Look buddy, I'm an engineer...
- Intent: To create a star wars kit-bash aesthetic concussion rifle for defense against the most dangerous of wildlife.
- Image Source: I am the original artist. It's an illustration of a Holland & Holland 4-bore double rifle kit-bashed with a pair of charlton automatic rifle style barrels that've been chopped to the gas-block.
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Graenge Armaments & Industries
- Affiliation: Ezekiel Graenge
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: Graenge Armaments - "Apex" Concussion Stopping Rifle
- Modularity: To some degree. As a grenade rifle it may be capable of firing different munitions but as the cartridge is proprietary there would first have to be new munitions created for it.
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material:
- Durasteel frame
- Greel-wood stock
- Brass trigger guard & hammer plate
- Brasscased ammunition
- Classification: Grenade Rifle
- Size: Average
- Weight: Heavy
- Ammunition Type: 25x114mm high-velocity tandem-charge concussion grenades
- Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
- Effective Range: Long Range
- Damage Output: Extreme
- Recoil: Very High
- Historically extremely high-bore rifles called 'stopping rifles' were used by guides leading hunters on large or dangerous game hunts. The stopping rifle's role was to be able to stop even the largest charging animal in its tracks to protect the hunting party were they to be attacked by dangerous wild-life.
- These stopping rifles were boutique firearms made by gunsmiths with an excruciating attention to detail, as much spectacles of craftsmanship as they were practical weapons.
- The GA "Apex" CSR takes the concept of a stopping rifle and moves it into 864ABY. Produced with excruciating attention to detail, inlaying, beauty, -- and in this case -- novel, yet effective operation.
- This weapon is a double barrel 25mm grenade rifle made to utilize proprietary high-velocity tandem charge rounds that are produced in very small batches from the manufacturer.
- Tandem Charge: Unlike most concussion grenades, the ones fired by this rifle are designed with a tandem-charge warhead. What this means is that the detonation of the round it fires is two-staged. In the first a shaped detonite charge goes off at impact. What this does is project a super-heated, high-velocity molten jet of copper into the target. This stage of the detonation exists to ensure penetration through the hide or natural armor of the target fauna. After the detonation of the first charge, the second is fuse armed to detonate milliseconds later, after the body of the round has penetrated roughly 150 milimeters (6 inches) into the target. The main charge is a conventional concussion explosive. Now that it has achieved penetration into the game animal the resulting explosion can be expected to create a massive wound cavity, as well as sending shockwaves through the animal that on the wide majority of animal life throughout the galaxy (Probably not a Greater Krayt dragon or similar) will be instantly debilitating. This is absolutely overkill for the majority of animals, and is intended to be.
- Redundant Firing System: The point of being a firearm with two triggers, two hammers, two barrels and two projectiles is redundancy. If one round fails to fire -- for whatever reason, one merely has to pull the second trigger for another chance. Something that's incredibly important if you're being charged down by an angry Reek and you pull your first trigger and just hear "click".
- Ejectors. Unnecessary, but Sweet: When this weapon is broke open for reloading after its firing pins have fallen, spring-loaded ejectors kick the empty cases out into the air. Kind of awesome, but you're still not speed-loading this thing.
- Pretty as Heck: These weapons are made as a spectacle of craftsmanship as much as they are to be functional. Not only is all of the machining on them done with an incredible attention to detail, the parts hand-fitted perfectly, but when you order them from GA&I various finishes are offered as well as inlaying and engraving.
- Them Rounds are THICC: You're never going to be able to carry enough ammunition for this weapon to use it as a weapon of war. With each cartridge being 25x114mm, these rounds are absurdly large and hefty.
- Don't Plan on Reloading: This is a double-barrel, break-action rifle with rounds so large that you're going to be loading them one at a time. If you try to use this thing in a firefight, there isn't really any good way of getting this thing loaded quickly.
- Overpenetration: The tandem charge of the projectiles this thing fires are meant for large, dangerous game animals. On smaller animals with soft, squishy skin (like humans, for example.) It's likely the round would penetrate without ever activating the shaped charge, and thus the fuse for the concussion charge would never be initiated. Which is great for survival probability, although it would still be equivalent to being shot with a 4-gauge shotgun slug.
- Mind the Kick: While the high velocity projectile this monster of a rifle fires is technically accurate out to a long distance, it would take one heck of a marksman to use it at that range. The main thing that makes firing it difficult is a very punishing recoil impulse. Also, if you pull both triggers at once you're either absolutely an idiot, or you're an incredibly malicious wookie.
Still looking to create armaments that would differentiate his work from the myriad of other manufacturers in the Galaxy, Ezekiel Graenge turned to history for guidance. Stumbling upon the old concept of a 'stopping rifle', he found himself enamored by the idea. A sportsman's weapon of the highest craftsmanship and quality that fit his philosophy of providing a weapon that fulfilled a very specific role that other manufacturers didn't yet fulfill. And so the concept of the Apex concussion stopping rifle was born. He could have opted for an incredibly overbuilt blaster design, but ultimately he decided that if he was going to make a stopping rifle, he was going to make one that had no equivalency in function. The tandem charge design was inspired by old anti-tank munition designs. After all, some of the fauna in the galaxy could very well be considered tanks of the biological variety. Bantha, reek, or nexu -- he wanted to design a rifle that was all but guaranteed to stop them instantly in a single shot.
It didn't matter that the weapon was ill-suited to combat with its extremely limited ammunition capacity, slow method of loading and that the munition would over-penetrate small, soft targets. It didn't matter even that in the sporting role such a weapon would tear apart a game animal and render it unusable for taxidermy or meat harvest. This rifle is designed for the guide or outdoorsman that has a need for extreme stopping power to ensure safety against the galaxy's most dangerous wildlife. Nothing more, nothing less.
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