Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Future Prep

Ever Dawnracer

Ever had been off of her homeworld many times, but never so far as this. As she approached the Sasori building where she had scheduled a meeting with the leader of the company about something she wanted to do. Knowing what she did, even knowing she was apparently capable of learning, she was hoping to make it so that people could not manipulate her mind. She just didn't want to have to learn. To use the Force in order to do that. She didn't want to be a Jedi or anything like that. All she wanted was to be who she was.

She walked through the main entrance and approached the reception desk. The receptionist was on a call, so she came to a stop and waited until she was addressed.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked.

"I have an appointment with Ms.Clandestine. I'm Ever Dawnracer."

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

Anaara stgretched out a little, the office buildings here on this world were not really their headquarters... that was a ship, specifically Matsu's ship but there was a whole lot that could be done from a building. It let people know where you were, could be defended a lot better and best of all people had to come to you instead of you going to their place like a regular salesmen. Before she had a look though whens omeone had a meeting with her, she prepared herself now though for the meeting with a look on her face. Rising up though to greet her guest she motioned for the doors to open with a nod of her head. "Welcome."

Ever Dawnracer

She was directed to a particular office. Nondescript from the outside, the doors opened to reveal a woman roughly her age, but with darker hair. Ever was dressed in her more relaxed gear rather than her Ranger garb, and as such appeared as nothing more than the average galsctic citizen. She could be rich or she could be poor, but out there one would be hard pressed to tell which was the case, save for the fact that she was approaching a major corporation.

Moving forward, she extended her hand by way of greeting. Once it was taken, she shook firmly and then settled down into one of these at opposite the woman. Her eyes perused the office for a moment before turning back to the woman across from her.

"Thank you for seeing me," she said, resting her arms on the chairs armrest. "I was told you might be able to help me with an implant or something that could protect me from the mental effects of the Force. Is that true?"

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

She took her hand and looked her up and down mostly to see what might be seen. The woman was for the most part plain.. not in a bad way. More she had dressed in nondescript clothing, her height, hair, face was average, her speech crisp, manners. Not the type of person you mgiht remember if they did something and you never really saw them again.. so Anaara was looking to make a sort of mental image to remember her in case they met again. Once someone bought form them they usually did again. "Welcome and yes we could." She was direct and to the point so there was no real reason to dance around the idea. They had made implants before for a number of things. Something simple like this she could see working out with some proper vong tech they used and a little testing. "How big do you want it to be?"

Ever Dawnracer

"Not big. I only have so much head space."

It made sense to her that the implant would go in her brain. The whole point was to eliminate the access of others to her brain through the Force. Since she wasn't going to receive training, this was the only way for her to maintain effectiveness on the battlefield against forces like the Sith. She knew that she would eventually face them, so she had to do what she could to keep herself protected.

"Prefarably not something that sets off alarms when I go places either."

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

Hmm there was a few things she could think of to make. What they might be able to do though she sat down at the desk with her hands moving over the console. Where they had some security measures though were going a longer way. "Alright, lets see, something not to large that will protect your mind from force influence. Easily done just so it won't look obvious or well mess with your hair or clothing." She was working on the design so that they might be able to work with it, the biot engineers that they had could do a whole lot of work in ways like this and they had plans. Much like wiht the biot jelly and the biot gill so something more like an ascot, worn around the neck that encompassed the head,

Ever Dawnracer

Ever nodded as she watched the woman work away on her screen. She didn't know what the woman was doing, but that didn't bother her. Making things of this nature was not an interest of hers. All she wanted was the product. While this did leave them with a bit of downtime while the woman worked on designing what she needed, there was something else she'd been asked to see to when the higher ups heard she was taking a brief leave to go to Saotome.

"While you're working, the Republic Remnant would like to purchase usage of your new engine you just came out with. When we are done with my implant, could we draw up a contract for the engine?"

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

Looking at her as she finished an initial idea of what they might be able to do. The implant idea for a biot would mean that it needed to be fed which would need to be larger and attached to her someway to get nourishment that wasn't going to be vital to her brains function. So there were a few more ideas of what could be done. A grin appearing on her face though when she was asked about the engine and the new one at that. They had just announced it for those who wanted something really special. "We could do that, a contract for its use." She had a few ideas but wasn't one to try and exploit the business. If anything though she wanted to ensure they understood. "The engine is still new so there might be bugs, widespread use of it will reveal a lot more then controlled area testing. Same as with some of the ships that it might be used it so please make sure reports and feedback are continued to be given to improve our methods and works."

