Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Galactic Getaway



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Spira
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

The sun dipped low over Spira's horizon, casting its warm glow on the resort world.

It'd been one of the more spectacular sunsets she'd ever seen, for some reason, watching as twinges of orange and emerald fire eddied into the typical rosy pinks and rich crimsons. Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself a rare moment of tranquility as twilight gradually took hold. It'd only been a few hours since she and Iris had set foot on this haven world — finally fulfilling a long-overdue promise she'd made to commemorate her dearest friends graduation from medical school.

Their initial endeavor to make this getaway had been abruptly interrupted and postponed by several weeks after Briana was pulled unceremoniously back into duty. At that time, their ship hadn't even fully breached Coruscant's atmosphere when Lily's distress call came through, explaining that she'd been taken by Mandalorian forces and effectively quashing any thought of a leisurely reprieve. Since then, life had seemingly conspired against her in an unending chain of harrowing events, nipping mercilessly at her heels like a pack of ravenous Corellian hounds.

And while nothing had slowed down, and a part of herself even felt guilty for taking this time away when there was still so much work to be done, Briana wanted to make good on the promise she'd made. The Mandalorians, the Sith, The New Way, even her brother... all of them could wait. At least for a few days... right?

Casually leaning against the railing of their beachside accommodation, Briana let her gaze drift downward to study the sleek, holographic brochure in her hand before turning to look at Iris. "Know which one you want to go for?"

The Hapan Hydromassage was the first to catch Briana's eye — a full-body indulgence that involved being immersed in warm, mineral-rich waters infused with rejuvenating extracts from exotic Hapan flowers while high-powered aqua jets pulsed against every inch of the body. It sounded heavenly, but then so did the Galactic Rejuvenation Therapy, described as using targeted massage techniques developed over the centuries by Ithorian masseuses; yet its mention of Zeltron pheromones for 'deeper relaxation' evoked some slight apprehension in her.

"We could always indulge in more than one," she mused aloud as her fingers flicked through the list of exotic options, "make the most of it while we're here?"


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It was par the course.

The life of a Jedi was one that meant rest and relaxation were a luxury that couldn't be afforded with the state of the galaxy. She knew better than most what it meant for Briana to be pulled away from their planned vacation, and she had no intention of holding it over her in the slightest. They would always be needed. Especially for the sake of their Padawans. Not that Iris had been the greatest master as of late.

Or a Jedi, in general.

But those weren't the thoughts to focus on. Iris sat cross legged on the ground, a scattering of paint tubes and dishes around her as she idly drew on a canvas she'd produced from her pack. There was little chance she'd ever be without her paint supplies, especially on vacation. The sunset was something she couldn't help but paint. Not exactly the sunset itself, though. Where it was a mix of warm colors, she always had her own touch to it.

Different colors unnatural to a sunset, but in her mind they were there. Her world of colors, how the Force looked against the backdrop of such an evening, she couldn't help herself. She only seemed to respond a couple moments later to Briana's question, blinking as she looked up with paint once more dotting her cheeks.

".. Why not all? If we have the time for it, anyway. I don't see why we can't just do everything."

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Spira
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

A soft smile spread across Briana's lips as she observed Iris, her cheeks speckled with vibrant splashes of paint. It was nice to see Iris in her element again, seemingly carefree and immersed in her own unique creative process. It was, in its own way, a soothing thing — a faint echo of their simpler, more innocent days.

"I'm down for that idea,"
Briana agreed, pushing off the railing that separated them from the breathtaking view to plop down beside Iris on a spare cushion among her sea of art supplies. With a playful swipe of her finger, she gestured towards Iris's paint-splattered face. "Going to need to wash that off before we go though," she noted with a chuckle, slightly tilting her head to get a better look at her friends vibrant canvas.

Briana's brows arched some. "You know," she mused thoughtfully, "I didn't think it was possible, but somehow you've managed to make this sunset even more beautiful than it already was." She marveled at the symphony of colors that graced the canvas — brilliant shades pulled straight from the iridescence of Spira's sunset, with swirls of colors she'd not seen, adding an ethereal and transcendent touch to the piece. It all melded into a mesmerizing display, leaving Briana feeling as though she'd been granted passage into a realm far more profound and intricate than anything her mortal mind could grasp. She watched for a few quiet moments longer as Iris added the finishing touches to her canvas, before patting her on the shoulder. "We should probably get going, yeah? You want to freshen up while I gather our things?"




Iris just blinked. Wash up? She didn't particularly feel dirty or such. She'd even bathed before they came here. Her attention turned down to her paint covered self, frowning. Wasn't the idea that they were enjoying vacation? What was a little paint for that. Still, she sighed and nodded. She would without a doubt at least go and get herself cleaned up. "It's how I see that sunset. That's how I draw all my paintings."

She set down the canvas, turning to just leave it where it was. Someone else could have the painting if they wanted it.

"I'll be right back, then."

A quick freshen up and Iris was back, sans the paint. For now. Knowing her, she'd be back and covered in paint by the next evening. Still, she gave a small smile. "You ready to go?"

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Spira
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I know, it's what I think makes them so special." She almost felt guilty asking Iris to wash up - the colorful coating did suit her. Yet Briana knew that showing up at the resort spa resembling a living piece of artwork might raise more than a few eyebrows.

After Iris left to the fresher to wash away the remnants of her art session, Briana went about cleaning up the rest of the area, porting used palettes and paintbrushes to the cleaning unit for a thorough soak and ensuring no stray colors would leave a permanent mark on their temporary abode.

With one final sweep of her gaze, Briana surveyed the now-spotless dwelling. Satisfied with her efforts, she let out a contented sigh then busied herself with last-minute preparations, running fingers through her hair to smooth it into place and slipping her credit chit into her pocket.

When Iris stepped back into the room, devoid of the colorful patterns but no less stunning in her natural beauty, Briana grinned broadly at her friend. "More than ready," she confirmed, excitement sparking in her eyes as she crossed to the door. "Let's go and make the most of this beautiful world."


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