Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Garth Hummel

Varus Ren

"It matters not what history remembers me as, what matters is I followed my own path."

NAME: Garth Hummel

FACTION: One Sith, at least he operates on their behalf

RANK: Dark Jedi Knight

SPECIES: Human-Anzat

AGE: 20

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEIGHT: 165lbs, Lean Muscle

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yeah, maybe just a bit



•Bladesman: Sabers, assassins blades, Hooks of Ryloth, you name a blade and he can wield it with deadly proficiency

•Acrobat: With Aratu being his primary saber form Garth is extremely agile and shows it regularly

•Stealthy: Though he lacks the force abilities to give him a boost, the man can get in and get out without causing a stir

•Hand to Hand: Received some training on the subject, can handle himself quite well. Has minor Tera Kasi ability.

•Rifleman: You pick up some things as an insurgent.


•Force connection: Aside from boosting some physical capability and precognition, his ability to use the force is practically useless, this includes his defense to such attacks.

•Outcast: Though semi-self imposed, Garth's ability to interact with others is painfully limited

•Doesn't play well with others: As a result of the former weakness Garth performs poorly with a team.

•Paranoia: After some...incidents, Garth trusts little to no one. Man has issues. 'Nuff said.


Garth was born to an Anzati father he never knew and a human mother who he hardly knew. His first memories were in the Jedi Temple on Tython, where from age one to fifteen he trained in the ways of the Jedi. He was often frustrated at how long he was forced to be a youngling, though the masters of the temple insisted it was for his own good, so that he could fully control his Anzati instincts.

Eventually the council decided to allow him the rank of padawan, which he graciously accepted on his 16th birthday. But life is a slippery slope.

Training alongside the Jedi Master Syn, Garth found his first taste of war. During the Dark Harvest Garth and his master journeyed into the hellish swamps of Dagobah, where the two faced a Sith Knight by the name of Xhinx who had been possessed by the virus. After becoming agitated with the sheer ignorance and frustrated with the events of the battle Garth brushed with the dark side. In a burst of anger he managed to actually tap into the force...and he dropped a fething tree on Xhinx. A. Big. Ass. Tree. Though he was rebuffed by his master, Garth managed to keep his head level as he hacked his way through the horde of undead foes.

Again he saw war on Metalorn, alongside his master as always. Garth squared off with another Knight, fighting him to a standstill until his master intervened and tipped the scale in his favor. But there are some things people don't un-see, like Matsu Ike massacring prisoners like animals. That stuck with him.

Knighted, and with the galaxy at peace, Garth broke away from the order and joined a fledgling group of freedom fighters, and went on his streak of teenage rebellion, leaving a trail of dead stormtroopers in his wake. But teenage rebellion alongside a group of insurgents can scar the mind, Garth executed morally questionable acts for the greater good, or what he thought was. Conflicted and scarred, Garth left the fledgling alliance.

Eventually, like the prodigal son he'd always been Garth came home, to Tython and remained there for years, meditating, desperately searching for balance.

He found none.

Quite the opposite actually.

As he watched Coruscant fall, Cardia burn, and Empress Teta be put to the sword, Garth called his own moral code into question. The Jedi, the Republic, were powerless to stop the oncoming darkness, and where they could've sought peace they wrought war. He'd been wrong, he'd been wrong all along.

So he left. Plain and simple, Garth got up and made for his ship. The squad of Republic soldiers who tried to stop him were killed where they stood, giving him a bloody enough history to drown in at this point. But he was just getting started.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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