Arken Lussk
Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Gateway to Nowhere
Iritsa, Chazwa
[member="Abbey Ainsley"]

It had been a long couple of years. He'd been thrown into this whole mess, baby-faced and naive. The war had taken a toll on the young man named Cadmon Lussk. He'd strode in, puffing his chest out and wanting nothing more than to save lives and get these brave men and women home to their families. That initial optimism was shut down early, as most ghastly wounds and injuries were above the skills of a trained medic. They required something of a higher magnitude, and Cadmon had no idea how something as regal and noble as the Force could be used to tear apart people like this.He despised the Sith. He couldn't bring himself to hate them, as much as he wanted to - lest he stoop to their level of nihilism and hatred. It was hard to move forward and past all of that, past the images of men crying out for him, dying in his arms as he pleaded to whatever Gods to lend him their aid. Of course the men he'd saved made it all worth it. They thanked him, bought him drinks whenever possible, and Cadmon had even seen a few with their families near the end of the Sith-Republic hostilities.
They were his purpose.
But now his time in service had ended, and frankly, the man had nowhere else to go.
Cadmon sighed and shifted his grip on the pair of duffel bags clutched tightly in his hands. He was garbed in simple brown and tan fatigues, a black backpack on his shoulders, and Gideon waited patiently by his side.
"Let's go, boy. I'm pretty sure the station up ahead is still selling tickets." He cocked his head towards the flashing lights of the starport's entrance window. "Let's get offa this rock."