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Faction [GA] After Action Reports: Invasion of Sluis Van


The Galactic Alliance's campaign to capture the Sluis Van shipyards has ended in bitter defeat. The shipyards, along with the crucial facilities at Sullust, remain firmly in Sith control, leaving the enemy with two key staging grounds for future invasions into Alliance territory. In the aftermath, the situation has become dire. Many Alliance forces, heavily damaged and scattered, are now stranded behind enemy lines, desperately fighting to regroup and escape.

As the fleet struggles to return to safety, Alliance Command is calling for after-action reports from all surviving units. These reports will be vital for understanding what went wrong, assessing losses, and preparing for the next steps in the ongoing war against the Sith. Officers, soldiers, Jedi — anyone with critical information on the battles at Sluis Van, Echnos City, or Dorvalla—are urged to submit their reports detailing their experiences, observations, and recommendations.

The outcome may have been grim, but these reports will help the Alliance learn, adapt, and find a way to push back. Every story matters. Every voice counts.

All participants of the Sluis Van invasion are encouraged to join and document their exploits as a summary of the invasion. Please highlight others as well, and feel free to recommend other characters who you believe have earned an award.

Reports will be used for in-character promotions and awards.


Hey Val.

Currently licking my wounds. I fought Carnifex and survived, so I guess that's an upside.

Jenn's in the med bay, and she's not looking too hot. I'm just outside right now, trying to rebuild my damn sonic pistol. Did me some good, but you'd think my saber would help. Nope. That thing was clad in tainted beskar, and rage. I couldn't get close.

Next time I'm cutting it's head off.

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
After Action Report: Galactic Alliance 5th Reactionary Fleet Operation - Securing the Sith Order Controlled Shipyards of Sluis Van

Date: [Preset Date]
Location: Sluis Van System
Reporting Officer: Admiral Angellus
Fleet Composition: 5th Reactionary Fleet, Marine Detachment, Support Vessels


### Executive Summary

The operation to secure the Sith-controlled shipyards of Sluis Van was initiated with the intent to neutralize a significant threat posed by the transformation of the shipyards into an enormous Dreadnaught. The mission faced unforeseen challenges, including a powerful storm and the summoning of formidable Sith entities. Despite the valiant efforts of the 5th Reactionary Fleet and Marine forces, the operation resulted in significant losses, with many personnel affected by dark side phenomena.

### Mission Objectives

1. Secure the Shipyards: Prevent the completion of the Dreadnaught and neutralize Sith presence.
2. Extract Intelligence: Gather data on the shipyard's operations and any ongoing Sith projects.
3. Minimize Casualties: Ensure the safety of personnel during the operation.

### Operational Overview

#### Phase 1: Ingress and Initial Engagement

  • The fleet entered the Sluis Van system under the cover of a tactical storm that enveloped the shipyards. Initial scans indicated heavy Sith presence and defensive measures.
  • Admiral Angellus made the decision to deploy Marine units and transport vessels through the storm, aiming to capitalize on the element of surprise.

#### Phase 2: Encounter with Sith Forces

  • As transports navigated the storm, they were met with fierce resistance from Sith forces, including the summoning of Summa-Verminoth by Darth Assimilus. These creatures inflicted heavy damage on our vessels, leading to the loss of several transports.
  • Reinforcements from the Sith Order arrived unexpectedly, forcing the fleet to divert attention and resources to counter this new threat.

#### Phase 3: Marine Deployment and Engagement

  • The Marine detachment successfully docked with the shipyards, initiating ground operations. However, they encountered the "living death" phenomena summoned by Darth Caedes, which resulted in severe psychological and physical effects on the troops.
  • Only a fraction of the Marine forces returned from the shipyards, and those who did were irrevocably changed, suffering from both trauma and dark side corruption.

### Casualties and Losses

  • Fleet Losses: Approximately 40% of the fleet's vessels were either destroyed or rendered inoperable due to the storm and Sith attacks.
  • Personnel Casualties: Estimated 60% of Marine forces engaged in ground operations were either killed or incapacitated.
  • Psychological Impact: Survivors reported severe psychological trauma, with many exhibiting signs of dark side influence.

### Conclusion and Recommendations

The operation to secure the shipyards of Sluis Van was met with overwhelming resistance and unforeseen supernatural phenomena. While the primary objective of neutralizing the Dreadnaught was not achieved, valuable intelligence was gathered regarding Sith capabilities and their use of dark side entities. This was n ot a victory, but was not entirely a "loss" either.


1. Post-Mission Debriefing: Conduct thorough psychological evaluations of surviving personnel to address trauma and potential dark side influence.
2. Enhanced Reconnaissance: Future operations should include more extensive reconnaissance to anticipate Sith reinforcements and supernatural threats.
3. Strategic Retreat Protocols: Develop protocols for strategic retreats in the face of overwhelming enemy forces, ensuring the preservation of personnel and assets.

