Grace Darkson
The Library Temple of Krayiss Two was truly something to behold. Halls coated in dusk lead form room to room, where massive volumes held more knowledge of the Sith than Grace could ever have dreamed of gaining. Still, though, there was something she'd have to deal with if she wanted access to all of it without fearing for her life and sanity.
The temple housed many dead spirits, both light and dark. The few lightsided spirits were in torment, foolish Jedi who had come here and tried to enter, or worse, destroy the sacred space. She smiled as she approached the meditation space deep in the compound. While it may not be the brightest thing to do, the spirits were something that she needed to deal with sooner or later. And with how much knowledge was here, she didn't want to wait for eons to access it unmolested.
Smiling, she knelt, closing her eyes.
The temple housed many dead spirits, both light and dark. The few lightsided spirits were in torment, foolish Jedi who had come here and tried to enter, or worse, destroy the sacred space. She smiled as she approached the meditation space deep in the compound. While it may not be the brightest thing to do, the spirits were something that she needed to deal with sooner or later. And with how much knowledge was here, she didn't want to wait for eons to access it unmolested.
Smiling, she knelt, closing her eyes.