Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Gang firefight


Mandalorian hunter
A Laser bolt whizzed past Marauder's head. "These guys are persistent."" He said, returning fire. "I steal one thing from them and they go ballistic." Marauder dove for cover and fired 5 shots from his A180 pistol. The thugs gave chase to reclaim the device stolen from their vaults
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“What else did you expect?” Anvil jested toward Marauder. Fighting beside him, she defended their position by firing five shots of her own from her pistol. “They really like that device.” She took aim from behind her crate as the enemy came their way.

Marauder Marauder


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder takes cover behind a dumpster. "Well this thing is how they break into vaults every other taungsday." He replies. "If its that useful-" Marauder gets cut off by a barrage of laser fire from a Z-6 rotary cannon.
"Ironic," Anvil replied behind her cover. "They lock up a device in their vault that lets them break into vaults!" She also replied to blaster bolts coming at her with the response of her own bolts flying toward bodies and noggins. As the cannon came her companion's way, Anvil decided that her next reply ought to be a grenade to take out that cannon with a mighty explosion.

Marauder Marauder


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder lets out a chuckle, then fires into the alleyway "I got an idea." He said as he raised his arm and prepared to ignite his flamethrower. "This'll needs you to run."
Anvil let out a cackle as her vod sprayed fire down the alleyway into their idiot enemies. Stupid, or brave, it didn't matter anyway. They were going to die in flames. "They can run," the Mandalorian acknowledged. "But they can't hide." Then she ignited her jetpack with the element of surprise as she suddenly shot up high. "BUT CAN DIE TRYING!" She spewed flames from her own flamethrower. "FIRE FROM THE SKY!"
“Idiots.” He shook his head in disbelief as the two armored up thieves returned fire — literal fire at this point — on their pursuers. Well, was disbelief the right word? He’d worked enough jobs with armored up knuckleheads like these two over the years to come to expect these kinds of shenanigans from their kind. Mandalorians, as they never failed to remind you, in their fancy blaster-proof suits, with jetpacks and rockets, carrying entire armories with them for a simple heist. “Idiots,” he repeated.

Veda sat on a balcony overlooking the streets a few blocks away, watching the events unfold through a pair of binoculars. He tapped his comm. “What the hell happened? That isn’t the exit route we discussed, and you’re not even heading in the right direction to the ship!” His hand instinctively fell to his side, fingers grazing the grip of the blaster sitting comfortably in its holster. He knew he should get down there to help, but maybe not just yet. They had things under control, right? And splitting the reward with one — or two — less people would not be the end of the world.
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Mandalorian hunter
Marauder ducked behind a wall and rose his hand up to his helmet "This'll force em to fall back and give us more time to jump offworld without em following us" He said into the comm. Marauder said while grappling up to a rooftop. "Besides, these guys are some of the scum and villainy plaguing the galaxy. Why not rough em up a bit?" He fired more bolts at the criminals from up above.
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“Fine, we’ll do it your way.” Veda took one last scan of the streets below, placed the small binos in the chest pocket of his jacket, and turned back inside. After a quick scan of the room to make sure the group had left nothing that could trace back to them, he calmly walked out the door and toward the stairwell. No cameras and more cardio, he thought to himself. He darted down the stairs and out the side exit, taking a hard right out the door.

Or left. Two burly looking thugs stood on the corner to the right of the exit, carbines in hand. E-11s? Cheap knockoffs? Veda was no small man, but these monstrosities were each several inches taller and had a good 75 pounds on him. Veda quickly turned around, flipped up his jacket collar, and started walking the other way. Too late. “Hey, you!” called out one of the men. He took a few more steps. “Hey, I’m talking to you!”

Veda turned around and smiled. “Oh, you were talking to me?” he asked, feigning a puzzled look. “What’s up guys?”

They approached him cautiously, muzzles pointed in his direction, fingers on triggers. Veda was a fast draw, but he knew this wasn’t the right time. Yet. “Where do you think you’re going?”

”Oh, you know, just out for a walk.” The chaos from just a few blocks away echoed through the neighborhood. Those Mandos had blown something else up, it seemed. “A pretty day, isn’t it?”

”Out for walk? Nobody just goes out for a walk here.” They continued to study him. “You don’t look familiar. Who are you?”

Veda started closing the distance, casually walking toward the two gunmen. “You know me, guys. I’ve certainly seen you around.”

”I don’t think so, buddy.” Another boom in the distance. What are they doing over there?

One of the thugs put his finger to his ear, obviously listening to instructions through an earpiece. “Boss says those two Mandos ain’t alone,” he said to the other. “I ’spect this guy is with them.”

