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Approved NPC Gadron and Leda Borin

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  • Age: 270 and 264
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitives
  • Species: Lervon
  • Appearance: They usually appear humanoid, with Gadron appearing 5' 7" and masculine, and Leda appearing 5' 6" and feminine. Gardon's eyes have an odd grey glow and are somewhat egg shaped while Leda's are red and oval. Oddly to most outside Yurb, the two in general willingly share their crystal mass, and will be attached in one way or the other. They will split when guests visit Yurb however. They will also take wolf-like forms.
  • Name: Minister Gadron Borin and Leda Borin
  • Loyalties: Yubian Republic
  • Wealth: No more wealth than the average Yurbian.
  • Notable Possessions: None.
  • Skills: Gadron: Diplomacy. Leda: Logistics.
  • Personality:
  • Gadron: Gadron is a fairly reserved person, but when he does speak he tends to keep things straight and to the point. He has a strong love for his homeworld, and will do almost anything to protect it.
  • Leda: Leda is more outspoken and outgoing, and is very blunt. Even so, she has a good heart.
  • Weapon of Choice: Their own bodies.
  • Combat Function: While the two rarely fight, if push comes to shove they will use their shifting forms to form weapons and avoid attacks.
  • Both: Shapeshifting
  • Gadron: Negotiating and diplomacy.
  • Leda: Planning and debating.
  • Both: Codependent
  • Gadron: Often too quiet and not strict enough.
  • Leda: Blunt and too outspoken at time.
Gadron and Leda have lived on Yurb their entire lives, and Gadron has been elected to lead the world for at least 100 years. The two have made an excellent team as Leda has helped her husband in areas he struggles with, while Gadron can keep Leda reined in and keep her from being too upfront with things.
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