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Approved Lore Galactic Alliance 5th Reactionary Fleet - Codename "Vanguard"

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

  • Fleet Name: Galactic Alliance Defense Force 5th Reactionary Fleet - Codename "Vanguard"
  • Classification: Reactionary / Peacekeepers
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Fleet Symbol: Shield with an upwards Broadsword
  • Description: Their operations and mindset can be described in a simple quote "If you don't want to see us, do not do something to make us want to see you."
  • Headquarters: Corellia
  • Ports of Call: Hosnian Prime, Commenor, Thyrsus, Metellos, Byss, Rakata Prime, Ord Providence
  • Goals:To respond and react to threats in and around Galactic Alliance space. They do not have an assigned territory or sector. The 5th reacts to and provides security against uprisings, incursions, and general issues that threaten civilian life. They do so in a manner that allow those ships/fleets that are assigned to a specific area to continue to do so without taking their focus away.
  • Reputation: The majority of their reputation comes from their time in the SJDF, but the 5th (formerly the 9th in the SJDF) is a well known commodity that focuses on starfighter capabilities and using capital ships and carriers in support.
Rear Admiral Liram Angellus - Flag Officer / 5th Fleet Commanding Officer​
Lieutenant Bren "Michael" Alazar - Commanding Officer of Omega Squad​
Line Captain Gym Halpern - Captain of the "Celestial City", XO of 5th Fleet​
Captain Zev Tantor - Captain of "Silver City"​
Captain Rojuh Pouil - Captain of "Valhalla"​
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director of 5th Fleet, Operating on "Silver City"​
Master Chief Petty Officer "Chief" Gribbs - Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of 5th Fleet. Operating on "Celestial City"​
The SCARs. The 73rd. The entire Nirvana Fleet (well, not ENTIRE, but a huge majority) followed Admiral Angellus from the SJDF to the GADF. This is not to say that if there was a problem with "The Silvers" that they would not help, but this group was too close knit not to. This was the design of the group itself. Liram made a point of knowing as many of his subordinates as he could. Each enlisted, each commissioned, they fought for the "man next to them" (or woman) more aggressively than they had to.


There was the story of who their Flag was, the stories of when he was a CAG of the SJDF "Liberation" and had to take emergency command of the ship with the command staff killed. The story of he and his second(who eventually became his second in command of the fleet) staying behind after giving the order to abandon ship. They sent the fatally damaged "Liberation" ramming into the Sith flagship, sending the symbol of the Worm Emperor's might into a fireball. Slowly but surely, with engagement after engagement and new technological advancements, this rag tag bunch of sailors and jockeys bevame a cohesive unit and the primary reactionary fleet in the SJDF.

Until the disbanding...

It started with Angellus who looked for a transfer over to the GADF, but after he was accepted, the Admiral began bringing his people in. Of course this could have been considered a form of "nepotism" in a manner of speaking, but the proof was in the pudding, as well as the fact that he was choosing people already established in the GADF equally.

The difference between the 5th fleet's orders and the orders of other battlegroups is that they do not have one specific sector to patrol, they patrol everywhere. The purpose of this is to assist and react to threats against Galactic Alliance alligned planets in manner that allows the embedded fleets to contiue patrolling without focusing solely on one issue.

Spacial open warfare, Surgical strikes, starfighter superiority, atmospheric and land operatios, the 5th fleet is more than capable in all modes of combat...
notable battles, etc. ]
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