Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garrek/Seros, reporting in...

Been a long time guys. Lady of Lor invited me back. Not sure how much I'll be writing, but I wanted the outlet available regardless. :)

Missed you guys, and looking forward to making new writing friends in the process :D

I understand my characters need to undergo some certain developments to achieve certain levels of stature/power before we can go all 'TFU' (...I jest, btw). Any feedback would be welcome.


Lady Of Lore

Books and Cleverness (And Emots)
Vengeance said:
[member="1st Lt. Garrek Jensen"]

You know Lor? I am so sorry. :p

[Member=Vengeance] , you know you love me and my complete failure to post in a timely manner (or at all, as it stands right now >_>). <3


[member="1st Lt. Garrek Jensen"] , my long-time friend, welcome officially to the fold. ^_^ There is activity, and creativity, and friendship-tivity here EVERYWHERE. Ridiculously happy to share this new corner of the writing universe with you again!!! <3 If I can't answer your questions about Chaos, you'll find everyone here is ready to be helpful.
Lady Of Lore said:
[Member=Vengeance] , you know you love me and my complete failure to post in a timely manner (or at all, as it stands right now >_>). <3


Even IF such a thing were true you will never get me to admit such a thing. Now go post my thread gosh darn you. :p

Connor Harrison

[member="1st Lt. Garrek Jensen"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy, have fun and if you need help, just shout.


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