Kadan Scipora
The Prodigal Son
Location: Denon, Galactic Crisis Summit.
Kadan understood why meager padawans were not allowed into the rather big important conference. Still, given his master was dealing with important matters, and he was in training as a diplomat, it was good to go to such things to make connections. Hence, what he was doing now. Standing within the auditorium, clad in his diplomatic robes, he looked to the various gatherings of the other factions and their aides. It was quite a spectacle to be sure, though, he did his best to avoid the Sith delegates, for many, many reasons. Last thing he needed was to stand in their presence.
Hopefully, this affair would remain peaceful, and something could be done about the Brotherhood and the vile act of destruction they had committed. He wouldn't hold his breath though, so many times government had failed to do what was right, to take the steps to end a conflict before it could get out of hand. He suspected now would be such an occurrence. 'Yes, sign this document, and in two years time we will see if we still want to go through with this.'
He let out a sigh, knowing he was being much too critical of the process. This was merely how things worked. It was the will of the force that diplomacy take time. Much like a tree, it required nurturing and care to flourish into a beautiful plant. He looked about once more, curious if he might recognize anyone, though he doubted it. He hadn't ventured far into the space of the other factions allied here; save for the Sith of course.
But then again, one never knew what the force would throw at them.
OOC: Didn't wanna interrupt the big thread, so figured I'd post this here. Please, let's avoid fighting, this is a peace conference after all.