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Galatea Comprassi


Galatea Comprassi
"The Past and Future eventually Fade."

  • Name: Galatea Comprassi
  • Alias: N/A
  • Force Rank: Sith Acolyte
  • Force Alignment: Dark Side
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Races: Shaliz'Na, Human
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: ...
  • Hair Color: Silver
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Skin Pigmentation: Fair
  • Voice Sample: Tasia Valenza
  • Character Theme: Soul Inmate
  • Pending
  • + Flight: As is the case with the totality of her mother's species, Galatea is capable of flight due to the wings upon her back. However, as she was not conditioned for flight throughout her life, her flying cannot be sustained for more than a few minutes, nor can she fly above a ceiling of twenty feet.
  • + Dexterity: In comparison to the average woman her age, Galatea is surprisingly flexible and light on her feet. Despite the presence of wings on her back, she is able to perform acrobatic feats in addition to being rather quick in terms of overall pace.
  • + Silver Tongue: In an effort to hone every single asset within her possession, Galatea has developed quite the way with words. She is incredibly manipulative and is quite capable of duping others into doing her bidding.
  • - Addiction: As is the case with all Shaliz'Na, Galatea has a particular addiction to alcohol. In particular, she has an insatiable craving for sweet, red wine. Going without for prolonged periods of time can cause symptoms commonly associated with withdrawal from narcotics.
  • - Frailty: Due to her rather chaotic upbringing, coupled with the abuses she received during her time of servitude to the Sith Empire, Galatea's physical condition is noticeably weaker than the average woman her age. She is incapable of lifting noticeably heavy objects, nor is her body strong enough to withstand heavy blows without bruising or the breaking of bones.
  • Pending

Following the conclusion of the Four Hundred Year Darkness, the Sith returned to the Galaxy. Taking hold of their ancestral worlds, they carved out an empire of immense power and struck fear into even the mightiest of nations. Unchecked, they consumed countless worlds and added to their territory, spreading death and misery wherever they so much as stepped. Amongst these was a Knight by the name Rubel, whose only defining features were his iconic birthmarks of violet and his silver hair. As a faithful servant of the Emperor, sworn to be his personal protector, the Knight was rewarded with leisure in the form of his choosing. As such, Rubel commissioned the most sordid of pirates to aide in the fulfillment of his...innermost fantasies...At his behest, they scoured the worlds for exotic species and brought back the most beautiful for the "amusement" of their employer. Over time, Rubel amassed a literal harem, filled to the brim with women torn mercilessly from their homes. Although the Knight considered the meager sum of food her afforded to his "entertainment" as adequate care, life within his manor was the definition of Hell. On a whim, any of the woman could be dragged off, kicking and screaming; only to be physically abused as a consequence for their defiance.

However, the most atrocious of behaviors manifested itself whenever nature took its course. Upon becoming with child, Rubel would make a most terrifying practice a cold reality. Those born of the male gender were immediately torn from their mother's arms and committed to the Emperor, for the grooming of additional guardians...and those who were unlucky enough to be female were slain on the spot...What's worse, if a mother so much as dared to resist the Knight's decision, she would share in the fate of her child and be personally executed by his own hand. 'Twas into this twisted world that Galatea found herself conceived within, but fortune smiled upon both her and her mother. Being literal lightyears away from home, the captive women formed a rather strong bond with one another. They kept each other strong and defended one another; even at the risk of ultimate peril. As such, when Galatea's mother discovered her pregnancy, the women who had lost their children to Rubel's cruelty banded together and resolved to see the unborn child live free. To this end, a plan was hatched which revolved around getting Galatea's mother to stow away on a simple, merchant vessel that arrived every so often; ferrying food and supplies to the manor.

When the plan was finally carried out, Galatea successfully snuck aboard the merchant's ship...but was promptly discovered by the owner. He, taking pity upon the obviously malnourished woman, decided to ferry her to the neutral world of her choosing: Ithor. Yet, before he could so much as ignite the engines, Rubel found out about the scheme and stormed after them. The merchant bravely faced the wrath of the Sith at his peril, allowing Galatea and her unborn child to escape certain demise at the cost of his own life. They immediately dove into the safety of Hyperspace (thanks to the assistance of an astromech serving the merchant) and for once, Galatea's mother breathed easy. With the plan intact, Galatea's mother ventured to the peaceful planet and she ultimately brought her child into planet under the watchful eye of Ithorian healers. However, they were far from being out of harm's way, for Rubel immediately turned his anger upon the women still within his possession. Through literal, unceasing torture, he pried the location of his escaped "property" out of them; a process which cost many of them their lives. Then, Rubel set off about the stars, hellbent on discovering the sanctuary Galatea and her mother now called home.

Upon his initial arrival to Ithor, the natives did an excellent job of hiding the two refugees to the point where he left. Yet, due to the excessive dangers he posed upon the local population, the people were left without a choice. They more than adequately equipped the mother with the means to travel and survive, then sent her to another sanctuary offworld. 'Twas there that Galatea was reared for the first five years of her life and knew true happiness. Despite the simplicity of their lifestyle, the mother and daughter knew absolute bliss; free from the constant fear and pain that came with life under Rubel's thumb. Yet, even this paradise came to a swift and abrupt end when the Empire expanded its borders once more, swallowing their small slice of Heaven. It did not take long for word to reach the Knight of his daughter's presence on the world; for she bore the iconic markings that came from his "noble" bloodline upon her very face. Hellbent on exacting vengeance upon them for the effort he had expended in search, Rubel subjugated the world with the assistance of fellow Sith. After literally razing the world to little more than embers, he and his comrades confronted Galatea and her mother. At once, Rubel wanted nothing more than to slay the both of them...but the gift of the Force liberated them from this fate. Desperation manifested itself in the form of a powerful, telekinetic shove that sent Rubel skidding across the ground...thereby impressing the men he had brought along with him.

