Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garick Kalth

Full name: Garick Vorrin Kalth​
Alias': 'Gar'​
Age: 52​
Location of Birth: Coruscant Lower City​
Species: Human​
Gender: Male​
Faction: N/A​
Title: N/A​
Vocal sample: Sample
Skintone: Tan Caucasian​
Eye color: Brown​
Build: Muscular Mesomorph​
Height: 6'5''​
Weight: 214lbs​
Notable features:
Multiple body scars, burn scarring (right side of head)​
Physical Description:
Garick is a tall, imposing figure. Wide in the chest and shoulders, giving his shape a brutish or stoic appearance, depending on how you look at things. Each of his limbs feature a suitable muscle mass to fall in line with his body, giving him the general appearance of a bruiser, though these muscles aren't particularly well defined and shallow in appearance, made for practicality rather than aesthetic. When not covered in his helmet, Garicks visage is no less intimidating and threatening than that of said helmet. Immediately noticeable is a large swath of scarred burnt flesh ranging from the right side of his face all the way to nearly the right side of the back of his head. This area is a bumpy cratered mass of ugly half melted looking skin where there is no ear, appearing more like a fleshy colored battlefield than the side of someone's face. This scar encroaches far enough on Garicks face to hang over his right eye, giving his appearance there a constant deadpan glare which can only express the more negative emotions. The unburnt portion of Garicks face is decidedly grim as well, a rounded heavily wrinkled appearance befitting a veteran. His light brown hair is usually unkempt and does not grow over his scarred area, leaving only faint tassels to cover the scar. Equally as unkempt is Garicks rough beard, which is only kept as short as it has to be to fit comfortably within a helmet.​
* Strong Willed * Hard Headed * Abrasive * Determined *​
High Pain Tolerance - It isn't about not feeling the pain, it's about not caring when you do.​
Strong Willed - It is through sheer force of will that Garick is able to force himself to carry on through even the worst situations.​
Experienced Hunter - Much of Garicks life has consisted of heading from one fight to the next. One does not survive without learning something along the way, and as the saying goes, 'it is wise to fear an old man in a profession where one usually dies young'.​
Weapons Expert - The best hunter uses every advantage, and to Garick that means any weapon he can get his hands on, even if that means only his hands. Be it blaster pistols, carbines, rifles, slug throwers, plasma or disruption weapons, and the many gadgets bounty hunters are fond of. While it is far from true, Garick would say he has handled every type of weapon, at least once.​
Old Wounds - Garick has been shot, stabbed, burned, blown up, poisoned, tortured, and maimed. There are some wounds that even bacta cannot heal.​
Not as Young as I use to be - While not relatively very old compared to the maximum lifespans of humans given the miracles of modern medicine and cybernetics, Garick is still no longer a young man. Combined with his battered body and the stress of his work, he is aged far past his years.​
Hunters Honor - Garick is willing to do anything to win, so long as his opponent is capable. He will not hunt targets he considers 'too easy' such as completely innocent non combatants.​
Not a Talker - Garick is as charismatic as an agrivated Gammorean, and nearly as ugly. The only way he talks his way through anything is with threats.​
Durasteel Hunters Armor​
A heavily customized assembly of Durasteel armor pieced together from several source sets of armor marketed to everything from security forces to mercenaries to bounty hunters. Garicks armor consists of many reinforced durasteel plates bound to a thick canvas body suit. These plates are arrayed for the highest possible protection without sacrificing excessive mobility, placing the armor in a solid medium category. In addition to protecting his body, this armor also protects the numerous gadgets and systems that the armor serves as a platform for. These include magboots for 0-G traversal of any metallic surfaces, life support systems for survival in a vacuum with 10 minutes of reserve oxygen unless an outside source is connected to the suit, these systems also provide heating and cooling for operation in hot and cold environments respectively, as well as the numerous helmet systems including low light vision, communications, target detection, a range finger, and HUD features.​
