Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gar'Hal Velasura


NAME: Gar'Hal Velasura (Will accept "Gar" as a nickname)
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Lieutenant (Navy Ranks)

AGE: 24
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 172 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR (Head): None (Bald)
HAIR (Face): A trimmed black goatee
SKIN: Light Brown​

Build and Features:
A man of medium frame and decent build, as well as being decently muscular from training in the military academy. He wears his officer's dress uniform when on duty, but when he is not the preferred garb is usually something simple and comfortable.

When doing his job and first meeting people Gar'Hal usually keeps up a more serious attitude and a quiet demeanor, but after befriending or knowing someone for a good amount of time he becomes more relaxed and open around them. Gar'Hal is usually a generous and kind person when he can be, and when the mood strikes he can be friendly and even humorous at times! While he considers himself an idealist and does want to see a galaxy free of troubles, he knows when he has to make the tough choices and is willing to sacrifice an individual to save the collective even if it will haunt him.


+ His years at the academy and his childhood activities gave him a decent mind for tactics.​

+ People have always considered him persuasive, and he shows possible leadership talent.

+/- Has a powerful (but not all-consuming) sense of duty, justice, and loyalty, which could be both good and bad for him depending on the situation.​

+/- Quite empathetic at times and always trying to be the diplomat. On one hand it allows him to analyze arguments/conflicts from more than just one side, but at times can make him indecisive at times when it comes to choosing one if he is unsure.

- Can be a bit emotional at times when it concerns something he either believes in strongly or cares for deeply. At times this can cause him to act rashly and foolishly, but usually doesn't trump his duty unless it was an incredible circumstance.​

-Sometimes suffers from chronic migraines of varying intensity, which forces him to rest if it becomes too painful. Was deemed to not be a problem by the military because of its infrequency and not serious nature, but can be a hassle at times and force him to take a less active role when it comes upon him.

-Is not as trained as others when it comes to personal combat. While no simple pushover due to the Republic's training, he is outclassed by a true soldier, hardened bounty hunter, or all-mighty Sith. He is usually only armed with a simply side-arm blaster pistol.


Born on the Plains of Balmorra to parents very loyal to the Republic, even if not fully to each other, Gar'Hal knew even from childhood that he wanted to serve in the military. In the beginning it was the drive for adventure, then as he got older a drive for glory and a legacy that would make sure would not be forgotten, and as he became an adult he began to believe it was his duty as a citizen of the Republic to serve in the military and try his best to end the troubles that plagued the galaxy. Initially it was his want for such glory that made him want to join the army, but after time passed he eventually discovered an appreciation for the grand scale and importance of naval battles as well as the beauty and vastness of space.

Games that he played in his youth with his friends showed the beginnings of a tactical mind that looked for many possibilities and new ways to catch opponents off guard, the constant fighting between his parents forced him to hone his skills as a diplomat, and his dream to see the galaxy united once again under the Republic's banner drove him to finally enter the Naval Academy when he felt he was ready. Though he did slack off at times, he eventually managed to prove himself worthy to graduate and begin serving.

In the end he simply wants to see a galaxy united under one single banner no matter the possible cost, and as of now the Republic is the best option he can see for this goal to be reached.​

SHIP: None for his personal use, but will serve on whatever ship he must.



Training Drill {Dead}

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