Ever Dawnracer

"I will convey that to fleet command when I return," Ever said, nodding in agreement.

Fleet command was not her. She was part of the Republic Army. She'd just been asked to secure a contract on behalf of fleet because she was going to be there and it was easier to utilize someone who would be there already than it was to send someone else. They did not have the manpower to send people off all Willy Nilly, as it were. She did what she was asked to do and she would sign as an agent of the Remnant when asked to.

"What more can you tell me about what I came to get? What will I need to know?"

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

She looked at her with a grin. "Well it is a duel drive system, allowing for a custom hyperdrive to be added. We produce our own, a fairly fast one that can be tinkered with to upgrade it more. Make it faster, there is also slots for easy upgrades to the system including the new experimental aing-tii sub hyperdrive. The engine itself though that is part of it uses energy generated to charge up the field. When you use it for a small handful of seconds an interdiction field is generated. The ship itself becomes a strong gravity well able to stop ships from going to hyperspace possibly. The range is dependent on the ship and it won't stop it like a gravity well genrator it will trip the safeties of the computer and make it try and recalculate getting to hyperspeed."

Ever Dawnracer

Ever listened, and she hated to admit it, but she didn't understand half of what the woman said. Sure she knew what a hyperdrive was, and she knew what engines were, but the technical details, like the bit about an interdiction field, she didn't get. She understood that all of that had to somehow be important, but that was about it. She kind of wished they had sent someone with her that had more technical knowledge.

"That sounds good," she said, feigning confidence. "Now what about my Force protection? How will it work?"

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

"What we are looking at is a neck Gaiter, instead of a traditional implant, something that you can wear and it will adopt your skins pigmentation. So it isn't obvious, it will also keep your neck warm as a side effect but the protective bubble it will have will cover your head and chest. So no force user can go after your mind or try and crush your heart." She was bringing it up on the screen and the membrane was shiny as she modeled how it would go on with the figures for the display. "It will be able to stretch to fit over your head, adjust and be comfortable to wear. You might not even notice it after awhile."

Ever Dawnracer

Ever leaned forward and examined what it was that she was being shown. It seemed like something it would be simple enough to wear, and if she understood right it would even be practically invisible, meaning people wouldn't have an easy time of determining why they couldn't affect her mind or heart with the Force. That would be excellent for what she was looking for, provided it turned out right. This particular company did have a good track record going for it, so she figured she probably didn't have to worry too much about it, but one never knew.

"That looks perfect," she said, sitting back in her seat. "I assume you have an order I need to sign and a contract for the engines? Should get that done and then I'll retire to where I'm staying and return when you complete creation of my gaiter."

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

She gave a nod of her head to that and a contract was in the works. Drawn up standard with a few things. Mainly key points as they did want to have some of the things protected. "Yes the contract is here, some small things in the fine print. Mostly standard, reselling these without permission, copying them and claiming it is your own creation. THings of that matter, how much the cost is with the added interest that credits can be waved for exotic artifacts, technology or locations of value." She was going through it point by point where she had mostly protect of the technology they had developed instead of well gouging the people. Sasori was happy to take a loss if it meant they were providing to those in need so additional things like food and clothing could be provided and shelters to those who need housing.

Ever Dawnracer

"Yeah, I doubt we have plans to do that. We're a legitimate government, not thieves."

She was looking over the contract as she spoke. Though she wasn't versed on the specifics of the technology, she did understand contracts. Her father was a businessman. Granted his business was agriculture, but it was still business, and he still made deals with outside organizations to sell their products. She had seen a few contracts in her time, so she did mostly understand the legal jargon associated with such. The contract presented to her was fairly straightforward, so she signed it and slid the tablet back over to Anaara before standing from her seat.

"All signed and official. You have my contact information for when my order is done. I'll be in touch."

With that, she nodded, and left the office to go about her other business.

[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

Anaara nodded her head to that, they had business here and she would be able to work on a few of the things that they were using. In fact she was looking forward to it now, with this republic remnant they might be able to upgrade some of those republic vehicles and items that they had developed before. Maybe go and find some of the older storehouses and try to reverse engineer the technology that they were seeing. Or replace it with a better version though she had seen the specs and the gungnir armor would be hard or the ballistic shiels. Ultrachrome for an army would be very hard to get where as their might be able to find some other materials.

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