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Approved Vehicle GAMBT-30 Cougar Medium Tank Mark II

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Width: Average
Height: Small
Weight: Very Heavy
Size: Average
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge


  • Backdoor APC: Given the lack of ammo storage for the Turbolaser Layout, the Cougar has quite a lot of space for infantry. Enough for a full squad to fit, allowing the Cougar to double as an IFV.
  • Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: Given the redundancy with other GA designs, the Cougar can be pumped out at an amazing rate, allowing the GADF to have a great backlog of tanks, even if one is destroyed.
  • Sensor Sweep: The Cougar, much like all other GADF designs, has the full range of sensors. Night Vision, Magnetic Scanners, Thermals, RADAR, anything you can think of.
  • Modularity!: The Cougar was designed as a new GADF's platform for any sort of mission needed. The turret is entirely removable for mission specific turrets such as an Anti-Air layout, or replacing the turbolaser for a mass driver at the cost of passenger capacity.
  • A Mechanic's Dream: Fixing the Cougar is most of the time, incredibly simple. Given it's amount of reused parts from other GA vehicles, destroyed Cougars are often recoverable even when made completely inoperable.
  • Hits Hard, Small Package: It's main cannon, modified single turret Hammer, allows the Cougar to have an extremely powerful main punch. While it's rate of fire is still low, the Cougar's numbers should make up for that. This can also be changed out for several other hard hitting options, such as flak cannons, or a mass driver.
  • Pack a Punch: While the rocket pods are designed for anti-armor, the sensors on the tank also allow them to lock onto air targets, allowing them a defense against CAS or low flying heavy infantry.
  • Hell of an Engine: The Engine of the Cougar was designed originally to act as a stop gap until Rara found a more suitable one, but it's performance allowed it to act as the perfect fit for the GA's doctrine, it's reliability and power output allows the Cougar to act as a multi-role platform for attachments, as well as giving the Cougar a speed to match it's brother the Wildcat.
  • Weak Defense: Relative to other GADF vehicles, the Cougar's armor thickness is rather thin, and it's shields aren't the highest power.
  • Sensor Reliant: While the Cougar does have viewports, the tank is designed for sensor reliance. Should the tank have it's sensors knocked out, it'll be left less effective.
  • Loud AF: The Hammer cannon, designed originally for starships, isn't there for stealth. Ambushes aren't impossible, but you better be a good tanker if you wanna keep your position unknown.
  • Heavy Metal: The Downside of the massive hull was weight, causing the Cougar to occasionally get stuck in weak terrain, and shredding infrastructure below it.
To fill the gap of a more easily manufactured tank, Si Tech got to work designing a medium tank, allowing the GADF the numbers advantage on the battlefield. Designed with firepower and ease of manufacturing in mind, the Cougar's a middle of the line tank that does it's job well enough, and that's about it.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To Redesign a tank I made 6 months ago.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: My Subs

Technical Information

Model: Galactic Alliance Main Battle Tank Model 30 Cougar
Modular: Yes
Material: Reinforced Durasteel, Impervium, Seigurium, Various Electronics, Reinforced Duraplast
Movement: Tracks
Vehicle Type: Tank
Vehicle Role: Assault
Defense Rating: High
Traction Rating: Very High
Top Speed Rating: Very High
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Very High
Acceleration Rating: High
Balance Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: Very High

Minimum Crew: 3
Optimal Crew: 5
Passenger Capacity: 9
Cargo Capacity: Small
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