”What? With who?” Veda attempted to make his puzzled expression more puzzled. Trying a little too hard. But they were just a few meters away now. This was his chance. Before either of the men could respond, Veda drew his blaster and dodged left toward the street. He and the thug on the left fired at the same time — Veda’s shot hit its mark, but his opponent shot wide. Just as he expected, the gunman on the right had not been able to get a shot off with his comrade in between his blaster and target.

With the first man down, Veda rushed the second man, tackling him to the ground. Or he tried to. This guy was tough, and big, and strong, and not staying on the ground. He quickly recovered his stance, but Veda flew beneath his arm and climbed to his back, dropping his blaster but locking the man in a rear choke. The gangster struggled and clawed, but he eventually dropped to his knees, then dropped his arms, then drooped his head. Out like a light. Veda let the limp body go to the ground, then picked up his blaster.

“Alright boys, I’m coming your way.” No need to ask where they were, even if they had made any progress toward the ship during his scuffle with these two brutes. He’d just follow the sounds explosions and blaster shots.


Mandalorian hunter
"Got it." Marauder replied. "Anvil, we gotta wrap this up before they send more then we can handle." Marauder continued firing from his elevated position before hearing footsteps from the stairs to the rooftop. A squad of thugs made their way up to him, and they weren't in a talking mood. Marauder raised his flamethrower only for it to fizzle out, he used up all his arson juice.

Marauder shifted into a fighting stance as they ran at him. One goon threw a punch, Marauder threw a counter and yanked him off the roof and followed up with an elbow to another bandit's face
A stray bolt smacked Anvil in the jetpack but fortunately she didn't explode but she did get yeeted off into the distance with a "WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" and landed in a dumpster whose lid quickly closed over.

There was dirt in this dumpster. She didn't dislike dirt but under the circumstances it was coarse and rough and irritating and it got everywhere like all over her armor but whatever.

The other two characters in this setting were moving just a little too fast for her anyway so she decided to get knocked unconscious to wake up in moments or the next day.

OOC: I'm out of town till Sunday.
Veda rounded the corner just in time to see one of his “partners” spinning out of control into the distance. No idea where she landed. You’d have thought they’d learn a lesson after Boba Fett ended up in the Sarlacc pit, but apparently the Mandos’ skulls were as thick as their armor. No use trying to talk sense into them. The good news — if Veda lost track of Anvil spiraling away, so did the gangsters. If she survived the crash, she’d be okay.

About that same time, he heard a loud THWUMP! and turned to see a downed gangster groaning in pain as he slipped into unconsciousness. Veda’s eyes traced the brute’s obvious path down back up to see Marauder fighting a second guy on a low rooftop a few stories above. All those weapons, and he’s engaged in a game of fisticuffs? Ironic.

”Finish that up and get down here!” Veda yelled. The words barely got out of his mouth before the wall exploded by his head from a blaster bolt, causing him to flinch downward and lift his hand to block the small pieces of debris. He let out a curse before returning a few shots around the corner from a crouched position, creating some confusion but making contact with nothing.

OOC: No problem, this is obviously very fast and loose. Feel free to jump back in when you free up. Or we’ll pick you up on the way out of Dodge.


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder looked down at Veda shouting at him again to hurry up, then he turned to face another goon before full sending his boot across his face and heard a shout of pain from the fallen opponent. Marauder drew his knife as the last two rushed him. "Really?" He said in a menacing tone. One of the thugs threw a right cross at Marauder, only for him to duck and plunge the knife in his attacker's chest, causing him to stumble backwards and collapse to the floor.

The final hired gun gave Marauder a cold and calculating stare. "You do realize you're not gonna win this fight, right?" Marauder asked. This guy was different then the others, more... intelligent, but only one could walk away from this encounter. "I'll take my chances, Mandalorian." He answered. "And when I kill you, I might sell that armor of your's." Marauder clenched his fists tighter, he wouldn't allow that to happen, not to the armor his father gave him, and especially not to this mudscuffer. He attacks Marauder with a one-two punch, Marauder turned his body leftward but couldn't dodge the second one and took three steps back to prepare a counter for his next assault.
Veda had decent cover behind the wall from the gangsters firing his way down the alley. Wasting ammo. He corrected his posture and turned back up to his colleague. Looked like one more to deal with. Marauder was handling himself well up there. Veda watched as the thug missed with the first punch but caught him with the second. The Mando seemed to stumble backwards, but Veda couldn’t tell if it was from the impact or an intentional maneuver to regroup. Didn’t matter. It created the space he needed. He took aim and fired off three shots in quick succession. A couple caught the assailant in the chest, instantly downing him. The third whizzed by Marauder’s head, nearly decapitating him. “Ehh, my bad!” he yelled, half apologizing, half laughing to himself.

