Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Future Plans: Paths and Vote

TSE folks: What do you want to do?

  • Become a minor on our own.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Hey guys! As you know I'm currently the acting faction owner and I have some things to discuss with all TSE members. I wish to start with the clarification that this is for current, active, TSE members. It's silly that I even have to make that clear at all, but moving on.

The Sith Empire is a major faction I've been proud to be a part of. It was my first major on Chaos, and the people I've met there are some of the best I've ever known. In the end we've gathered here to write stories with like-minded people and pursue narratives that allow us to explore our characters and their relationships with others. To get to the point: I'm here to offer you that chance of narrative freedom without the fetters of the map game.

TSE has been an absolute tank for a year and a half. Not only have you fought invasions, you've fought multiple factions in those invasions with multiple invasions going on. Heck, who else has survived all of that on the board? TSE are fething champions in my book, and even champions deserve a rest. So here are options for us to rest under our own power.

I'll expound on the options:

  • Become a minor on our own. The basic choice to continue whatever narrative you are working on or planning. You'll be free from feeling obligated to write in faction threads and have time to write at your own pace.

  • Go minor along with Sith Eternal and merge the two factions. Don't have a flashback, this one has more details than last time. The Sith Eternal are going minor. These writers are dedicated to telling a good story while also developing intriguing and interactive lore. The plan here would be merge the two factions and develop a secret empire, creating an entirely new entity. This is great for both old and new members, giving the newer folks a chance to develop their characters in a larger group and for old players to get a fresh narrative rolling.

  • Tell Cara she's a smelly machine for suggesting this. Go ahead! Tell me a big ol' no and that you want to keep on as we are, my feelings won't be hurt.
And there ya have it. It's up to you as the members where we go, just know that current staff have thought about this before the latest round of invasions began. We just want you to have the chance to put a word in and have the opportunity to step up to a leadership position if you want.

Feel free to ask questions and discuss below!


If the merger idea passes (really hoping it does), I offer Agamar and Dathomir as potential locations for our new starting hex! Got plenty of industry on Agamar for our fresh start.
I am not going to vote on this as I am not one of the active writers. I just want to say that everyone here has put down an amazing effort to keep the faction going for far longer than any of us old horses thought possible.

If TSE chooses to merge or go minor, it is no loss. This faction has gone strong for years, and faced incredible adversity in the past year. Be proud of what you have accomplished here.

I am very proud of you all.

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