### Final Note

The bravery and sacrifice of the 5th Reactionary Fleet and Marine forces will not be forgotten. Their actions have provided critical insights into the Sith's capabilities and the dangers posed by dark side phenomena. Further analysis and strategic planning are essential to ensure the success of future operations against the Sith Order.

End of Report
Admiral Angellus
Galactic Alliance 5th Reactionary Fleet
The only easy day was yesterday.
After Action Report: Galactic Alliance Special Forces 305th Special Forces Unit - Operation Omega

Date: [Insert Date]
Location: Echnos City Dome, Sith Order Territory
Reporting Officer: Admiral Liram Angellus
Unit Composition: 305th Special Forces Unit, Code Name "Omega Squad"


### Executive Summary

The operation conducted by Omega Squad aimed to neutralize the anti-air capabilities of the Sith Order within Echnos City Dome. The mission faced significant challenges, including the unexpected absence of identified sensor systems and the presence of formidable Sith adversaries. Despite the loss of personnel and the ultimate destruction of a key target, the operation concluded with two surviving members who executed a critical demolition of the capital building.

### Mission Objectives

1. Silent Entry: Infiltrate Echnos City Dome undetected.
2. Neutralize Anti-Air Sensors: Locate and disable all anti-air emplacement sensors.
3. Destroy Power Grid: If sensors were absent, disable the city's power grid to blind anti-air defenses.
4. Gather Intelligence: Identify and assess Sith leadership locations.
5. Exfiltrate Safely: Return to base without detection.

### Operational Overview

#### Phase 1: Infiltration

  • Omega Squad successfully infiltrated Echnos City Dome under the cover of darkness, utilizing stealth tactics to avoid detection.
  • Upon entry, the squad discovered that all previously identified anti-air sensors were missing, indicating a possible intelligence failure or recent upgrades by the Sith.

#### Phase 2: Secondary Objective Execution

  • Following secondary orders, the squad proceeded to locate and destroy the city's power grid. This was achieved through careful reconnaissance and tactical placement of explosives.
  • The destruction of the power grid effectively blinded the anti-air emplacements, creating a temporary window for further operations.

#### Phase 3: Intelligence Gathering

  • While scouting the area, Omega Squad intercepted communications indicating that Sith Order leadership was holed up in the Capital building.
  • The squad decided to exploit this intelligence and moved into the sewers to approach the Capital building undetected.

#### Phase 4: Engagement with Sith Forces

  • After setting several shaped charges beneath the Capital building, Omega Squad returned to the surface to finalize their escape.
  • At this point, they were ambushed by Sith Warmaster Gerwald Lechner and Velda Nar-Donna, leading to a fierce confrontation.

#### Phase 5: Last Stand

  • During the engagement, the squad suffered significant casualties, including the loss of one sniper to Nar-Donna's attack.
  • The remaining members, "Raphael" and "Michael," executed a tactical retreat into the sewers, where they prepared for a last stand.
  • In a final act of defiance, they activated the remote detonator, successfully demolishing half of the Capital building, causing chaos and destruction.

### Casualties and Losses

  • Personnel Losses: One sniper killed in action; two surviving operators, Raphael and Michael, currently in critical condition.
  • Operational Assets: All equipment and explosives utilized during the mission were expended.

### Conclusion and Recommendations

The operation, while resulting in significant destruction of Sith infrastructure, also highlighted critical vulnerabilities in intelligence gathering and situational awareness. The loss of personnel is a grave concern, and the survival of Raphael and Michael is paramount for future operations.


1. Intelligence Review: Conduct a thorough review of intelligence protocols to ensure accurate and timely information regarding enemy capabilities.
2. Extraction Protocols: Develop enhanced extraction protocols to ensure the safety of operatives during high-risk engagements.
3. Medical Support: Immediate medical support and extraction for surviving operators to address their critical injuries and psychological trauma.

### Final Note

The bravery and sacrifice of Omega Squad exemplify the spirit of the Galactic Alliance. Their actions have not only disrupted Sith operations but have also provided invaluable intelligence for future missions. The loss of life is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by our forces, and we must honor their sacrifice by ensuring that future operations are conducted with greater precision and support.

End of Report
Admiral Liram Angellus
Galactic Alliance
After Action Report

Hi Valery,

So, I was just minding my own business and got a message stated that I needed to provide a report on my actions during the invasion and give an update. Here I go:

I fought on Echnos City, I entered through an airlock and got into the city. I was heading towards the centre of the city towards where the phobis device was. However, enroute to that direction, I crossed paths with a young Sith who had yet to be named a Darth. While blows were exchanged and we fought a bit, I was able to communicate with her.

