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Galactic Alliance Defense Force

From humble beginnings as a rag tag coalition of fighting forces banded together to eradicate the tyranny and opression of the Darkside, since the liberation of Coruscant and the end of the Omega Crisis the Galactic Alliance Defense Force has had to reevaluate its role in the galaxy. Once freedom fighters in a constant state of war with the One Sith, in the wake of their foe's demise the GADF is now more of a deterrent and peacekeeping armada than it is a war machine.

Refocused on protecting the borders of a federation quickly emerging as a de facto galactic superpower, the Defense Force now has more resources and is better organized than ever before, although some aspects of its independently minded heritage remain as matters of tradition. The GADF is composed primarily of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet (or Galactic Alliance Navy), the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps, and the Galactic Alliance Armed Forces (or Army).


A holdover from the days of the Omega Protectorate, FLEETCOM refers to several developed worlds strategically situated throughout Alliance space designated for the coordination and training of Alliance (and Omega Pyre) naval forces. Operating from stations in orbit of these fortress worlds, the FLEETCOM command structure makes up the bureaucracy through which the will of the Alliance Supreme Commander is made manifest. Standard posting for most of the Admiralty.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet[/SIZE]

The long arm of Alliance law, the Defense Fleet or Alliance Navy represents a proud new tradition of service and unity, and is composed of sentients from each member world. Ever wary of both current and future threats to galactic stability, the Federation has reduced its military budget very little in times of relative peace, leaving the Defense Fleet as one of the largest standing navies in the galaxy. In times of war the Navy is divided into Home Fleets and Expeditionary Fleets designed for defensive and offensive action respectively and under the command of an Admiral, but while these desginations technically stand in times of peace the Fleets split off into smaller task forces for peacekeeping and border patrol duties.

Initially using mostly Omega Pyre designs before signing contracts with a variety of shipyards sympathetic to their cause against the One Sith, Defense Fleet vessels consist of a variety of designs from different manufacturers, the only noticeable distinction in its aesthetic is a lack of star destroyer inspired designs, although even then there are one or two exceptions. Recent efforts to modernize and streamline the naval roster are progressing, but could be a ways off, so for now the Navy maintains its diverse appearance.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps[/SIZE]

Although most of them work alongside the Navy every day, the Starfighter Corps is actually its own distinct entity. Under a separate chain of command than Navy pilots, the Corps holds ranks more similar to that of the Army than the Defense Fleet, with the notable exception of Flight Officer as the lowest commissioned grade as well as a few others. The Starfighter Corps reports to Galactic Alliance Starfighter Command, the Chief of which takes orders directly from the Supreme Commander, but in reality Starfighter Command works closely with FLEETCOM and pilots serving aboard Defense Fleet vessels are expected to follow the orders of superior naval officers.

A critical component of the GADF's doctrine of lightning strike, mobility based warfare, the Corps flies just as varied a selection of models as the Navy, but a mainstay through it all is the X-Wing design, arguably the most popular fighter the Alliance uses. Although for the most part the GASC follows a larger organizational structure, certain squadrons are at times chosen by either design or reputation for more specialized functions, the most notorious of these being Rogue Squadron.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Armed Forces[/SIZE]

While the GAAF, also known as the Galactic Alliance Army, doesn't get nearly as much attention as the Navy during times of peace, this does not mean they aren't hard at work, protecting border worlds and undergoing constant combat readiness drills. While it is not completely unusual for larger capital vessels to billet a battalion or regiment of GAAF soldiers, the majority of the Armed Forces are stationed planetside for the duration of their tours, waiting to be activated and loaded onto troop transports should all else fail and a war footing be required.

