Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garen Ruca

Garen Ruca

Fighting for his People

NAME: Garen Ruca​
FACTION: The Imperial Remnant​
SPECIES: Human (Korun)​
AGE: 24 GSY​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 6’1​
WEIGHT: 183 lbs​
EYES: Dark Brown​
HAIR (Head): Short black hair kept in cornrows​
HAIR (Face): Clean shaven​
SKIN: Light Brown​

BUILD AND FEATURES: Gifted with an athletic build forged through years of extensive physical training with his parents, Garen has the body of a young soldier. A scar runs from the back of his left hand to his elbow from training, and there is another large and jagged scar in his right shoulder from the recent battle that resulted in the fall of Alderaan to the Sith.

PERSONALITY: Garen is a young man who wishes to be a great warrior some day. His parents imbued in him a powerful desire to be strong along with the important cultural values of his people based on the four pillars of honor, duty, family, and herd with their importance going from least to most. The young man is respectful to those in command, as long as they have earned his loyalty through wisdom and intelligence or strength of arms. He is carefree and humorous even in battle, and tries his best to be honest to himself and others at all times. He is truthfully not inclined towards the Jedi or the Sith, finding the former to be too restricted and the latter to be far too destructive.


{+} Well Trained: His parents introduced him to a wide variety of weapons, both close-quarters and long range weapons as well as hand to hand, which makes him comfortable with most tools of warfare. Even when handed a weapon he has never used, he naturally develops an understanding of it in short time. While not a master in any way because of his youth and limited true-combat experience, he shows the potential to be quite skilled in the future.

{+} Wise beyond his years: While not the most charismatic person in the galaxy, Garen surprises many with deep thinking that many would expect from older and more well traveled people. Those who wish for new ideas and potential solutions to problems seek him out, despite his youth.

{+} More Tolerant to Poisons/Toxins: Due to the physiology of his people, Garen more resistant to and less affected by such things.

{+/-} Confident: He was taught to always believe in himself, and while at most times it helps Garen stay true to his beliefs it can also land him in trouble when he personally doesn't agree with something. He has been known to defy orders when he finds his leaders weak or just plain wrong in their approach.

{-} Damaged Shoulder: Garen gained this wound from battle when shrapnel found itself embedded in his shoulder, and even though it has mostly healed the shoulder itself is permanently weakened. It makes it easier for powerful enemies to overwhelm him in a frontal assault if strain is put on it, and in very rare occasions the shoulder can give out and make the arm useless until he receives proper treatment.

{-} Underestimates the Force: Even though he was born to a group of humans that always have some connection to the force, Garen has never truly seen it as anything more than a power to aid in his fighting. Besides force abilities that could enhance his physical capabilities and some telekinetic powers, he has never put much faith in the advanced techniques that others use. Therefore he mostly relies on his martial skills.

None as of yet.​
The Force:
Not quite fully trained as of now.​

BIOGRAPHY: Garen's life has always been surrounded by a desire to improve the well-being of his people, whose planet has been ravaged at multiple points of time. His own Ghôsh, or family clan, left Haruun Kal many ages ago and forged a nomadic life of traveling from planet to planet in search of prosperity, and with the recent chaotic state of the galaxy have lost many members to the battles that plague everyone's existence. While most of Ghôsh Qualkuchose to preserve the group by seeking refuge and hiding from the frontlines of the conflicts, Garen's own parents decided to face it head on like proper Korunnai and joined the Republic as freelance warriors.

Throughout the years they served to try and combat the various groups that challenged the peace brought by the Republic, while raising their only son to do the same in whatever way they could to make the boy into a true warrior. Eventually his mother was killed in action, and his father began to feel crushing depression at the loss of his partner and the lack of progress made to defeat the rival factions of the galaxy even with his son now joining the fight. Garen became determined to win in order to revitalize his father's will and to bring his people peaceful order, but after seeing the Republic's failures and the injury of his shoulder became disillusioned with them as well.

Garen developed a belief that his parents, even though they were quite brave, have simply been fighting for the wrong side. Instead of trying to keep the weak from collapsing he would join the strong and have his valor rewarded with victory, going off the join the rumored imperial remnant after hearing about the order they intended to enforce and to receive the training needed to become stronger.

EQUIPMENT: Not much right now beyond some basic clothes and a basic dagger for protection.




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