Aryn Teth
Troubled Times
The Alliance was formed when the Galaxy was in a state of distress. The free people of the Galaxy are beset by threats on all sides: The Sith Empire, The First Order, the Galactic Empire.
The GADF was a lean organisation, the NJO more militaristic than the Republic Order they had come from. It was decided there could be no bickering amongst self-interested politicians to delay the action needed to make a stand. The few must make the difficult calls that affect the many.
This has given the Alliance the operational tempo to fight back, whilst individual planets are mostly left to their own governance. Worlds joining the Alliance must contribute to some key budgets: defence, aid, and health primarily. They must sign up to several key charters on Sentient Rights, but otherwise are left to themselves.
Simple In-Character Leadership Structure
The Triumvirate has complete oversight of Alliance military matters. It is comprised of a single representative of the Political structures of the member states, the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance Defence Force. These three individuals will be NPCs, and their decisions will be imparted to the Faction IC by the GA Faction Admins.
Grand Marshal Omai Rhen represents the NJO
Supreme Commander Aryn Teth represents the GADF
Chief of State Caita Xan represents the people of the GA
Beneath this level ranks and the chain of command are reasonably fluid and handled on an ad-hoc basis.
Restricted Ranks
Each area, headed by the Triumvirate has its own Restricted Rank. These are:
The Alliance was formed when the Galaxy was in a state of distress. The free people of the Galaxy are beset by threats on all sides: The Sith Empire, The First Order, the Galactic Empire.
The GADF was a lean organisation, the NJO more militaristic than the Republic Order they had come from. It was decided there could be no bickering amongst self-interested politicians to delay the action needed to make a stand. The few must make the difficult calls that affect the many.
This has given the Alliance the operational tempo to fight back, whilst individual planets are mostly left to their own governance. Worlds joining the Alliance must contribute to some key budgets: defence, aid, and health primarily. They must sign up to several key charters on Sentient Rights, but otherwise are left to themselves.
Simple In-Character Leadership Structure
The Triumvirate has complete oversight of Alliance military matters. It is comprised of a single representative of the Political structures of the member states, the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance Defence Force. These three individuals will be NPCs, and their decisions will be imparted to the Faction IC by the GA Faction Admins.
Grand Marshal Omai Rhen represents the NJO
Supreme Commander Aryn Teth represents the GADF
Chief of State Caita Xan represents the people of the GA
Beneath this level ranks and the chain of command are reasonably fluid and handled on an ad-hoc basis.
Restricted Ranks
Each area, headed by the Triumvirate has its own Restricted Rank. These are:
- Marshal
- Jedi Marshal
- Minister