While more concerted efforts have been made by the Defense Fleet to homogenize their ranks and protocols over the years, the Armed Forces of today isn't all too far off from their beginnings as a ragtag coalition of troopers donated from various sympathetic planetary governments. How far a unit has come from those days most often depends on the culture of their regiment, some taking pride in being the elite heavy shock troops of a Galactic Federation, while others are more content to simply pack a blaster and crack some skulls in the name of the Alliance. Perhaps the most famous of these, or any GAAF unit, is the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry, or Twilight Company.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Space Operations[/SIZE]

Often known much more simply as Galactic Alliance Marines, the Space Operations division of the Armed Forces is responsible for the training and deployment of all Alliance troops aboard Navy vessels. Specializing in boarding/repelling action, planetary conquest, and any other form of peacekeeping operation that wouldn't occur planetside. Longtime rivals of the GAAF, SpaceOps Marines often consider themselves to be the best of the best of what the GA has to offer, and from their collective service record there may be some truth to that.

While their specialized role can often land them with the most advanced in terms of equipment, Space Operations' tendency to operate in remote locations and off known trade routes means that Alliance Marines often suffer issues of resupply much more than the typical army regiment. Out of necessity, SpaceOps marines have cultivated a reputation as excellent scavengers, finding a way to make do with what High Command sends them.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Guard[/SIZE]

Otherwise known as the Planetary Defense Force, the GAG is responsible for garrisoning each Alliance member world with sufficient manpower to hold off an opposing force until the Defense Fleet can arrive. As a result, everything about Guardsmen from training regimen to basic attire can vary slightly to significantly from planet to planet. Often incorporating distinct cultural military traditions as a token of respect to those who wish to protect and serve their homeworld, the Federation nonetheless maintains a baseline standard for appropriate battle dress, such as minimums for protective covering, and almost all armament is more or less standardized across Alliance space.

The Galactic Alliance Guard also maintains a distinct, somewhat smaller division specifically focused on counter-terrorism operations across Alliance space. Hesitant to take too proactive a role in the day to day affairs of their member worlds, the Guard leads most of the homeland policing and counter-surveillance tactics to local planetary governments' discretion, but can be called in to consult or lend heavy fire support for high profile cases or clear and present threats. They also handle all counter-terrorism and intelligence duties in Alliance federal space.

[SIZE=12pt]Galactic Alliance Security Force[/SIZE]

Much of what the GASF does focuses more on facilitating police cooperation across member worlds than actual police work itself. Maintaining a national database on every sentient logged into the criminal justice system of any Galactic Federation planet, Security Force regional offices are there for the most part as a touchstone to law enforcement personnel anywhere throughout the Alliance for use by the local constabulary, although they do also handle the actual policing of the few serious federal crimes the Alliance maintains as a condition of membership.

While ostensibly this would mean handling cases of high treason, in practice most of what this branch handles is cult watch, looking out for any rogue Dark Side sects operating within or nearby the Federation border. As the vast majority of these cases also involve terrorism, the GASF spends much of its time cooperating with the Guard on tracking and hunting Sith and Dark Jedi.


Not exactly military, but not exactly civilians either, Alliance Irregulars or Outback Irregulars as they are sometimes known are contractors serving in almost every branch of the GADF. For whatever reason reticent to pledge an oath or promise a full term of service, in recent years efforts have been made by certain figures high up in the military's command structure to keep a more or less open door policy in terms of cooperation and acceptance on the part of the armed services towards these brave (or financially desperate) volunteers.

Salary as an unspecialized Alliance contractor is about the same as the average payday for a serving trooper, leaving no real disadvantage in taking either path. Contractors are still expected to obey the orders of those considered superior officers, and as a part of the contract they signed with the Defense Force must suffer the consequences for failure or refusal to do so, the same as any Alliance soldier.

[SIZE=12pt]Resistance Cells[/SIZE]

Not technically a part of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, but still very much a prominent component of the Federation's foreign policy, the 'allegedly' Alliance funded private military outfits that have been known to operate in neighboring space are a continuation of the Galactic Federation's roots as a coalition founded by wealthy, philanthropic minds that saw a problem that needed fixing. At the time, it was the One Sith, but new cells have been known to crop up, and the very same tactics that kept them alive long enough to overthrow their Sith overlords now makes it difficult for even the Triumvirate Council to know who is behind the funding.

Publicly, the Federation maintains no support, knowledge of, or intelligence concerning any of these so called Alliance affiliated factions.

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