Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galen Jastrinas


NAME: Galen Jastrinas
RANK: Sergeant
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5’11
EYES: Black
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Galen has never focused on what his strengths. when he puts on the uniform he becomes a solder the very hands of the Sith. Galen is vastly small part in machine, yet a monstrous projection of power. His personality as cold as the armor he wars. Galen’s empathy is as blank and dark as his facemask. If you were to look at his service record his strengths would speak for themselves, a no nonsense heavy weapons specialist.
Galen has been known to use his position for his own gain through fear and force.
Galen is cold and calculating. He has a very hard time empathizing with people. “Ruthless” as described by a former platoon commander.

Galen suffers from intense nightmares often leading to him to operate in a sleep deprived state.
Galen has cybernetic lungs which he gained after a war wound left his lungs useless. This leads him to have a diminished lung capacity when engaged in physical activities.
Glaen was born in an unhappy childhood on lower levels of Corasunt, to mother who was never home and a father that didn’t exist. This difficult childhood only served to enshrine his bitterness. He would grow up and dream of a better life for himself. So he left home at 17, enlisted in the Sith Military as a trooper received heavy weapons training. He participated in the quelling of various uprisings and insurrection. He has attained the rank of sergeant.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Nice picture, really like the idea of a Sith character without the Force. That being said, your weaknesses are not really weaknesses. Your first 'weakness' isn't really a weakness, but a personality trait. Using fear and force for personal gain doesn't really harm him in anyway. Your second weakness is also more of a personality trait, but still kind of a weakness, but doesn't really matter in the long run.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

You Sith should definitely just get onto fighting the Republic, instead of harassing us Mandos.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Davin Jusik said:
You guys are in their path, they only have one true huge hyperspace lane to get to the Republic if they ignore you guys.xD Would you accept assistance from the Republic?
We basically already have :p

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