The gadgets of this armor include an array of 8 dart launchers fitted in the left gauntlet, which can be armed with any compatible dart munition from explosive and electrodarts to less conventional poison or sleeper darts, this gauntlet is as well armed with an energy cell fed single shot scatter gun, jerry rigged by Garick himself. It is capable of firing one average strength scattergun shot before requiring a replacement energy cell. Similarly the right gauntlet is fit with a micro rocket launcher capable of firing a small dumbfire rocket of varying payload. This gauntlet is also fit with an MMGL (micro magnetic grenade launcher), which fires small marble sized magnetic grenades across short ranges, as well with varying payloads from common fragmentation grenades to EMP devices. Finally, the right gauntlet is equipped with a knuckle plate concealed vibroblade in the style of old Republic Commandos from the Clone Wars, capable of turning punches lethal within a seconds notice. The spring loaded blade extends rapidly from beneath the knuckle plate, usually to accompany a punch. The blade is also capable of being launched across short distances.​
The DE-10 is a nearly ancient yet still operable heavy blaster pistol, characterized by it's unique appearance and the production of blue blaster bolts. It is well renowned for it's power, rivaling that of the similarly almost ancient DL-44, as well as it's accuracy and hefty weight. Garicks own DE-10 is heavily customized, primarily in ergonomic ways to suit him specifically, but as well in modifications to the inner workings of the blaster, giving it a higher fire rate at the cost of lesser damage than the base model. Despite this, for it's rate of fire, it does comparatively remarkable damage. Garicks DE-10 is as well equipped with a vibrating pulse grip to signal when ammunition is running low, either in blaster gas or energy cells. As his go to weapon, this blaster pistol his kept in a loose holster on his right thigh, where he can reach it quickly.​
An old weapon still viable several hundred years later, the DLT-20A blaster rifle can function in a variety of roles depending on it's configuration, though the stock version is widely used as a sniper or marksman rifle given it's accuracy and addition of a combination range finder and electric scope. Despite this it has a respectable rate of automatic fire though nothing approaching the level or a rotary or repeating blaster. Garicks DLT-20A is a carbineized version, the barrel shortened to a more manageable length fit with a custom fore grip for better ergonomics. The scope has also been homebrew modified to be detachable and when not in use is replaced by a more common built in close combat sight. For long range shooting however, Garick carries an extra length of barrel, which can be threaded onto the end of the rifle to return it to it's longer length. The presence of this extension and the added scope is a tell tale sign that Garick intends to take down a target from range. Garick typically keeps this blaster rifle stored on his back in a simple friction holster.​
The Relby K23 is a cruel weapon, nicknamed the 'stinger pistol' it's intention is to disable a target through excruciating pain rather than conventional damage, typically leaving them alive if worse for wear unless shot repeatedly. A flaw in it's design is the usually faulty safety, however this matters little in it's actual use. This pistol is kept in the left underarm holster on Garicks kit.​
This vibro knife and his knuckle plate concealed vibroblade serve as Garicks final line of defense when all other weapons fail to keep the enemy at range. It is as well his go to weapon for handling saber jockies, as it's the only thing on him capable of parrying saber strikes. It's typically kept well concealed in his right boot.​
'Black Fenn'​
HWK-1000 Light Freighter​
Length: 29m​
Crew: 1 - 2​
Passengers: 4 + 2 (Cell)​
Shielding: Deflector Shielding​
x4 repeating laser cannons​
x10 concussion missiles​
x2 sabotage droid missiles​
x1 manned heavy laser cannon turret​
The HWK-1000 is a collectors item among starship enthusiasts. It is an old vessel produced around the time of the Galactic Civil War, and even then was only produced in a small quantity and never entered full fledged production. Manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation as a successor to the moderately successful HWK-290, the HWK-1000 is an improvement over it's predecessor in several ways. It is both larger and faster, with an expanded interior and greater cargo capacity. For a light freighter, the HWK-1000, like it's predecessor, is remarkably fast, bordering the same speed and maneuverability as some heavier star fighters, easily capable to hold it's own in space combat, though the intention of the craft was to flee danger rather than face it, and as such, HWK line ships are produced without armament. That said, the Black Fenn is heavily modified, as are most surviving HWK-1000 craft. The vessel has traded hands between hundreds of owners over it's life span, ranging from legitimate businessmen to smugglers to mercenaries and bounty hunters such as Garick himself. Infact, Garick has made few modifications to the craft, and primarily ergonomic ones, all the rest having been done by previous owners.​
