Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance Most Wanted - Brainstorming

We have some ideas on actually posting a "GA most wanted" list for those who may be interested in making small missions at hunting these individuals or organizations down.

I thought that it should be a mix of PC ( via IC actions) and NPC so that anyone from SIS, NJO, GADF, or Bounty Hunter's with a license may be able to track these down.

So something like this:


Name of GA Most Wanted, Price, link to Template.
  • Suravi Teigra, $300,000, link.

The GA Most Wanted is an easily accessible list via the holonet of the most dangerous individuals or organizations deemed by the Galactic Alliance or their affiliates.

Any member of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, Strategic Intelligence Service, New Jedi Order, or Bounty Hunters listed in our Licenced Galactic Alliance Bounty Hunter's list Hunter's may partake in missions to hunt them down. To get more informaiton on our GA Bounty Hunter Licences, please review here.

There are monetary rewards as well as commendations for GA member being instrumental in capturing an individual in the 'Most Wanted' list.

Security Commendation - Awarded for aiding in the arrest of enemies of the Galactic Alliance. (Arrest/Capture of names on the Most Wanted List)
Template for Most Wanted

Name of Most Wanted Individual: [ Of Individual or Organization ]
Name of Department or Individual: (What GA entity is posting this Most Wanted listing. GADF, NJO, GA Triumvirate, Sovereign Planet.)
Bounty Price: (See below explanation*.)
Condition: (Dead or alive, trophy or proof required, must look like an accident, etc.)
Additional Info: (Whatever might be relevant info to help those investigating or detaining the Most Wanted Individuals achieve their goal. This may also include the link for the PC infraction that was discovered.)

How much is appropriate for a bounty? During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy paid one million credits for any Jedi, while the Republic offered 500,000 for the notorious Cad Bane. After the Battle of Yavin, the Empire put a price of 300,000 on Han Solo and Chewbacca. But these were immense governments with deep pockets. Most bounties will generally be less than that, and ridiculously high bounties should be avoided -- because if someone collects an immense bounty you've posted, it could bankrupt you. As with every other part of the Factory, joke bounties will not be tolerated.
Bounty Hunting Permit
A Bounty Hunter carrying this permit is licensed to hunt Galactic Alliance-approved targets in the territory of the Galactic Alliance.​
Terms Of Operation
1. The being or entity posting a bounty reserves the right to determine suitable punishment for a bounty subject.
2. Injury, incapacitation or death of the subject of a given bounty may only occur if under circumstances in which the subject has first refused to peacefully surrender, or unless otherwise indicated.
3. Only that force which constitutes a clear and reasonable application can be authorized against the subject.
4. The bearer of this license agrees not to accept any illegal contract, informal arrangement, or private service contract that calls for actions that will negatively affect the Galactic Alliance.
5. The bearer of this license must register any and all weapons, vehicles, or ships for which the intended purpose is to be used to facilitate the collection of bounties.
6. Upon successful completion of a predetermined number of jobs, the privileges of the bearer of this license will be increased.

The tiers and number of complete jobs are as follows
New (Less than 10 Jobs completed)
Regular (Between 10 and 25 Jobs completed)
Veteran (Between 25 and 50 Jobs completed)
Trusted (50 Jobs or more completed)
Upon receiving the license to operate as a Bounty Hunter within Galactic Alliance space, you will be granted freedom to carry your registered weapons with you at all times, at your discretion. The exception to this rule is for military bases.
All minor law violations (speeding, failure to yield, etc) will be waived upon proof that you were acting in the interest of collecting a bounty.
Upon completing five jobs, you will be marked as being a regular bounty hunter for the Galactic Alliance.
In addition to previous benefits, you will receive a modest monthly stipend as long as you continue to operate as a licensed bounty hunter in good-standing within the Galactic Alliance.
The Galactic Alliance will pay for 50% of all damages to public and private property as a result of attempts to collect on a bounty within the Galactic Alliance.
Upon completing ten jobs, you will be marked as a trusted bounty hunter for the Galactic Alliance.
In addition to the previous benefits, any major law violations will be waived upon proof that you were acting in your capacity as a bounty hunter attempting to collect on a dangerous bounty. Unreasonable force, include civilian deaths, may still be punishable under Galactic Alliance law.
Any damage or destruction of registered equipment will be reimbursed by the Galactic Alliance.
Upon completing twenty jobs, you will be marked as a trusted bounty hunter for the Galactic Alliance.
The benefits of this tier are kept hidden and are granted by the Galactic Triumvirate.
Do not harm civilians.
Do not interfere with the military.
Do not act against the Galactic Alliance while under contract.
Points of Contact
[member="Veino Garn"]​
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]​
Price of License:
New: 25,000 Credits


New: 60 Days
Regular: 90 Days
Veteran: 180 Days
Trusted: No Expiration

Renewal Fee:

New: 5,000 credits
Regular: 2,500 credits
Veteran: 1,000 credits
Trusted: 0 credits
Name of Most Wanted Individual: [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Name of Department or Indivdual: The Crown of Naboo
Bounty Price: 300,000c
Condition: Must be alive
Additional Info: Condemning Of Attack [X] | Terrorist Act Following Public Protest [X]

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