They refused to allow him to simply through away a potentially powerful resource such as his daughter...and instead of simply slaying them, he dragged them off to the capital of the Sith Empire: Dromund Kaas. There, he promptly pressed Galatea into the Academy and utilized her mother's life as a form of twisted motivation. Whenever she failed, torments beyond words were exacted upon the woman. Although it was the definition of cruel, Galatea was thoroughly motivated and proceeded in her training. The Academy unleashed unimaginable horrors upon her at every turn; from being beaten and battered whenever she faulted to being tossed against insurmountable odds in the name of "learning a new lesson". Yet, regardless the challenge, Galatea forced herself to grit through it...for failure meant hearing the screams of her mother over, and over, and over again. After years of this sordid cycle, the Academy's headmaster deemed Galatea worthy of entering into the service of the Emperor directly. She was intended to serve in the same capacity as her sire: a personal bodyguard for his imperial majesty...yet there was a final test that she had to triumph over first: she had to face and slay Rubel. Although every single fiber of her being burned with glee at the opportunity to exact vengeance upon the man who had caused atrocity after atrocity to unfold in her life...her strength simply did not match up with his.

Despite her best efforts, she failed...and was nearly pummeled to death in the process. He then, as a final consequence for her grievous failure, burned her mother alive right before her very eyes. As the screams filled the walls of the Academy, Rubel gave his daughter a single instruction before returning to the Emperor's side. He demanded that she utilize the pain which beat within her heart, and the hatred that burned hotter than her mother's pyre, as fuel to grow strong. He urged her to cast off the weakness that so obviously defined her: love, compassion, and empathy for a single individual and demanded that she replace those with emotions of power. Only then would she supposedly grow strong enough to exact revenge upon him and become a worthy vessel for the Emperor's usage. From that instant, she was pressed into active service of the Empire and made to be one of the personal guards of a Moff. There, she vowed to herself that she would see her father burnt alive and writhing at her feet, alongside all the Sith who had stood idly by and watched him slay her mother. She promised that she would see them all reduced to ash by her very hands.

Yet, as her walk along the path of darkness continued, Galatea never had the opportunity to bask in the sweet taste of revenge...for the Mandalorians had begun their invasion of Dromund Kaas. This titanic battle saw the utter demise of her sire at the hands of brave, beskar-garbed warriors and nearly cost her life as well. In fact, she barely managed to escape the crumbling capital of the Sith Empire before the planet was relentlessly pummeled by asteroids. Eventually, she regrouped with what little remained of the Empire under its new ruler...and slowly came to realize that a drastic change had transpired within the nation: the Galaxy no longer held fear in their hearts for the Sith. In fact, they now were bold in the face of the terrifying entity that brought fire and decimation to countless worlds. The Galaxy refused to bend its knee nor bow in submission any longer...but would fight until the Empire was reduced to little more than a memory. Shocked by this sudden revelation, Galatea then acted in self-preservation: abandoning the Empire she loathed just in time to watch its final collapse from afar. However, this did not spell the beginning of a new life of happiness and freedom on Galatea's signified quite the opposite in fact.

With the warriors of Light hellbent on seeing anything that remotely looked like a Sith destroyed, Galatea was forced to cautiously wander the Galaxy just to survive. At her current level, she was well aware that she would not survive a direct confrontation with any of their midst; and so resolved to follow the ebb and flow of the Force, relying upon its guidance to find a suitable sanctuary. Ever enigmatic, the Force delivered: guiding her to a remote world located in the Outer Rim. Known as Kesh, this planet had come to be a refuge of sorts for a number of Sith who had fled to escape decimation in the wake of the Empire. There, she began to meditate on her life, her struggles, and the gift of the Force which burned so brightly within. Galatea came to realize that only through wielding the most power out of any individual in the Galaxy could she be able to evade the repetition of history. Through the shedding of all weakness, she would never again live under the thumb of another being. As such, she inadvertently began to ascribe to the final demand of her sire and cast away trivial aspects such as compassion, empathy, and love. Instead, she focused the whole of her efforts on honing all of her strengths...and developed quite the silver, manipulative tongue in the process.

Now, she continues to bid her time on Kesh, utilizing each day as a means of continuing her walk along the Path of Darkness.

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Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist

poodoo! Forgot I was on the Saera account!

On a side note, this is exactly what Iscariot would look like in his(her) true form.... Hope that makes you feel special. xD

Dex Drakkel

I don't know, maybe just a general hangout thread or something like that, I have a open thread that I just started, so you can join that if you want :) [member="Galatea Comprassi"]

Stephanie Swail

[member="Galatea Comprassi"] Very empowering character - lots of dark potential there for the Sith Order.
[member="Dex Drakkel"] - Gracias :)

[member="Asterion"] - The Dark Side fits Galatea like a glove, so I'm certain she'd be at home within most Sith organizations...unless she runs into fiends like her sire that is.

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