Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gangnam Style!

It had been a strange day in the Senate. Stranger than anything else Gen's memory recalled in her time in office. Strange in the sense that she was not entirely sure what had happened.

Geneviève Lasedri was not known to be a drinking woman. Yes, she had partaken in the consumption of alcoholic beverages on occasion. But she had not purposely taken to the medium to get drunk before. Today might change that. Yeah, it already had.

The secretary's eyes expanded to the size of asteroids when the Republic's leader passed by, her composure like that of one who had just seen a Sith walk into the office of the Prime Minister. The habitually white-clad politician had removed her famous hat and had one of her hands covering her mouth, strands of her black hair jouncing about from the stifled motion of constricted laughter. Not many claimed to have ever witnessed Lasedri smile--much less laugh.

Perhaps even more curious was the order for no less than four bottles of red wine--from Geneviève's homeworld of Chandrila, of course--to be delivered to the Prime Minister's door. Something certainly seemed amiss.

Behind the now-shut door of the GRPM's office, Gen removed her coat, skirt, and blouse down to her boy shorts. Then there was the pop of the cork. This would be quite the afternoon to follow quite the morning session.

Eventually, Gen just entirely let loose. A cackling, raucous burst of laughter flooded the room as she poured herself a glass--then abandoned that process as too much just spilled to the floor. She could just chug from the bottle, for all she cared. This day had been too much. All sense of sanity had disappeared. Might as well add to the mess.

About fifteen minutes later, Prime Minister Lasedri had a bottle to her lips and was giggling like a schoolgirl, fumbling with her datapad for the line to one of her more constant contacts in the Senate. She was sure everything was safe. "Hey 'Lyssa," she slurred, realizing it had been a decade since she had truly been on the verge of drunkenness. "Come over'ere and sheck this out." Another cackle escaped her lips before she switched off the comm line.
Normally a comcall from the Prime Minister's office was serious business. Aly hadn't even gotten out a single word before the comline was cut. For a moment, she stared down at her comlink, blinked once, then twice. "Is she?...... She has to be.... This has got to be a prank. Has she ever been drunk around me?" She mused aloud, thankful her aide was not standing in the room at the time she'd received that call.

Standing slowly, she shook her head and made her way to Gen's office. "She's expecting me." Alyssa said to the wide eyed secretary. Clearly a sign that something was amiss.

Walking in with Gen..... Aly just stopped for a moment and cocked her head to the side glancing to the wine bottles before coming back to the lack of clothing. Yep, drunk. Ohhhh, my day just got interesting. "So, Gen what are we drinking to this evening?" She said as she found a glass and pour some of that fine wine for herself.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"The'mperial Senate," Gen answered, raising her bottle. "I am now Empress, and we are'lllll gonna boycott ill'gal drugs. Yes, drugs." The 'Empress' snorted and took another swig of her wine, either oblivious or entirely apathetic to the fact that she was not completely dressed in front of company.

She raised her wine vessel after her drink and flashed a smirk and emitted a giggle. "This is from my home. We have no slaves there."
Alyssa couldn't help but giggle. It was damned infectious. Never in her life had she seen Gen be this way. "Imperial senate. Mmmhmmm, tell me about it." She said with a shake of her head, as she tilted her glass back and downed it in just a few gulps. Grabbing herself one of the bottles, she opened it and set it in front of her. "Alright, Empress, I can get on with this." Still a little too proper, clearly not enough wine had been consumed on her part just yet.

She burst into a fit of giggles, "Nope, no slaves. Ain't no slaves on Loronar either." She shook her head, about to die laughing in her little corner as she flopped down in her seat. And there we have her first slip in decorum. Who knew Aly knew any slang word at all. "This is good wine. Neeed more wine." Filling her cup to the brim this time before she settled back. "Also need less senators or just less annoying ones .... There's that one rodian that gods, I swear she must have ate duracrete. Or glass. You know which one I'm talking about."

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Gen could not help but release more uncharacteristic giggles as her more-or-less familiar guest had joined along in the chorus of silky laughter. Oh, now she knew she was drunk but she was at the point of no return. Her mind had little control left. She could not contain this secret Geneviève with her liquored-up blood running like this. It did help that her company was something of a 'friend'--a term she had been learning to define with the help of Jedi Master Raaf. "Hail Lor'nar. Land of the free, more of the... wine." Another generous 'sip'.

