Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC G-Alpha


  • Intent: To provide an NPC for Wendell Mortimer Glolmark to talk to when he is not directly interacting with another PC.
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: Wendell’s assistant/bodyguard and the commander of the G-1 Security Droids when he is not available.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Glolmark Corporation
  • Age: 65
  • Model: G-1 Security Droid
  • Appearance: G-Alpha is two meters tall, and looks more or less identical to basic G-1 Security Droids, with the exception of the right angled bars sticking out of its head being black instead of gray.
  • Name: G-Alpha
  • Loyalties: Glolmark Corporation
  • Notable Equipment: Datapad, Data Probe, Megaphone Disc
  • Skills: Management, data calculations, announcing things, protocol tasks
  • Languages: Binary (primary language), Galactic Basic (fluent), Rodese (fluent)
  • Personality: G-Alpha is extremely loyal to Wendell Mortimer Glolmark and the Glolmark Corporation. It does not have very much personality beyond that.
  • Weapon of Choice: Arm mounted Disruptors
  • Combat Function: Field leader/medium ranged shooter/bodyguard
  • Protocol Droid Programs: G-Alpha has several pieces of programming associated with protocol droids, which allows it to function as a capable assistant to Wendell Mortimer Glolmark.
  • Bodyguard Programs: G-Alpha also has several pieces of bodyguard programming, which means he can easily function as a bodyguard if necessary.
  • Slow Reaction Time: With all of the extra programming in its system, G-Alpha sometimes lags, and reacts slower than most G-1 Security Droids.
  • Clumsy: Due to a slight fault in its servo coordination systems, G-Alpha is prone to tripping. Wendell Mortimer Glolmark has tried to correct this, but has had no luck so far.

G-Alpha was built by the Glolmark Corporation on the planet Geonosis in a repurposed droid factory. The droid was assigned to the Cyclonus, a Cyclonus Class Heavy Destroyer which was the corporation’s flagship. G-Alpha served onboard the ship during the slave revolts against the corporation’s iron fisted control over the Unknown Regions, and continued to do so even after the corporation publicly declared bankruptcy and the Cyclonus fled to the Outer Rim in an attempt to restart the corporation. When Wendell Mortimer Glolmark Wendell Mortimer Glolmark became the C.E.O. of the new corporation, he reprogrammed G-Alpha to serve as his personal assistant, bodyguard and a leader for the other G-1 droids should he be unable to lead them.
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