Spirit of Tenacity
Fight the Good Fight and all that jazz
GA Codex Contest
Planetary Highlights!
I've been doing a bunch of cleaning up the Culture Manifest, and wanted to get some new stuff added to it! As such, I'm gonna be running a contest for new submissions!
The theme is gonna be simple! Share highlights of a planet of your choosing within GA space! Be it a pet project of yours, or a planet you simply picked at random, give us some interesting subs to incorporate into future stories!
Submissions will be judged by simple criteria:
Effort (duh)
Planetary relevance (Stick to the theme of your planet, y'all)
RP relevency (Make it so we can work it into stories)
These could be lore submissions, location submissions, or even unit submissions for the GADF.
Or a planet sub if you wanna get nuts. Whatever you think will be interesting!
I'll be running this until the 14th of February, so please be sure to submit something before then, and post it here!
Winners will be added to the culture manifest, and I'll be sure to DM them as to working out faction threads based around your subs!