Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gangs of Tattoine

He sat on the hover bike, blasters in holsters. He glanced over at the bar his new member supposedly was inside. He waited patiently before shouting "CARDEN, C'MON WE AIN'T GOT ALL DAY!"
Carden was in the bar taking the last of it's credits, it wasn't his style but he was working with a pirate, so he had to go with the flow. He ran out "calm down will ya." Carden said with a laugh then threw the bag of credits to the pirate "just adds another bounty to my head, mate." Carden said then got on to his own hover bike. "Well lead the way pirate. " Carden said with a smile.
[member="Nik Bonvor"]
He gripped the bag in his left hand, grinning. "Don't worry about your bounty! I got the death sentence in five systems", He then strapped the bag around the handle of the bike and spit his cigarette out on the ground. "FOLLOW ME, KID!" He said, flying down the hill on the hoverbike. He would take several sudden turns and then finally stopped when he made it to a small village. "This village is abandoned, but one of the people that witnessed one of my crimes is here, hiding like the coward he is". He would then jump off his hover bike and unholster both of his blasters. He marched into town, blasters raised. As he scanned the area he caught something move in the corner of his eye. He pointed to a small hut and said "I'll handle this, you wait here" He said slowly walking up to the hut. He stepped into the hut and slammed the door shut and a few seconds later, came out grabbing a boy's arm who was no older than 10 years old. The child was crying and screaming but Nik kept a steady grip. "Here he is, you want the honor of killin' this farking coward?" He asked, pushing the child to the ground.
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden followed the pirate, throughout the various twists and turns then man kept talking about a person who witnessed one of his crimes. He went to a hut and came out a few seconds later with a kicking and screaming boy who couldn't have been over ten years old. And he asked me to kill him. "Mate, your want me to kill a little kid, no way not my style just tie him up throw him in the back of my speeder.

((Occ:be back in a few hours.))

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
"You disappointed me but if you want to tie 'em up, go ahead. There is some rope in my hover bike's sattle bags" He then pulled the crying kid up again, jamming the barrel of one of his blasters up against the child's jaw. "I killed this farking peice of trash's parents and he knows I did this! What are we going to do with him when we tie him up?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden thought for a moment, what was he going to do. "Well, if we ain't killing him, raise him to be helpful to your pirate group." Carden said then walked over to the pirates sattle bag and grabbed the rope, then walked to the kid, tied him up, and put him on the speeder. "Well my pirate friend, where to next or shold we chill out for a moment." Carden said

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
"I would rather get out of this trash compactor of a town as soon as possible" He said, jumping on his hover bike. He motioned Carden to follow him then took off. He went back down the twists and turns and everything. He finally came to a halt at the his camp and jumped off. "Perhaps you would like to have a talk with the boy about joining us?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]
"No problem, lets get going, the meeting will happen pirate." Carden said then he got on his speeder and followed the pirate throughout the many twists and turns. They reached the pirate camp nothin much still he got a little tense seeing all the pirates in one place, he felt bad for the kid. "Kid stay behind me." Carden said to the kid then untied him.

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
He walked up to Carden, grabbing the child and bringing him over to the large mountain at the end of camp. "Stop screaming" He said, angrily. The child stopped screaming but the tears continued to fall. He pushed the child right by the edge and brought his boot up. "You can scream now" He said, sending his boot shooting into the child's stomach. The child fell back screaming as he rolled down the rigid mountain. He turned around with a large grin and then pointed to Carden and said "You see, that is how you handle things"
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden stepped back from the pirate "yeah you do things like any other pirate I met, always sloppy that is, that kid could have helped to your advantage Nik you wasted precious credits, you could have sold him on the market, even on a place like this. All I'm saying is that you wasted credits. Now why did you want me, just to rob a bar and mame a kid, if I check on him and he's still alive you could use him to your advantage, get him on your side, he won't say a word. If he's dead thats just another problem, because I may be a bounty hunter but I don't stand for people killing kids im a ethical bounty hunter as you would call it." Carden said while staring at the kid as he lay there a little further down the rocky ridge. "If he's dead I might collect a bounty on you my friend." Carden said in a serious tone.

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
"Considering collecting a bounty on me? You do not scare me child, I can guarantee no one...and I mean no one would've bought that kid." He looked a Carden, smile wide. "You think you could beat me in a fair fight?" He laughed some more and then removed both of his blasters. He let them fall to the ground and then removed his hat, doing the same thing. He pushed some of his long hair off of his face and grinned. "Well, do you?"
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Karking hell, Carden was never good at hand to hand combat, but he would try anyway. Carden unslug his blaster rifle, put it to the side, took his blaster pistol out of his holster and put it down. The tyen took off his helmet and gloves. "No, but I could try." Carden said tyen he attempted to punch the pirates face.
[member="Nik Bonvor"]
He took the punch stumbling back then smiled. "Let me tell you something, when you go for the punch, you-" He quickly stopped talking and threw a hard haymaker, hoping that his distraction worked.
[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden was busy paying attention to his words, when he felt a powerful punch hit him. He fel on one of his knees. "You karking pirate." Carden said then spit to the ground. That was a smart move for that man he didn't expect to get punched when he was talking "hehe mabye I could learn a few things from a old dog like you."

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
[member="Carden Lorps"]
"You are terrible in combat, but what matters is blasters. Anyways, do you truly want to join my gang?" He asked retrieving his weapons and sliding them back into his holster. "You are a rather easy opponent" He said, laughing.
"I may be terrible with hand to hand mate, but I can shoot pretty good. A bounty hunter like me joining a pirate band of goons? Ha not join bot have a agreement where I help your goons and you, then in turn you give me credits. It's normal business mate. I'm a easy oponent? No im just too good." Carden said with a laugh while he picked up his blaster rifle and pistol. He holstered his blaster pistol and slung his blaster rifle over his shoulder.
[member="Nik Bonvor"]
"If you are too good than why did I force you to your knees with one punch?" He asked, still laughing. "Carden, be honest here, do you like me? I don't mean in know, but in a business way" He then sat down on a crate and then looked at Carden.
[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Well, you forced me down cause I wasn't ready...yeah I wasn't ready." Carden said and was obviously messing around. "Well in business terms, pirates can be great employers but, also could be very risky ones, they are a bit unpredictable. But you seem like a all and all employer." Carden said with a business like tone.

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
"Tell me, if I send you down that mountain to fetch our guest will you...let's say...punish him if I pay you credits?" He asked. He then smiled and then looked back to the mountain. "If our guest is still alive, of course"
[member="Carden Lorps"]

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