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Approved Species Garath Lek

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  • Intent: To make an enemy species for the Commonwealth Systems
  • ​Image Credit: Here
  • Canon: No
  • Links:
    First Encounter

  • Name: Garath Lek
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Selvaris
  • Language: Clicks, Telepathic
  • Average Lifespan: 100 Years
  • Estimated Population:Inter-Planetary
  • Description: Terrifying and tall, with armored carpaces and razor sharp spines. Their limbs which are many hold various claws, scythes and bone swords. A mixture of insectoid and Yuuzhan-Vong.
  • Breathes: Any
  • Average height of adults: 4 Meters
  • Average length of adults: 7 Meters
  • Skin color: Purple
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions:
Most are tall with armored carpaces, four front legs, each affixed with offensive bone like scythes or swords. they lack any fingers or humanoid like appendages. their back legs are re-curved, much like an animals to spring fast and far. The most common clor of their carapaces is a deep purple, with tan as their general skin color. Older more experienced ones can spotted via their many scars. Jagged teeth protrude from their maws, which can open wide to grind down bone, flesh or steel with legendary strength. Their carpaces are on a hardened level as much as durasteel armor plating.
  • Races: Aurek, Besh
  • Strengths:
    Hive mind, telepathic communication
  • Highly adaptable
  • Evolution at alarming rate
  • Reproduce at alarming rate

  • Soft armor on belly
  • Require massive amounts of protein to reproduce
  • Poor space-farers

  • Diet: No foods are poisonous to this species. They eat primarily bio matter, much of which is protein.
  • Communication: Telepathy
  • Technology level: Space Faring
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior:
    The Garath Lek are Hive minded, taking orders from a long chain of Aureks, the Besh Caste moves about and devours anything in their path. The overall strategy of the species is to infest world after world, devouring, procreating and evolving into the perfect genetic specimens. When left unchecked, they will overrun everything nearby with a rapid blitzkrieg attack. They care nothing for politics, the Aurek species simply wish to wipe out all competing life and establish their own sect as the dominant one. Occasionally sects are known to war against each-other, when resources are scarce or critical.


Long before the Gulag Plague during the Yuuzhan Vong war the seed of their newest creation was planted. Originally a warfare weapon devised by the Yuuzhan vong, it never came to fruition, until much later. There the stored bio-mass slept until the Dark Harvest, when the movement and sub-sequential discovery of their resting place woke up the first.

It consumed its prey and multiplied itself. They have been growing in secret ever since, the hive minds of the Garath realizing that until their numbers were large enough, they must be sheltered from any who would attempt harm. After hundreds of years of subterfuge and growing their numbers off the bio resources of Selvaris they have emerged from their homeworld, devising colony ships equivalent to vong tech. Though these ships provide no weaponry, they can ferry the Garath from world to world, helping them spread like a virus.

Now at the conclusion of their evolutionary building period they've ventured forth directly into the core, which they feel is empty and ripe for the sacking. Their mission is to saturate their species across the stars.
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