Prince of Nothing
Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet
The Galactic Alliance Fleet Initiative overhauled the composition of the Galactic Alliance Navy into a series of combat ready task forces based around carrier strike groups, capable of deployment out of any sector and able to fulfill whatever role is required. Carrier Strike Group One - Moridena
"The sword against the dark."
8,000 meters MC180 Progenitor-class Supercarrier:
ANS Moridena
MC160 Independence-class Star Defenders:
ANS Karfeddion's Tears, ANS Eriadu's Revenge
Dreadnought-class Mk III Escort Cruisers:
ANS Ungoth, ANS Assailant, ANS Redresser
Nebulon-L Multirole Frigates:
ANS Prayer of the Refugee, ANS Rebel Yell, ANS Charity
Protectorate Blockade Runners:
ANS Hope, ANS Liberty, ANS Freedom, ANS Faithful, ANS Humilitas
GR-90E Transport:
ANS Enigma