Empress Lasedri was actually not entirely sure she knew which Rodian senator Alyssa was referring to, but she hardly missed a beat, loopy as she was. "She's horr'ble. Prolly a M'rali'n disguised with a snorkel for the mouth."

Gen crossed an arm across her chest and held her bottle straight out as she leaned back in her chair, eyes squinted like she was closely inspecting the label. "They always forget to kiss my ass, 'Lyssa. I have a nice ass," she lamented.

Yeah, maybe it was best this Geneviève only came out on rare occurrence.

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
Theme Song: Alcohol

"Hail Empress Lasedri!" 'Lyssa declared loudly, grinning from ear to ear, in a fashion she hadn't done in years. At least she wasn't singing yet. Though that was sure to come! "You know ... they shoulda just made you Empress right after you saved my little asssz. Yes." She herself took a large gulp from her own glass. Clearly Aly was hardly one who needed to be around alcohol. "Thoses were good timezz."

"I know, right?!" She exclaimed before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"More wine ... More wine..." That part she mumbled as she reached for the bottle again. After all, she had to catch up with Gen now, who most definitely had a head start on her.

"How is it, that more peepul haven't told you what a great assets you have? Cause if I noteeced as a straight girl .... Clearly something is wrong with them if they ain't kissin that assss more often." Oh yes, even Alyssa had noticed. It was beyond her how anyone else couldn't see the same thing in Gen that she saw.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"Don't worreh. We have..." Gen held up all five of her left hand's digits as she uncovered her chest again and returned her drink to her lips. "...Three bottles." Arithmetic was apparently lacking.

But discussion over rears was not. Of course, everyone looked better in the eyes of a drunk, but Gen had kept herself in decent shape, even if she could not claim an hourglass silhouette. But Alyssa had always been more feminine--at least, that was what sober Geneviève had gathered. "But you..." she continued, pointing her finger accusingly--though quite off-target. "You are nice too. You arrre hi'rd. For the ass party, straight g'rrl." She leaned forward and held up the finger to her lips in a 'hush' gesture and released a sputtering laugh.

"I need sum'ore."

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
Alyssa blinked and looked to first Gen and then their remaining bottles. "Riiight, treeee bottles. Totally enough. If noot, I've got a bottle of giiin in my offeece." Given Lyssa's straight and narrow appearance, the fact she kept gin in her office might come as quite the surprise.

I can make anybody pretty.... Alcohol. Or so the song went.

She lifted a brow at the accusing finger, which happened to be pointed at the wall behind her to a picture of the former Prime Minister. Aly actually turned in her chair to see what Gen was talking about. "You knows, I don't tink Mister Moo-stache would be up for an asss par-tay."

Then she seemed to catch on."Assss party? Me? That totez sounds like something they does in brothelz. Not that I know thatz personally." And so the journey into debauchery and the lowest of lows began.

"Moar wine!" She said jovially as she poured herself yet another glass. "Do youz know what my dad-dee would say if he say me now? He's say now Aly, that is not how a lad-day behaves. Get some classss.... Bastard." She grumbled with the saddest of tones. "Heee nevah let mah have any fun! Nevah!"

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
As intriguing as the previously sexually-unintrigued Lasedri was beginning to find her friend's physical attributes, the mention of a Mister Moo-Stache was temporarily distracting from any overly curious imaginings. "You sssay the strrrangest thin-gezzz," she observed--then resumed observing elsewhere.

Drink, drink, drink. "Have you evererrrr been drunk b'f'orrrrr?" Gen certainly had never reached this point. Indeed, it was incredibly unladylike--but, then again, Gen had never been known to exude the class she had been raised to promote. Her sailor's tongue was legendary in the political circles.

"I have... bed'd at home. We can have... partyyyyyyy..." Gen paused to catch her breath, then giggled before filling the senator in on her spontaneous plans. "You... can kissssss... mine. My ass."

In her alcohol-diluted mind, it sounded like a sound idea. She was the Empress, after all.

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
"Meh? Sttrannge? Noooo. Nevah." She pointed at the picture behind her. "Plus he totally haz that moo-stache. Can'ttt ya see it?" Aly chuckled enjoying the thought far more than any sane human should.

