Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spirit of Tenacity

Fight the Good Fight and all that jazz



The Galactic Alliance needs you!

Following the Second Great Hyperspace War, the Alliance began a long process of upgrading its military capabilities to modern standards and demands. Now, with new threats rising all around its borders, even more resources are dedicated to upgrading old and developing new technology. To quicken this process, commissions are sent out into the market with requests for specific pieces of equipment.

Following the Battle of Coruscant, the GADF realized it lacked a level of man-portable anti-armor and anti-starfighter firepower required to take on the Imperial war machines. Once more opening to find the best design, the GADF looks for a Missile Launcher that can fill in the gap in GA firepower.

These are several non-negotiable demands for the design:

  • The launcher must have an effective range of at least Long Range
  • The launcher must be capable of being carried and operated by a single soldier.
  • The launcher must be capable of firing a variety of warheads.
  • The launcher must work in extreme conditions, including arctic, desert, and jungle environments.
  • Your company must undergo an extensive investigation to determine if it’s reputable enough for the GADF to commission.
Submit your designs and earn yourself a contract with the Defense Force!

OOC requirements:

  • Submissions to the contest must be submitted by July 27th, it’s okay if the judges haven’t approved them before this date.
  • The submission must be Closed Market, and must have the Galactic Alliance listed in Affiliation.
  • The Launcher must be Mass Produced
  • Each writer may only submit one design.

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