Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garon Priest




NAME: Garon Priest

FACTION: Mandalorian

RANK: n/a

SPECIES: human

AGE: 15

SEX: male



EYES: Amber

HAIR: brown



‎~ has a high pain tolerance
‎~ natural marksman
‎~ raised as mando'ad since birth
‎~ quick and agile


‎~since he's still a kid he's weaker then the average adult
‎~ doesn't speak since the desolation of Manda'yaim
‎~ distrusts everyone
‎~ has PTSD, depression, chemical dependency, ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)





Born to Marev and Nadia Priest, Garon and Sera were twins. Growing up on Manda'yaim they were steeped in their culture and raised to be mando'ade.

Growing up together they were nearly inseparable. Sera was always the confrontational one, going in head first while Gar, as he was called, was more level headed and preferred to have a plan. As they grew and trained it was obvious that Sera preferred brawling and bladed weapons while Gar had a natural affinity with projectile weapons. Even as a child he entered and won several shooting completions comprised almost entirely of veteran mando'ad. However, he too had a love for the beskad though his sister regular beat him in duels.

Although their parents had ties to a few clans the twins were raised in a solitary homestead on Manda'yaim. Everything was perfect until the desolation. His mother and sister died while his father was grievously wounded. Blaming his father he left, collecting an assortment of armor and weapons from the dead as he struggled to survive on his own.

During the time between the Desolation and the call of Ra the Undying he survived by fighting other survivors, killing raiders and scavengers, and living off the land. Since the Event he hasn't spoken.

FAMILY (Living):
Father: [member="Marev Priest"]
Grandfather: [member="Strider Garon"]


~ Verpine Sniper Rifle
~ Protector Revolver
~ Energy shield
~ Beskad
~ mismatched armor
~ Vambrace


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