"Yessss, I've been druunk bee-forrr. Was ..." The brunette paused and glanced down to her fingers as she attempted to count to the number she wanted, "Eiight-teeen. Got intoo dad-day's liquorrr cabinettt. Got totally wasste, threew up on his nexu skin rug... He was soooo piisssed. That lilll vien in his fore-headz just popped right outz."

Aly paused in her drinking and through her alcohol induced haze still managed to understand what Gen had said. She blinked once, then shook her head, "I'veee not have nearly enough alcoholll for that par-tay. More win! We can totes get thereeee." She declared as she reached for the bottle. Oh alcohol.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Gen had lived a lavish lifestyle back in her youth as well, but she could not recall getting 'wasted' like Alyssa recounted. Nope. Never been wasted. She had been raised on fine wines and taught to respect the artistry of the beverage instead of settling for extravagance in mind-benders. She was a responsible drinker. Obviously. That was why she was fumbling with the cork of her second bottle and taking a huge gulp after a hard-earned success.

"I haav-v never been drungk b'forrrr, except one tiiiiiimme." She held up her middle finger to emphasize how many times that was. "Jusssst once. It wasszzzz a d'rty b'rrrr-- A d'rrrty barrr-- A dirty bar." She shook her head and brushed back her hair like some sort of diva. "Carida. They toll-- They told me to. It wasss a bad trip tooo the bathrrrrum. Rum. Rum." The inebriated political leader snorted and wheezed an incredibly alcohol-induced laugh.

"I llllike nexu rugssss. We should have one. Togethaaaarrrr. You and me. For old times snakes. Snecks. Sex." She began flicking haphazardly on her datapad, searching for something yet nothing in particular. So it seemed, at least. "Frak. I nevarrr realized... It'sss cheap fer a real sex-- nexu.

"Is somethingg-ah on yer mind, 'Lysssssssa? I think we should proooobably--" Her own words were cut off by an uncontrollable cackle. Oh, where had her mind gone? She looked inside her bottle to see if she had dropped it in there. "Awwwwww! Does that mean it'ssss bedtimah? Daaaaaammmn it."

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
Aly lifted an eyebrow, "I wouldaaa thought you'd been druunyk more than one timez, givenz the pasttttt." The girl slurred heavily. Though she soon found herself chuckling at Gen's slurring.

"Nexu are fuuuun." She giggled some more as she poured herself another glass. "Youuu know I kneewww just the plase to get nexu! Therezzz the argi - ... Argicul ... Agricultural barn oonn the southz sidess. We totes get one! They'z cute!" She squealed happily. "Sex? Mmm, getting closer to the right amouttts of al-co-holz for that."

"Oh, its notz bed time. We going to get nexu." Aly said as she stumbled to her feet, reaching out she grabbed Gen's hand to pull her to her feet, though she may have missed a couple times first. "Hmmmm ... maybay we shouldz take back doorz?" After all even Alyssa had heard of the special passageways in the Senate Building made just for the Prime Minister's use. And someone this was a fact she managed to remember while quite wasted. "Nexu timez!!!" She declared firmly!

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"You'rrrre soundeng like a threeeeee-yir-old," Gen mocked. Like she sounded so much more mature right now. "Nexxxxu arrrre illlllefib-- illllimmin-- illezhen-- Awww, frak it. Let'ssss get'sss an exu." The most brilliant idea in years!

It took a while for her sloshed brain to parse the next bit of conversation--if this could truly be called a conversation. There was probably a lot being lost in translation just from their own brains to their own mouths. Not a drop of alcohol was lost in transit to Gen's mouth, however. She was nearly through her second wine bottle. "Whyyyy arrre you alway br'ng-ging up sex, 'Lysssssa?" she demanded as she stood up to go find her top. "It'ssss like you see my boobssss and th'nk'sss 'n'open invitation."

Locating her blouse, Gen stretched her arms out and, with much struggle, pulled it over her bobbing chest. The blouse felt oddly tight around the neck. "'Lysssssa! I wannnnnt mah nexuuuuu," the Prime Minister whined, groping around for a steady object to hold her up. She found her hat rack. At least, she thought it was her hat rack. "Oh. Annnnnnd I fund maaiii hat! It'ss a lezzzzbiaann."

