Garus De'Jamin
FACTION: Silver Jedi Concord
RANK: Information Broker
AGE: 231
SEX: Male (Varies Technically)
Length: 6'6 (Varies)
WEIGHT: 451 lbs. (Varies)
EYES: Yellow (Varies)
SKIN: Greenish
SHIP: Pay Slip [Picket Light Freighter]
Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect
HISTORY: It's a story everyone has head. It's just a tragedy, another drop in the intergalactic bucket. Boy meets world, boy meets girl, girl dumps boy, boy gets money and-well- regardless it's a rather sad tale. Garus' story is nothing like that though, it's rather quite boring. But like that boy, he had dreams and stuff too, so it's like a metaphor in a way. Anyways...
Garus worked as stage hand on for the Opera Houses Thustra; having been cast out of his clan for his dreams at the age of only sixty two. As a young slug, he dreamed of a day when he could run a mostly legal business, aiming to fulfill his dream of owning a karaoke bar. As a lowly Hutt singer however, it wasn't so easy to get fame; not when all the big shots have taken most of the spots. His rather repulsiveness made it nearly impossible to score with auditions, though he continued to chase his dreams, slowly building a reputation as a rather skilled entertainer. His real break out moment came when former Opera singerSakadi Marathi Sinvala fell out of the Opera scene, freeing up many opportunities for the then young Hutt, as he rode a rising ceiling to stardom. Though it was short lived success at it's best. His music was his life, but as a Hutt, ambition was in his blood. He had credits, a name, and now wished to garner a little influence where he could.
When Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta were brought into the fold of the Concord however, well, he saw his opportunity and took it. His karaoke bar was rather successful at appearing to be a rather legal upfront business, though what it offered for those with the credits, well, that's strict between he and his clientèle. Any member of the SJC can consider themselves friends of the Hutt; so long as they pay their tab, show respect, and do NOT refuse a request to sing when prompted. He operates a rather legitimate information source for those who can afford it, of course, the cost often requires some credits, and a little song and dance for Garus to get you what you need.
For now, life is good for Garus, and he intends to keep on singing about it.
Garus is a rather...interesting Hutt. He loves his fancy clothes, and he likes to let people know just who he is. His hit single track 'Call Me Big Huttie' and 'Straight Outta Hutta', caused him to reevaluate where he was coming from in his music field, and as such, he tends to dress overly flashy. In truth, it's a guise to make others doubt his nature, and while he does love his lucrative outfits, he isn't one to mince words if it is needed.
One thing is certain though, Garus is never without his karaoke belt, and his music box droids.
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PROS & CONS (Required: 2 Cons Minimum) :
Lovely Host: Garus is a wonderful host, and loves to entertain his guests. For a Hutt, he's quite the stand up guy.
Musically Gifted: Garus has a lovely singing voice, something he loves to show off to try and increase his fame.
Connected: Garus has many connections, and can often hook one up with info, provided they're willing to sing for it.
Lover Not a Fighter: Garus can't fight at all. In fact, he pays people to do that for him.
Ego Centrist: Like most Hutts, Garus has a bit of an ego. He's a big shot singer, and you're not. Question this at your own peril.
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