
- Intent: Personal Hand Cannon for Corbin Vasher
- Image Source: Borderlands
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Pistol
- Manufacturer: Corbin Vasher, Force-Tech
- Affiliation: Corbin Vasher
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: Gaan'sacitadr
- Modularity: Almost any gun mod.
- Production: Unique
- Material: Lyadtr Beskar Steel, FACTS Gel, Reflec Polymer, Synthetic Diamond-Covered Silver Heatsinks, Silver Wiring in Electrical Components, Kelptree Wood Grips, Blaster Components, Mods
- Classification: Blaster/Slug/Ion Hybrid Pistol
- Size: Large
- Weight: Light
- Ammunition Type: Power Pack
- Ammunition Capacity: Very Small (12 shots per Power Pack)
- Effective Range: Long Range
- Rate of Fire: Average
- Damage Output: Extreme
- Recoil: Very Low
- Synthetic Diamond-Covered Silver Heatsinks to keep the weapon from overheating.
- Dissuasion Field Generator allows the bolts to physically hit and deal Kinetic damage as well as Energy.
- Ion Charger allows the blaster bolts to deal Ion damage in addition to Energy.
- Pulse Chargers: Boosts damage output significantly
- Light Lyadtr alloy frame and components
- Targeting scope for range and accuracy
- FACTS Gel allows the weapon to function in any environment, including underwater, in a vacuum, or even after being packed in dirt.
- Recognition system keeps enemies from using the weapon.
- Reflec coating helps hide the weapon from sensors.
- Kelptree wood grips are very stylish.
- Very powerful.
- Almost no recoil despite the power.
- Made from a light steel alloy that is very strong and impervious to lightsabers.
- Pulse charger boosts damage at severe cost to ammo capacity.
- Less accurate when not using the scope.
- Able to resist being disabled by Ion damage, but only somewhat.
- Large size is difficult to hide.
The inspiration behind this was simple: Corbin saw His [abbr="Leader of the Jensaarai]Saarai-kar[/abbr]'s handcannon and decided he wanted one, so he decided to study the mechanics and build his own. It was built so finely tuned (through molecular bonding via the Force) that it could deliver a very powerful shot with little recoil. The gun is generally only used as a last-resource weapon during dire circumstances.
Gaan'sacitadr is Mando'a for "Hand Cannon."
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