. Good luck and godspeed. Let us know when its closer to when you're heading out so we can see you off properly lol

Oh, and don't eat the MRE cheese. It'll block you up real good for a week.
[member="Gherron Vael"]
Thank you Gherron for the time you spent here. If you plan on getting on again in the future, we need to get Gherron and Nef married. As for the kidnapping thread, I'll see if the other writer is still up for it.

May the force be with you
Arrbi Betna said:
[member="Gherron Vael"]
Don't be first, don't be last, and don't volunteer for anything. Good luck and godspeed. Let us know when its closer to when you're heading out so we can see you off properly lol

Oh, and don't eat the MRE cheese. It'll block you up real good for a week.
The last time I had an MRE, the shit had a pouch labeled "Mango Chutney" in it. So they appear to be quite different now from what I recall from decades past.

This bodes well for you new guys, such as [member="Gherron Vael"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] Not gone just yet bro. I'll try to get the thread up today, but I might be a bit busy, so maybe tomorrow afternoon. We can brainstorm on skype if you like.

[member="Zak Dymo"] I've heard a lot from the fresh boots from different branches. It seems to be a whole different world now. Personally, I'm still both excited and nervous about it xD

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] Hey, I'll still be around at some point. After boot, I'll be spending time with my family for a bit, and then my first duty station. I'll make sure to do a big post when I do officially come back though.

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