While his attention had been turned away, the other group of baddies had progressed most of the way down the alley, almost to the intersection where Veda was posted up. “Now to worry about my own hide.” He wasn’t sure how many there were coming his way, but it was more than he could take at one time with a blaster pistol. Time to improvise. The gangster Marauder had launched off the roof was his fallen angel. Veda looked over and immediately noticed two frags attached to his bandolier. Crouching low, he darted into the blaster fire, grabbed one of the frags from the belt, and rolled behind a large crate across the way. “Fire in the hole!” he shouted, blindly tossing the grenade over the crate and into the group of gunmen headed his way.


Mandalorian hunter
Marauder readied himself for another round but instead watched as two blaster bolt went through his opponents body and another near his head. He looked down and saw Veda, blaster in hand and a half intentional apology from him, how nice, he thought.

Marauder then saw more thugs heading Veda's way, he had to help him out. Marauder prepares to jump but spots Veda briefly rush towards the idiot he threw off the roof and snatch a thermal detonator from his bandolier and get right back into cover. Marauder knew his plan and watched as the explosion illuminated the alleyway, "Perfection." He said.

Marauder jumped off the rooftop and flew down to Veda. "You know where Anvil went?" He asked. "We gotta get outta here soon or we're as good as Jotaz treats."
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”With all that fancy gear, you can’t keep track of each other?” Veda asked sarcastically as he stood up and brushed himself off. They were clear for the time being, but Marauder was right. They needed to get to the ship and get out of town before anyone else picked up their trail.

Veda retrieved a small holo projector from a belt pocket and tapped a couple of buttons. A map of the city sprang to life a few inches above the machine. “Alright, so we’re here,” he pointed, trying to orient himself with the projection. “The docking bay is over here, another click or so away.“ He studied the layout for a moment and tried to think back to a few minutes ago when he saw the other Mandalorian spiraling into the distance. “And Anvil is somewhere in this direction.“ It wasn’t exactly on the way to the ship, but it wasn’t that far out of the way, either. It basically created a right triangle.

Veda looked from the map to his armored colleague’s face. “What do you think?“


Mandalorian hunter
"A Mandalorian carrying another Mandalorian over his shoulder would draw some heads, and we are kinda being hunted by a syndicate" Marauder pauses for a minute to think. They would need a disguise to evade the gangsters, and a discreet way to get them aboard. "We would need a long trolley or something like that and then cover it in a tarp, people throw away all kinds of stuff down here right?"

Marauder looks around and finds a slightly burnt brown poncho. "See?" He remarks as he takes off his helmet and puts the poncho on.
“Alright, alright.” This plan was so ridiculous that it might actually work. He directed Marauder’s attention back to the city map projected from the gizmo in his hand. “We know Anvil is over in this general direction, but we don’t know exactly where. Her comm must be fried because she isn’t responding.“. He paused to study the map a bit more. ”Let’s take this route,” he said, tracing a path down the virtual streets. He stopped at a point directly east of the docking bay. “We turn left here. If we find Anvil, we find her. If we don’t find her before we get to this point, we leave her.“

Veda placed the projector back in a pocket and walked over to the gangster Marauder threw off the roof. He grabbed the second grenade from the unconscious man’s belt and picked up the E-11 blaster rifle that laid nearby. Still at 75% charge, not bad. “Lead the way, Mando.”


Mandalorian hunter
"If we don't find her, you leave." Marauder said as he pulled the stolen device from his belt and gives it to Veda. "I have this thing where I can't leave someone behind." Marauder turns around and walks down the path Veda layed out. He looks down the other alley before going down it. "Clear." Marauder said in an undertone. Marauder wandered out into the alley. "I'll check here, you check.." Marauder paused. "Over by that large garbage crate."

He sifted through a trash pile next to him and found a small knife. "Why is this here?" Marauder muttered to himself. He tossed it aside and kept digging for Anvil or anything of use in aiding them in concealing them from the gang, or at least long enough to get offworld.
“Loyalty. Admirable.” And going to get you killed, if you’re not careful.

Veda walked over to the garbage crate to which Marauder had directed him. What was he doing? Searching through the trash for what? We should be going to the ship! And he would be going to the ship if the macguffin they’d come all this way for wasn’t currently in the Mandalorian’s possession. The thoughts of credits and action momentarily overrode his sense of self preservation, so he obliged Marauder — for now.

“Anvil wouldn’t have landed this close,” he reminded his companion. “But this,” he said, holding up a dingy but grime-free hat, “is perfect for your disguise.” He tossed the hat over to Marauder with a wink. “There’s a machine factory a couple blocks up. That’s about the last place I saw Anvil flying through the air, and that’s the most likely place to see an empty trolly lying around to load her up in if she can’t walk.”

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