Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Garreth

Designation: Sentient

Home world: Garrunda

Language: Galactic basic, Gameth (extinct)

Male average height: 1.879 meters

Female average height: 1.752 meters

Skin color: Tan, Brown

Hair color: Blonde, Silver, White, Black, Brown

Breathes: Tier 1 & 2


Ability to breath in most climates- they can breath in Tier 1 & 2 atmospheres where most sentients cannot

Connected to the force- they have a strong connection to the force meaning they can hear it's will much clearer than most for the people who are gifted with the ability to use the force

Melee- they are exceptionally well in close combat because that's what they've always used

Peaceful- they tend to stay neutral in most wars, but are a great place to go when people have a political debate going on because of they're neutrality


Peaceful- staying neutral can cause other nations to become angry making them sometimes not either become allies and/or invade them

Blasters- it's very difficult for then to use Blasters and if they do they'll either miss or barely graze them

Force Sensitivity- Very few Sentients blessed with the force

Open area- if they are in an open area they usually flee because of the fear of blaster fire

Distinctions:They have long hair and are born with it. If they were to cut there hair it would be like cutting the force off from them. They are born with long hair that goes down about there shoulder blades. They are also always fit because fitness is a way of life. Also you can't tell whether if someone is old or not.

Average Lifespan: 265 years

Races: There are 3 types of this race based on their culture and the way they are raised. Even though they are all called Garreth, the three types are war like, knowledge like, and politician like. The war like people make up the military and are governed by themselves. They also get tattoos on their back, arms, chest, and/or face to show that they are apart of this group. The knowledge like people seek to expand there knowledge on the force itself and science to better improve every day life. These people tend to be more caring to others including people that aren't of their race. The last is the politician like people which deals with all political matters between planets and factions. They tend to be more truthful with politics and tend to not lie as much, and they usually dress like a politician (Like Chancellor Palpatine did).

Diet: Eat lots of meat for protein. They eat like a health nut because they have to. Anything with a higher amount of fat in it will cause severe poisoning and can shorten there life span.

Communication: Com chat, in person, Galactic basic

Culture: They worship the force itself and since it is rare to have a force user, they worship the ground they walk. If one is born with the ability to use the force they are immediately placed on the senate at a certain age and if there is no other force user to be placed on the senate they vote for the remaining spots. They have there own Jedi Council based on there beliefs, but it is only consisted of about 20 force users.

Technology level: Pretty normal with the technology. Higher in technology dealing with the force and Jedi items. Lower in blaster technology and doesn't do as much damage as normal Blasters. They have some of the better crafted swords in the galaxy.

General behavior: They are generally friendly people, but can notice if it's a user of the dark side and a bounty hunter which they despise. If the people hide it though they will generally be friendly.


The Natives here used to be some of the best force users that ever existed. They only consisted of force users nothing else, but people wanted to misuse the force causing a civil war between light and dark. One grand master who lived to be about 407 years old destroyed the dark side of the force in all the dark users by using his own life to absorb all the darkness and self destruct his own body causing the darkness to be eliminated. This was the end of the Garrunda Civil war.

After that war, a force user was rare and was said that they were cut off from the force because of the war. That resulted in the study of the force, lightsaber techniques, and sword fighting. The Garreth always studied sword techniques and never really thought a need for blasters. Ever since they've known how to use a sword that's all they focused on, never long range. As technology grew they developed blasters, but never picked them up and used them for they thought it was a cowards way to fight. The result of them using swords throughout time eliminated any chance of the Garreth using a blaster and is said that it is impossible to teach a Garreth how to use a blaster because of there unwillingness to learn and lack of hand-eye coordination. Eventually with the study and worship of the force they were able to slowly gain back force users. With the number of force users slowly but surely climbing.

During that time of darkness with no force users, they were eventually divided into different cultures and ways of life. They were split like different nations. Even though they didn't fight they remanded mute to each other causing them to have different ways of living. One day though, the political Garreth brought them back together under one flag by all three groups agreeing to one idea, to keep there way of life.

In return they made use of these groups by making the war Garreth people the military and have 5 people in the world senate that deals with their own worldly problems. The knowledge people became the scientists and the keeper of the worlds holocrons. Also they had 5 people elected on the senate. Last they have the politicians, which deal with other worlds problems and factions problems. They have 5 people elected on the senate.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A

Intent: I plan on making this species a median between factions to make less wars. Also I want a race that everyone would want to use for political reasons and a race that I would like to have in my own image. I didn't really want to make a super race like most people do. I want to create a humble race like the Naboo people.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Thank you for your patience, looking through your submission there are a couple of things we are gonna have to work on before this can be approved.

First of all, you say they have a strong connection to the Force. So they -all- have that strong connection? Or are you saying that specifically the people who are capable of using the Force have a strong connection to it? Please clarify this for me.

Adding to that, we generally do not allow people to make species who have a 'Strong, Gifted Force connection.” People start out equally in terms of Force Power. So you will have to remove the Gifted Force strength.

Reading through your submission I do not see any mention of them using melee fighting as their 'to-go to'-solution. I want more details on that, why do they favor it instead of a blaster, how do they do it? (Do they have schools children have to visit to teach the art? Or is it an inherent trait? If so, how does that work?)

I think this is quite enough for the first round of edits, tag me when you are done and we will proceed.

[member="Tye Kelly"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Looking it over I can see that you have not removed the 'Gifted Force'-strength, as I mentioned before you will have to axe that strength. We do not allow species to have an enhanced Force-trait. Besides that, you will have to clarify if they are all gifted with Force Capabilities, or if there is something else going on here.

When you have done those two things, we will continue working on this.

[member="Tye Kelly"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Alright, let's continue.

First of all, in the diet you say that anything with a higher amount of fat will cause severe poisoning and can shorten their life span. How much higher amount of fat are we talking about? Give me a percentage.

Besides that, I want you to work more on the general behavior and the culture of the species. Reading through your submission they seem very different and alien-like, expand on that.

The History part is my main issue with this submission. It does not seem to make much sense, I want you to expand on it, make it more clear.

Pointers; a species cannot consists of only force users. Being able to use the Force is a -very- rare talent, you will need to change that.

Besides that, you have a Grand Master who lived for 407 years, who somehow destroyed the dark side in all the darksiders by absorbing it in his own body and then self-destructing. That does not work that way, you can't just 'destroy' the darkside. And you really seem to gloss over the Civil War, which should be a major part of their history.

Adding to that is the fact that you claim that Force Users were rare after the civil war, being somehow cut off from the Force because of the war. How does a severe shortage of Force Sensitive people lead to -more- study in the Force, lightsabres and sword fighting? Would it not make more sense that after such a 'devastating' war, there was a period of severe neglect?

The Species has three houses, and I am assuming it was the House of War that decided that blasters were the coward way? Why? You will need to provide me with a lot more info on the different houses in the culture-section.
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