It's sublight engines have been improved pushing the craft to the edge of it's capabilities and maneuverability, the entire mid cargo bay has been removed and replaced with a ray shielded cell capable of fitting two prisoners, the co pilot seat has been modified to also act as a gunners station for more accurate missile lock ons as well as operation of the heavy blaster cannon turret mounted on the belly of the craft. The crew berth has been widened following the replacement of the mid section cargo bay and the relocating of the intercommunication's terminal to the bridge area, allowing for a larger living space and a compact kitchen and general purpose wall mounted table. The vessel was also armed with four repeating blaster cannons on the tips of it's wings. Also housed on the wings are two 6 missile racks, which Garick typically keeps stocked with concussion missiles and at least two disabling payload munitions such as EMP devices or more expendable and cheap sabotage droid missiles. The aft cargo space has been partially reduced in order to fit expanded fuel tanks and upgrades for the hyperdrive, further reducing the mercantile capabilities of the vessel, though this is partially made up for with the addition of concealed compartments hidden in the floor along the main walkway installed by smugglers. The nefarious cargo stored in these compartments can be protected from detection by simple scanners with the use of cheap scanner resistant blankets. The ship as well has an expanded power plant to fuel all these modifications, manifesting as a large tumor like lump along the otherwise flat underside of the vessel. True to it's name, the Black Fenn is painted stark black with no livery. It's obvious age and antique almost dilapidated appearance gives it a 'pile of garbage' appearance to even those familiar with starships. As he travels primarily alone, Garick has 'employed' a stolen KX series security droid as a co pilot. Reprogrammed for this purpose Garick had the droid's legs removed so that it could be easily implanted into the co pilots seat of the Black Fenn, and hard wired into it's control console to act as an often unwilling co pilot.​
Born in the lower levels of the city world Coruscant, Garick was imediately subject to a difficult life. Growing up an urchin and an orphan, Garicks survival depended on his own tenacity and will to push forward above all else. As many have, Garick fell within an undercity gang to survive, and while life here was difficult as well, it at least offered a band of comrades to bear it all together. Gang wars gave Garick his first taste of combat, something which even as a teenager he found he had a talent for. These petty yet brutal fights would harden Garick for the life he would choose to embark on, and no sooner had he turned 20 had he bid farwell to his underworld comrades and moved on to something more professional, signing in with a company of mercenaries whom operated within the mid levels of Coruscant. Here Garick received his first formal training, though the uniformity and authoritarian, disciplined structure would leave a sour taste in his mouth. Despite this he would serve six years in the company, taking part in some relatively considerable battles between the many factions of the Galaxy. However, with time he grew tired of the rigidity of the company and left to form his own, although this would proove to be a stunted venture. With nowhere else to turn Garick made his way to Hutt space, and served there as muscle for higher, fulfilling roles from common hitman to body guard and an enforcer, further solidifying his position as a career combatant, although not a mindless one. It was a series of complications with the hutts involving a contract to kill several traveling merchantmen, whom Garick found to be unarmed inexperienced relatively innocent and thoroughly terrified, thus making them 'too easy' in Garicks eyes. This complication led to his fleeing of Hutt space, and the beginning of what would become his career. Tired of obeying orders and working directly under a boss, Gaick chose the path of a contract killer, and a Bounty Hunter.​
Unfortunately, at this time Garick was relatively young and naive, his first contract containing a Jedi Knight as his target. Over confident Garick tracked down this 'saber jocky' and confronted him, only to be met with a near miss lightsaber graze to the side of his head, resulting in the viscous scar which resides there to this day. Figuring perhaps Jedi weren't the best targets to start with, Garick took on lesser contracts following then, building his reputation and funds. Over time and with the resources of hundreds of contracts completed he would build the kit he wears today, which continues to evolve and change constantly as equipment is lost, broken, gained, and replaced. His prized pursuit craft the Black Fenn was taken by him after killing it's previous owner, a smuggler, in a contract hit, and has served with him ever since. In the many following years of his rocky and violent career, Garick would change little, only growing more bitter and hardened as time goes on. Today he does as he has for the past 15 years; kill bastards for credits and nearly die doing it. One would be forgiven for thinking the man has a death wish.​

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