Some evidence I gave the Sith caused them some doubt and I was able to shake their belief in the Sith Order and their loyalty to Carnifex. I do not know if I was able to set them on the path to a Jedi but they have a way to contact me for help and I am going to see what I can do to help them. However, it might be best if I approach this away from the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order due to the current conflicts and high tensions.

I am happy to keep you update on the progress and I will work on helping you fight the Sith moving forward.

Hope things are well with you.

Dreidi Xeraic, Jedi Knight and Dathomiri Witch

ATTN: The Jedi Council // Valery Noble Valery Noble

Subject: After Action Report - Emergency Evacuation - Lower Coruscant

Signee: Jedi Knight, Ran Serys

Hello Councilors,

It is with a heavy heart that I must report the deaths of five of the ten Jedi assigned to my strike team [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. I accept full responsibility for my role in this event and I request that I be the one to break the news to their loved ones. With that said, I will continue on with my account.

As you know my strike team was one of the few tasked with stopping dark side rituals aboard the Sluis Van Shipyards. We made an attempt to do just that. We boarded, went through several companies of Sith forces and followed a path that would lead us to the dark ritual of the "Dead God" Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and his Sepulchral Priests.

We were intercepted by the Sith Order's Emperor alone. He cut us off from the ritual room by sealing the door behind him. It was locked with a hidden mechanism that could only be undone with the force. It was at this time that I ordered a separate way be found. The former security experts and Jedi Knights Storra and Tike took on the role at my request. They listened and they left to find one.

The confrontation escalated from there. Mistakes made of fear on the parts of two of our fellow Jedi led to their deaths at the hands of Empyrean. Events progressed too quickly to stop rash actions without causing more fear and confusion. My team was dispirited by the swift dispatch of two of their number. Still we encircled our enemy preparing our assault. Then another two fell. Their empathy, preyed upon by evil psychic visions courtesy of Empyrean.

I exchanged words with Empyrean to buy time, to embolden the Jedi by my side, see his shatterpoint, and to distract as Knight Shutala unlocked the mechanism through the force. It was a success for a moment. We rushed past the broken man called Empyrean. The door was breached. Our goal seemingly within our grasp as Shutala reached to stop one of their priests, but then we were displaced through a mysterious ability of Empyreans, right back to where we started. He altered reality. It is the only way I can explain it. Another of our Jedi was felled by the trauma of that experience alone, unable to resist the might and power of Empyrean. The force did not protect him. Empyrean wrenched the door closed with the force once again.

There were only three against Empyrean left. The Jedi Sage Shiba Shutala, Myself, and former G.A. Soldier and young, talented Jedi Knight Tinn Dizo. I couldn't justify any more sacrifice. I ordered the two that accompanied me to retreat. They didn't want to, but they honored my direction.

I exchanged blows with Empyrean alone, briefly, before the ritual finished. When the ritual completed, he evaded me, and displaced himself among the stars and emptiness of space over Sluis Van. He then released the energies that would ravage the space around the planet. I ordered a full retreat. Me, Tike, Storra, Shutala, and Tinn met at the rendezvous and awaited orders to board one of our medical ships where we received psychological and trauma evaluations from galactic alliance professionals.

It is my official request that on the next occasion we believe an encounter with Darth Empyrean is imminent, we send our best fighters and force wielders. My strike team while talented and well rounded was unfortunately no match for such a strange and corrupted being.

Signing off,

Ran Serys - Jedi Knight


Colonel Gress D'ran, After Action Report.

