Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gancorth Typho

NAME: Gancorth Typho
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte

SPECIES: Human (Correlian)
AGE: 24
SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 66kg
EYES: Yellow

HAIR: Partially Bald The Rest Is A Short Brown
SKIN: Caucasian


+Gancorth uses his pain to fuel himself in combat often sending him into a rage when he is injured.
+Through the dark side Gancorth can slightly numb himself of all pain for a very short period.

-With the left half of his body being burned and scarred Gancorth has to rely on mechanical supports to have fluid motion in his limbs.
-While his rage energizes him during combat it also at times makes him at time lose his control and throws wild blows.

APPEARANCE: Dressed in black armor with mechanical supports and a grey cowl Gancorth is not menacing. His most distinguishing attribute is his piercing yellow eyes.

EARLY YEARS:(WIP) Born from shunned Jedi Falinx Typho and once slave Marima Typho, Ganorth was raised on Correlia. When he was of age his father started teaching him the ways of the force. When he turned ten Gancorth became wary of meditating and moving small objects, believing such things were beneath his capabilities. So after pleading his father Gancorth started training on how to properly use a lightsaber. Much to his fathers surprise Gancorth excelled in combat training.

Gancorth quickly became fond of the dual bladed Jar'Kai form at the age of thirteen. Gancorth not being trained as a jedi would, never upheld their principles. His father Falinx would often scold the boy for his rise of emotions during battle and warn him of the consequences. It was to no prevail however because by the age of seventeen Gancorth had already started secretly training himself in the dark side. Gancorth's thirst for power lead him to killing three random civilians just to train his Force Choke ability at the age of eighteen. However Falinx his father sensed a strong dark side presence and left his home to investigate fearing that it was a Sith assassin. Much to his fathers' dismay Falinx found Gancorth force choking a Twi'lek woman. Well the rest of story is much to grim, but ask the right person in Correlia and they'll tell you the story. The story of a angry boy and a father that couldn't hurt his child.

Items: (WIP) One red lightsaber, One blue lightsaber,

Abilities: Force Push, Force Choke


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