Gilamar Skirata
The most important step is always the next one
Image Source: Bioware
Intent: To Create a general, uniform suit of armor for the grunts and NPCs of the Galactic Alliance
Development Thread: N/A
- Design: Mythosaur Customs and Arms
- Production: MandalMotors
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
- Extended Air Tank
- Color (Desert, Winter, Brush, Forest, Plain)
- Thermal vs Kinetic Gel body suit
- Extended Shield Battery
- Duraplast
- Electronics
- Kinetic Impact Gel
Weight: (Via Metric System. Appropriate weight varies by quality, material, and character species. For example, standard Mandalorian armor is around 10 kg. Armor made of true Mandalorian iron, or a full set of combat gear for a soldier in the field, can be around 25kg. For special items, try to find the weight of a real-world equivalent.)
- 6 Vs Blaster
- 8 Vs Projectile/Shrapnel/Stabbing wepons (10 In Chest/back area)
- 0 Vs Lightsaber
- 8 Vs Vibro-weapons
- Night Vision
- Thermal Vision
- Military-Grade HUD system
- Forearm mounted mini datapad
- Kinetic Impact Gel Bodysuit
- ARGH- Leovi's Wings-class Personal Jet Propulsion System {Chassis, Boots}
- Magnetic Gloves/Boots
- Magnetic back mounted weapon clamps
- IFF Circuitry in helmet
- Manual Environmental Suit Seal on right breast Galactic Alliance Insignia
- Personal Shield Generator {Located lower back}
The most obvious function of this armor is to protect against enemy weapons fire and battlefield hazards such as shrapnel. The armor, made of duraplast, was chosen for its ability to disperse energy from low, medium and high-energy blaster bolts with it being impossible to kill a trooper with conventional slugthrowers unless they are shot through the visor. Despite being able to disperse this energy, the user may become incapacitated, allowing for further treatment off the field allowing the trooper to fight another day. The suit was also equipped with a personal ray shield for use in combat situations where no cover is available, though the power requirements for the shield were so great that it often shorts out during sustained use, especially under fire rendering the unit useless until the the battery is replaced.
The light duraplast alloy and treated in a similar manner to traditional Beskar'gam, the armor allows users to stay light on their feet. This is important to keep the mobility of the armor, which was a main focus as is evident in the use of the Personal Propulsion System that is mirrored in this armor from the Vanguard class in order to keep up with their commanding officers and traverse treacherous terrain. The armor is also equipped with kinetic impact gel bodysuits to make flight less hazardous when landing, keeping most of the pressure from long falls off of a soldier's joints.
The helmets of this armor are also equipped with air filters and a small supply of oxygen should it be needed, lasting for up to 2 hours with normal use or around 45 minutes during combat situations depending on the user. The visor is also adaptive to light, limiting and adjusting the amount of light exposure, limiting the effects of flash grenades and similar techniques.
- 0 Resistance against Lightsabers
- Laser Canon fire can penetrate armor
- Blaster Bolts take out users of the armor (not dead but completely incapacitated
- Armor piercing slugthrowers rip through duraplast