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Gangs submission

Wretched Vampire



Submit a gang using the template below. Start with WORK IN PROGRESS if it is not finished or you do not have enough members. Tag me when it is ready. If I like the post it is approved.

PM a member if you want to join their gang. Only 4-8 gangs shall be able to join in the main story on Malastare.

Name: What is the name of your gang? This is important as it should convey something about your group.
NPC Leader: Name and description. Every gang has an NPC leader. Their name must be suitably Mad Max inspired. Failure to be camp enough is grounds for a gang being denied!
PC Members: from 3-5 characters. Please keep this list up to date, substitutions are permitted through the story.
Aesthetic: Describe the appearance of your gang and their vehicles.
Main weapons: Choose from Blasters, slug throwers, explosives, vehicle mounted, melee, improvised, etc. Hi-tech weapons are not permitted. Many have been able to service blasters, but energy is scarce so these are limited to typical rifles and sidearms. Please try and stick to the theme for Chrome.
Typical propulsion: tracked (slow but stable), wheeled (well balanced), repulsors (all terrain but unreliable), pods (very fast but fragile). Mitro is a special compound made using highly refined malastare fuel and even vehicles can use this for a burst of speed.
Load-out: light/medium/heavy. Light gangs typically use lots of bikes (one rider), medium gangs have a good mix but mostly cars (drive, passenger, gunner), heavy gangs use a few massive vehicles or trucks (up to ten crew). Typical ratios: Light (6/3/0), Medium (2/5), Heavy (0/2/2). 4 bikes = 2 cars = 1 heavy.
Base: what is your base? Is it a collection of tents, a mountain hideout, a pre-fab shelter, a small fort or do you all sleep in your vehicles?

Strengths: at least two. Examples: reliable vehicles, ramming, heavy armour, marksmen, terrifying cannibals

Weakness: at least two. Examples: little ammunition, slow vehicles, poor in hand to hand.

Description: add more details about your gang. It's vital to describe their aesthetic, both for members and the way they've customized their vehicles.

Name: Eviscars
NPC Leader: Detritus Skrell. Detritus is a Gran who stands at nearly seven feet in height. He is missing his left eye stalk and covers this with a metal cap engraved with a skull. He typically wears a massive, spike laden pauldron over his left shoulder and wields a huge and heavily notched two-handed sword.
PC Members: Davon Kar [member="Elijah Rekali"]
Aesthetic: Blades. Lots of blades. Each Eviscar carried a main weapon, typically a hacking blade of some kind. The more wicked-looking the blade, the higher ranked the member. Their vehicles are mostly repuslor skiffs that have been repurposed and decorated with armor plating and scythes. They fly bright red decorative sails from their skiffs. Every member has spiky bracers that they use to cling on to enemy vehicles when boarding.
Main weapons: Hand to hand combat. Vehicles fitted with spear guns and harpoons.
Typical propulsion: Repulsor
Load-out: Heavy. They reply on using their maneuverable heavy skiffs to get above enemy vehicles to allow their members to board in numbers.
Base: Sleep in their vehicles, they are mobile raiders


Mine! Eviscars are talented at boarding and stealing their rival’s vehicles.
Slice and dice. Eviscars are deadly in close combat
All terrain. Their use of repulsors allows them to ambush other gangs over difficult terrain.
Exposed. Bike riders and gangs on foot should steer clear of their skiffs. The blades can rip an exposed person to shreds.


Mediocre! The gang typically suffers a high casualty rate in exchange for stealing vehicles.
Range. Sawn off shotguns are the most common firearm, leaving them exposed at range.
Brace! Their repulsor vehicles have to get close to allow boarding. If the driver is careless they may get low enough to be rammed. Their skiffs do not fare well in a collision.

Description: The Eviscars are a gang of mobile raiders. Few like fighting them as they tend to close rapidly and start to board. Their dug members are said to be incredibly ferocious. First to board, using their four arms to cling on and slash with or throw knives. They usually have two scouts on swoop bikes, one small skiff with a flechette cannon for harassment and two heavy skiffs. Once an enemy gang is found the small skiff tries to attack their wheels whilst the large skiffs approach. The large skiffs tend to lock on with harpoons or clamped boarding ramps. Then the Eviscars, heedless of the danger, throw themselves at the enemy and try to cut them apart.
Davon Karr was found by the gang in open ground. They ran him down and took his possessions. A lieutenant took a liking to his beskad, with its wickedly curved blade Before the eviscar could strike Davon down, the wily old mandalorian broke his forearm and collarbone and took his weapon back. As tradition dictated that defeating a ranked member and taking his blade comes with his position, Davon was made a lieutenant.

OOC/ [member="Nia Siroc"] [member="Trix Bastin"] Anyone else?

