we need some Sith to liven up this party! I promise, we have cookies!!
Benedali Serrus Duchess of Alderaan Character Bio Dec 3, 2014 #21 we need some Sith to liven up this party! I promise, we have cookies!!
Arick Serrus The Duchess' Captain Dec 3, 2014 #22 [member="Benedali Serrus"] Yes, to many goody-two-shoes people I have nothing to do...
Benedali Serrus Duchess of Alderaan Character Bio Dec 3, 2014 #23 [member="Arick Serrus"] I know, right? More mercs wouldn't be bad, either...
Arick Serrus The Duchess' Captain Dec 3, 2014 #24 [member="Benedali Serrus"] -sigh- *Slumps into a chair* Tell me when a bad guy gets here. *Falls asleep*
[member="Benedali Serrus"] -sigh- *Slumps into a chair* Tell me when a bad guy gets here. *Falls asleep*
G12-B The multiple personality droid Character Bio Dec 3, 2014 #25 Did you want a bad guy and a merc..... I think this is a two in one prize thing
Carlos Castillo Guest C Dec 3, 2014 #26 [member="Benedali Serrus"], [member="Arick Serrus"] I'll be coming along to allow you all to stand in my presence.
[member="Benedali Serrus"], [member="Arick Serrus"] I'll be coming along to allow you all to stand in my presence.
Benedali Serrus Duchess of Alderaan Character Bio Dec 3, 2014 #27 [member="G12-B"] Woot! You'll work; droids are welcome, too [member="Carlos Castillo"] Pffft give Bennie five minutes. She'll have you kissing her feet in no time
[member="G12-B"] Woot! You'll work; droids are welcome, too [member="Carlos Castillo"] Pffft give Bennie five minutes. She'll have you kissing her feet in no time
Maka Sumoto Bennie's Archer Dec 3, 2014 #28 [member="Carlos Castillo"] If your feet get tired, you can kneel. It's also fine if you feel like licking my boots.
[member="Carlos Castillo"] If your feet get tired, you can kneel. It's also fine if you feel like licking my boots.
Carlos Castillo Guest C Dec 3, 2014 #29 [member="Benedali Serrus"] Kinky, but no thanks. [member="Maka Sumoto"] I'd rather not, especially with what frightening things you Republican mongrels tread in.
[member="Benedali Serrus"] Kinky, but no thanks. [member="Maka Sumoto"] I'd rather not, especially with what frightening things you Republican mongrels tread in.
Maka Sumoto Bennie's Archer Dec 4, 2014 #30 [member="Carlos Castillo"] Republic, huh? I don't like the Republic very much...
G12-B The multiple personality droid Character Bio Dec 4, 2014 #31 [member="Arick Serrus"] Your guards aren't very good at what they do
Arick Serrus The Duchess' Captain Dec 4, 2014 #32 [member="G12-B"] Meh, im the only one that knows what hes going. *Forgets what thread you're talking about*
[member="G12-B"] Meh, im the only one that knows what hes going. *Forgets what thread you're talking about*
G12-B The multiple personality droid Character Bio Dec 4, 2014 #33 [member="Arick Serrus"] The guardian party, G12 just broke the nose of one of the guards
Arick Serrus The Duchess' Captain Dec 4, 2014 #34 [member="G12-B"] Guardian party.... Never heard of it. Oh, oh GARDEN party... Oh. *Walks off to post* Eventually
[member="G12-B"] Guardian party.... Never heard of it. Oh, oh GARDEN party... Oh. *Walks off to post* Eventually