Fyl Terrano
Scavenger, Wanderer, Fugitive

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Name: Fyl Berrian Terrano
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 25 Standard Years
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 1.803m
Weight: 81.6kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Force-Sensitive: No
Civil Threat Level: Besh (Notify Local Authorities)
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 25 Standard Years
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 1.803m
Weight: 81.6kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Force-Sensitive: No
Civil Threat Level: Besh (Notify Local Authorities)
Former Affiliation: Free Barkhesh Alliance
Current Affiliation: Vagrant Fleet
Homeworld: Barkhesh
Primary Infraction: Treason
Secondary Infraction: Smuggling
Secondary Infraction: Homicide of Peacekeeper
Tertiary Infraction: Sedition
Tertiary Infraction: Resisting Arrest
Sentence: Hard Labor, Camp 19-Cresh
Time Served: 2 Standard Months
Warrant for Arrest: Active

Fyl Berrian Terrano
Known Terrorist and Smuggler
Distinguishing Features: Terrano is of average height for a human male, with a moderate, wiry build. He has generally been observed to go clean-shaven except for minor stubble, and to wear his hair at middle length. Terrano lost his left eye at the Battle of the Conflux, and has since worn an eyepatch. He sustained several further injuries immediately preceding his capture at the Battle of Sheol Fen, leaving shrapnel scars on the bridge of his nose and along his ribs as well as a blaster burn scar on the left side of his neck. He has no known tattoos or piercings. Attempting to identify him may be complicated by later surgery or efforts at disguise - if in doubt, contact local authorities.Known Talents and Abilities: Terrano served with the Free Barkhesh Alliance as a member of Ranger Squad Esh, and is a capable survivalist. His membership in this special unit, as well as his participation in several major battles of the Southeast Insurrection, attests to his combat ability, both with blaster weapons and hand-to-hand. Despite his injuries, he remains a capable fighter, and exploits his other advantages to the fullest. As proven by his escape from Labor Camp 19-Cresh, facilitated when he gained access to the camp security systems with an improvised computer spike, Terrano is a skilled salvager, technician, pilot, and slicer who is accustomed to working with substandard equipment.
Known Vulnerabilities: Due to injuries sustained at the Conflux and later at Sheol Fen, Terrano has limited peripheral vision and depth perception. This puts him at a distinct disadvantage in ambush situations and battles primarily involving long-range combat. Sustained periods of high physical strain can cause his wounds to seep blood, slowing him and causing him pain. It has subsequently been reported that he has developed a substance abuse problem in coping with this pain and with his own depression, which was likely brought on by his defeat and capture at Sheol Fen (his unit suffered 100% casualties). Due to his upbringing on Barkhesh, his familiarity with the wider galaxy is limited.
Known Biographical Information: Fyl Berrian Terrano was born in 825 ABY on the southwest continent of Barkhesh. He attended local university, where he studied galactic history, and returned to his hometown as a schoolteacher. During the First Order annexation of Barkhesh, in response to the provocations of the Galactic Alliance and the presence of the base they had constructed there, Terrano became radicalized by the terrorist group known as the Free Barkhesh Alliance. He became a founding member of Ranger Squad Esh, an elite scouting unit for the Alliance, and helped to plan and carry out the strikes that led to the Southwest Insurrection.
According to interrogated comrades, Terrano was singleminded in his devotion to the Alliance's cause. He had few, if any, strong personal relationships, and tended to keep to himself, though he was cordial and supportive of his fellow insurgents when in public. He and his squad participated in every major battle of the Insurrection, stealing First Order supplies, harassing the local garrison, and attempting to lure First Order forces into the jungle to be ambushed. Although he was badly wounded at the first major confrontation, the Battle of the Conflux, he recovered relatively quickly, and was permitted to continue serving with Squad Esh despite the damage to his sight.
The Insurrection lasted fewer than six months. The outnumbered and outgunned faction of the Alliance to which Terrano belonged were rapidly ground down by better-trained First Order forces, which consistently inflicted triple the casualties they sustained. The week-long Battle of Sheol Fen decisively crushed the remaining insurgent elements on the southwest continent, leading to 70% or higher casualties throughout the Alliance forces. Terrano was incapacitated by a grenade and a glancing blaster hit, and he was captured during clean-up operations - he was the only survivor of his unit. In light of his terrorist activities, he was rapidly sentenced to hard labor, lest he become a martyr.
Terrano served two months at Camp 19-Cresh, during which time he appeared to be a model prisoner - he offered no resistance, and appeared to be in a state of total depression and defeat. It was later discovered that he had surreptitiously stolen minor tech materials over time, building up what he needed to cobble together a computer spike. He used the device to deactivate his restraints, create a gap in the camp sensors, and slip away into the jungle under cover of darkness. Local commanders feared that he would join remaining insurgent elements on Barkhesh, but instead he fled the planet. Three customs officers have been disciplined for failing to detect his departure.
After being on the run for several weeks, Terrano was cornered by a bounty hunter on the border of Galactic Alliance and Outer Rim Coalition space. Despite resisting arrest, he was captured and transferred to the prison moon of Valko, to be held for a life sentence without requiring further danger to First Order personnel. However, it eventually emerged that Terrano, with outside help, escaped from the facility during his initial transfer. Despite multiple attempts by the Jailers running the prison to recapture him across the Outer Rim, he was able to elude them. Sightings of Terrano have since been sparse. It has been reported that he has fallen in with a large refugee fleet wandering the galactic north.