Name: Da Krimzon Kult
NPC Leader: Kaptain Redfinga, an overly muscular Gamorrean Savage, slabbed in vibrant emerald skin and tattered remnants of his former life. His massive tusked Jaw was covered by a bent metallic plate that was bolted into his flesh, and various scraps of a crashed Transport ship were strapped to his squat but bulky frame. He wields a massive, and crude slugthrower pistol and a hefty cleaver made of knapped metal.
PC Members: Astarii Saren, To Be Updated With Others.
Aesthetic: To Describe the Kultists of Krimzon in a single word, is Savagery personified in both body and deed. They wear the scraps of their former lives proudly atop of their muscular frames and adorn themselves in the crudely forged remnants of their enemies vehicles. Most of the Kult has toughened skin of dark forest green and beady black eyes. The color red is commonly seen on their person, either the smeared remains of their foes left to dry, or painted across their flesh in the belief of becoming faster with whatever superstitions they hold true too.
Main Weapons: Crude Slugthrowers, Explosive Tipped Spears, Harpoon Guns, Flamethrowers (Only when Fuel's in Abundance.) Improvised Melee Weapons.
Typical Propulsion: Repurposed Wheeled Vehicles, Fitted with Additional Armour Plating and Defensive Spikes. Example Images: [X] [X]
Load-Out: Medium. Da Krimzon Kult relies heavily on mowing down their foes with numerical superiority and blinding lust for speed.
Base: The ruined crash site of the Crimson Zephyr, an old Action VI Transport, several dozen miles away from the nearest city or settlement.

  • Brute Strength. As a byproduct of their birth, Gamorrean's have the physical advantage when compared to their Human Counterparts, and can easily overpower an enemy if brought into Close Quarters Combat.
  • Inhuman Endurance. These Porcine Humanoids have hardened leatheresque Skin backed by layers of heavily corded muscle and fat, proving to be an effective method of protection against primitive weapons found amongst the wasteland.
  • Intellectually Inferior. While most Gamorrean's are viewed as nothing more than simple-minded brutes, with Kaptain Redfinga being the exception, such a stereotypical mindset is in this case entirely correct as those in the Da Krimzon Kult know only how to shoot, stomp, loot and drive fast.
  • Narcotics Addiction. Before the Krashin', the Crimson Zephyr had been an Interstellar Cargo Hauler, but the contents of its hold weren't exactly kosher. Nearly three dozen massive containers of Giggledust were a part of the Cargo Manifest and had been included in every portion of the Gang's rationed supplies of food for an innumerable span of days.
  • Terrible Marksmen. To account for their inability to take out a target accurately with their crude weapons, the Gangers of Da Krimzon Kult had sought to counter their horrid marksmanship with filling the air with as many bullets as they have in their arsenal.
Description: Da Krimzon Kult came into existence from the survivors of the Crimson Zephyr after a critical engine failure had forced the vessel to crash land on Malastare. Deep in the rolling dunes of the wastelands, they were compelled to eat the fallen members of their crew and devolved into feral savages, who desired nothing more to reave, feast upon the flesh of the dead, and accelerate to ever rising speeds. They became addicted to Giggledust when their former Executive Officer had believed that it would enhance the flavor of their food and a plethora of other insidious reasons. Sufficed to say, in crimson clad they ride, ever shiny and laughing like death itself followed in their wake.

To advance in rank and station within the Kult, those wishing to rise had to adhere to the sole law of the wasteland. Only the strongest may survive. Thus, it's not uncommon for the Clanners of Krimzon to fight amongst themselves in their lust for power and speed, when not battling against another rival gang. Having kept true to this divine law, Kaptain Redfinga has proven time and time again that he's the strongest lad amongst them all, slaying all comers and salting the wastes with their blood.

Their vehicles are decrepit wrecks no better than four wheels strapped to an engine. Though they're capable of reaching insane speeds through the introduction of Mitro into their fuel mix, they're utterly useless once a critical component is damaged. Knowing that such an event was bound to occur in a firefight, the Kaptain ordered his TinkaBoys to rivet the entire ensemble together with scrapped parts from their crashed vessel, creating a truly horrifying monstrosity that holds no rights to roll along Da Krimzon Path.

How Astarii had come to count herself among their number was a story and a half. She had come to Malastare to take in the sights and relish the high-octane thrills of the local pod racing tracks. During her yearly leave, the Kult had raided the small town she was garrisoned in and had taken a liking to her ferocity. So Kaptain Redfinga had the brightest idea to bring the Hapan into his company as a trophy slave. It seemed he liked how she looked in skimpy outfits and strapped to his Boss Pole behind his Frone.

Awaiting Approval/ Members.

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