  • Firestorm Company:
    • x2 Bobcat Walkers, Nightwing and Drake. Disintegrated by enemy turbolaser fire.
      • Specialist Frando Y'illson KIA. Bothan Male.
      • Specialist Steven Snowpiercer KIA. Human Male.
    • x1 Thundercat Heavy Walker, Showstopper. Walker currently in repairs, crew survived.
    • x1 Tiger Assault Walker, Degeneration X. Entire Crew KIA. Ammo detonation from enemy mass driver round.
      • Private First Class Kru Swenept, Driver. Sullustan Male.
      • Specialist Rokk "Rocky" Gaggua, Main Gunner. Sullustan Male.
      • Specialist Chee "Cheetah" Lod, Forward Heavy Sponson Gunner. Sullustan Female.
      • Specialist Lifrer "Belle" Bel, Forward Light Sponson Gunner. Sullustan Female.
      • Specialist Nel Gondu, Rear Left Sponson Gunner. Sullustan Male.
      • Specialist Less "Less is More" Vhuus. Rear Right Sponson Gunner. Sullustan Male.
      • Sergeant Je Vek. Mortar Operator. Sullustan Male.
      • Sergeant Ri Niah. Missile Operator. Sullustan Female.
      • Sergeant Hul "Hitman" Bret. Crew Chief. Sullustan Male.
      • Major Zel "Zealous" Bic. Commander. Sullustan Female.
      • Specialist J4-ZZ. Medical Officer. Droid.
  • Thunderstorm Company:
    • x1 Wildcat Heavy Tank, Heavy Machinery. Heavy damage due to enemy tank fire. Crew were recovered, hull was deemed unable to be repaired. Scrapped for Parts.
    • x1 Cougar Medium Tank, Shredder. Thunderstorm Company, Entire Crew KIA. Enemy Howitzer Round.
      • Private First Class Sebulba the Fifteenth. Driver. Dug.
      • Specialist Swarmer. Comms Officer/Drone Operator. Zabrack.
      • Sergeant Quarnu. Gunner. Jaluku.
      • Sergeant "Braids" Jeraikk Go. Missile Pod Operator. Mon Calamari.
      • Second Lieutenant Vissica. Tank Commander. Selonian.
Action Summery:
The 34th Walker Battalion engaged the remnants of the Chaos Pact's troops from Mirial. Heavy fighting ensued, with the Chaos Pact's troops now sporting heavy walkers, superior in number, inferior in tech. While the Chaos Pact does not seem to be integrated with the Sith Order, they do seem to be allied with them. Vulpesen Vulpesen and the Veradune Troops engaged the enemy, while the 34th acted as a supporting unit, engaging enemy armor. Engagement was inconclusive, recommend investment in Air Support Units.

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After Action Report:

To The Alliance Military Brass:

My most sincere apologies for the informality of this after action report. Normally I wouldn't do these at my rank but I have been advised that it will do some good. Even honor the memory of those that we lost.

My name is Avery Vaaki. My co-pilot is Ori Veimrunn. We were assigned to Nova Squadron, a Y-Wing squadron of twelve. Nova Squadron's objective was to provide close air support to the ground forces assaulting the domed city. Nova Squadron succeeded in that objective assisting groups such as the 34th Walker Battalion lead by Gress D'ran Gress D'ran . The Sith forces took heavy casualties on the outskirts from our airstrikes. However things turned out poorly, once Alliance forces entered the city and the city went dark.

I do not know what transpired in the city, for Nova Squadron remained on the outskirts. Nova Sqaudron's first casualty happened when one of our Y-Wings was shot down by the enemy, perhaps by a fighter. Yet the true scope of the trap we found ourselves in, soon revealed itself. Sith Order reinforcements poured into the area and Alliance forces began to retreat. Nova Squadron was engaged by several enemy fighters. We fought valiantly but our Y-Wings were not designed for dogfighting.

Ori and I are the only surviving members of Nova Squadron. All the others were shot down by enemy fighters. Despite the losses we suffered, I believe that Nova Squadron fulfilled their duty in providing CAS to Alliance ground forces. I..I am not sure what else could be recommended in this report. I only apologize that I wasn't able to try and bring more of our pilots home.

End of Action Report
Avery Vaaki
Location: Somewhere safe at last, far away from the horrors of the mines…

A heavy sigh escaped her as the Kazelrrian leaned back on her chair, hands reaching to rub the sting away from her eyes after intently staring at the screen of her datapad for so long. She had done her best to record the events to the best of her ability, grateful that Vera Noble Vera Noble and herself had made it out of Dorvalla's depths and off-world thanks to the helping hand selflessly provided by Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad .

"..." It had been exhausting to think back and write down every minute detail regarding The Lost they had unexpectedly encountered within the abandoned mine shaft and the Firrerreo Firrerreo that had engineered them in the first place.

Its grotesque appearance and unnatural movements had been seared deeply into her brain, but even those paled in comparison to the vivid emotions she had picked up from the accursed creature. The agony had bore a hole deep in her chest and threatened to drown her if Mahsa hadn’t been careful, coated with layers of frustration and anger as its voice echoed through the compact tunnel.

It had yearned for something more as it had begged—no, screeched—for help even as its limbs hammered away against Vera’s shield without restraint… she could only hope whatever spirit that lingered within that adulterated shell had finally found the release it sought once her dagger pierced the blackened core hidden in its torso.

The aberration wasn’t the only thing of importance however, and Mahsa had been sure to include as much of its creator and the odd familiar that accompanied him in her report as well. The Sith had been a force to reckon despite his small stature and unassuming appearance, and she was certain he’d be a thorn in their side as war continued to be waged between the Alliance and the Empire.

A few taps of her fingers finally sent out the detailed records to her master before the girl finally stepped out of the room in search of Vera—determined to check on her friend and make sure she was alright. Her own mind wouldn’t be at ease until she finally heard back from Ayhan Ayhan , Aris Noble Aris Noble , and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , confirming that they were all safe and sound after today, before she finished the night with a final message to Drifter Drifter ... curious to know if perhaps the hunter had seen anything like The Lost in his own travels.​

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