Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gangland Violence: Coruscant RP

Hey guys, so I'm looking to start another thread--nothing too action-packed or anything like that; just a normal "Day in the office" kinda thread. So, my idea is that in order to boost recruitment and general public faith in the One Sith for the big showdown with the Republic, Melkaroth decides to organize a military campaign to clear out the lowest levels of Coruscant. I'm talking about the really low levels here, the ones that would be completely devoid of law and order and run by various gangs. The plan is to begin an all-out war on these street gangs and, as best as I can, take the "criminal" out of the "underworld" in order to boost the prestige of the One Sith and get our citizens to like us.

This thread isn't meant to be anything special--the criminal gangs don't have a super-bomb and they're not planning to take over the planet--I like to do a thread where not everything is at stake once in a while, as I feel it makes the all-out-fight-to-the-death-except-you-don't-actually-die threads more meaningful. I understand that most people won't be interested in this sort of thing, and I don't want it to be a big thread at all. I'm just putting this out there to anyone (NFU soldiers and OSI agents mostly) who wanna do a bit of PVE.


[member="Melakoth Tyrin "]The Coruscant underworld is very much populated by RP'ers who have been doing stuff with the criminal gangs down there. You should PM [member="Trenchcoat Man"] and [member="Smeg"] to see what they've been up to down there as i know they have some story planned there.

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