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
"Meh? Sound like a tree yearz old! I does noottz!" She declared, clearly seeming to take offense at that. But her annoyance at the comment was short lived for Gen moved on to better things like Nexu. Yes, the most brilliant idea ever. There was just no possible way that this could end badly. None. At. All. To the Nexu mobile!

Alyssa blinked at the next comment, taking her a little while to be sure she fully understood what Gen had said. "Meh? Sex?! You broooot it up fist! Not Meh!" She chuckled and then soon found herself glancing down to her breasts with a frown. "Theressss a reasonz that Iz wear shitz, up the meh neck. Cauzze these asssets get far too muchhhhh attention .... And youz just poooofed it. If you notizes then clearly I wazzz right!"

Even Aly hadn't noticed that Geneviève had put her shirt on backwards ... at least not yet. Though that might get awkward if she tried to removed it later. Aly stopped and blinked, clearly she had been one step too close to Gen as she tried to get up "Gen .... that's my boobiez. I don't thinkkkkk that'sssss what ya meant to grabz." She said seemingly stunned, even in her drunken state. However, being the politician she was, Aly had a plan "Soooo let tez boobiez goooo so we can get the Nexuuuu!"

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"Welllll, then waaar did'ju put my hat?" Gen asked, glancing down at what her hands were rather accidentally clutching. She was beyond embarrassment at this stage, but she did unleash a little giggle before releasing her grip. "Your hat rrrrrrackzzz'biggah than miiiiiine."

Losing her balance again, she took Alyssa by the shoulder, leaned into her body, and sloppily kissed her eyebrow. "Thatttt's for yurrr huzzzband. I don' kissss just aaaannyyyy g'rrrll. Just-ah maaii breast friendzzzz." Whatever that meant, she was not sure. Gen was so out of it that she was not aware of half the things she was saying. Her filter was gone, and her smothered, unencountered sexual inclinations had apparently been churned up. She was as celibate as they came--except apparently when intoxicated.

Pressing a finger against Alyssa's lips, she half-whispered, "Not nowwww. We kun talks laterrrrr. I wannnnt-tah mah nexu." Wobbling away from the other brunette, Geneviève grabbed another object she thought was her hat stand. She plucked the shade off the lamp and crowned herself with extreme precision for someone as drunk as she was. "Funnnnd mai haaaat. Do you think I'ven neeeeed to waaaar my skirt?" Well, her underpants were comfortable, to be fair...

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]
"Mmmeh? I diddd not touch'your het!" The brunette just stood there, waiting for Gen to let go of her boob. Giving a shake of the head, she just chuckled lightly at the awkwardness. Thankfully she'd probably not remember this tomorrow! "Yesz Yesz it issst."

Stumbling herself, she barely managed to catch herself on the wall as Gen looked to her for support. "Huzzzbandz? I'm mot merrried!" She protested! "Bessst friendd? Yousa mean that?!" Aly seemed excited by the prospect. Truth be told, she hadn't had many friends. Lots of colleagues, people she decently liked but never friends.

"Nexuuuuu!" She cheered! Eager to get to that part of the evening. In no way can this not end badly. Alyssa didn't even notice what Gen had grabbed was not a hat. It she had, she might have died laughing then and there. Alas, that moment was not to be had, not yet.

Looking over, she eyed Gen up and down. "I tinks the skirtzzz ist neededdd... Peepz mightz stare."

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Gen nearly tumbled onto the floor as she struggled to put her Ministerial skirt on. Her brown eyes danced about with glee at the prospect of having this new, exotic pet that Alyssa had recommended. What could go wrong? Nothing! Nothing could go wrong at all, even if she was currently having a bit of trouble pulling up the zipper. "Letttt's go..." she whispered, giggling in conclusion. "Bessssst-tah frenzzz. For-evah!"

"Nehhh-ksuuu! Nehhh-ksuuu!" she began to sing, grabbing onto Alyssa's arm and pulling her towards the alternate exit of her very special office. "Lead meh the way." The Prime Minister took the final swig of her red wine and dropped the bottle to the floor without even noticing. The night had just begun!

[member="Alyssa Onasi"]

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