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Gathering on the Hunters Moon [Invite Only]

If your name isn't tagged but you still want to participate then please IM. Please be aware of that you may be denied. Exceptions for this are other guests the below might bring with them.

| [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] | [member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Katagiri Ike"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Christian Slade"] | [member="Grimm"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Fatty"] | [member="Anaya Fen"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Azrael"] |

"The Fort" stood in the horizon of Sojourn as an Interdictine laid in orbit of the moon. When all of the guests arrived on the Hunters moons surface, the Star Destroyer would activate it's gravity wells and subsequently block all traffic entering the Sojourn system. Alicia Drey was stood at the mouth of the retreat's entrance, dressed in a seductive, yet covered dress that defined her figure. A tall Muun by the name of Serj Sularis was stood beside the woman. They said nothing to each other.

And so they waited for the invited guests sent via holo mail and transmission to arrive.
Mrrew's sleek freighter landed at the designated parking area, steered by his astrodroid while the Togorian got himself ready in the back. He had no idea what he had to do, or look like, to a 'gathering' like this, but he knew how to prepare for a hunt. And that was the only part of this that he was looking forward to. So the Togorian strode down the ramp of his ship with a Chiru rifle slung over one shoulder, and a Harpy sniper blaster hanging on his bodo bass bandoleir. He had no idea how much he'd stand out, walking in covered in weapons- nor did he paticularly care. He was called here, he came, he was here. What else did they expect of him? So the Togorian stepped through the front enterance of the building, glancing around to the people inside.

| [member="Alicia Drey"] |

Roth Tillian

Roth leaned back in his seat as the fines to his Tachyon freighter powered down, except for the alarm system, and settle down with a hiss. He stood, straightened his formal blue tunic, and then draped the rich blue cloak over his shoulder. This was not the place to be a pilot. This was the place to be a CEO, even if he was the only employee. That still made him CEO, as well as CFO, board of directors, producer, executive producer, narrator, editor, and janitor.

He slipped down the boarding ramp and towards the entrance, cracking a small smile as he saw Mrrew ahead of him. He wouldn't be alone here, that was certain. If something went wrong, he would have some backup. He followed along behind, mostly unarmed, except for his charming smile and sonic Servodriver. He didn't expect to be needing much else. Not here with the Star Destroyer in orbit, presumably to protect the system.

He paused at the entrance where his host stood, and he gave a slight, theatrical bow and a warm, confident smile, "My thanks again for your invitation. It is a great honor."

[member="Mrrew"] [member="Alicia Drey"]
Sabrina Kotass aka Darth Banshee was happy about the invite, it was a chance to improve Krayt Industries. Also a chance to relax and have some fun, with possible piers she missed just having fun. Though some of this would be business as well, but their was no rule the two could not be mixed. She wore a purple party dress she found on coruscant, she liked and hoped others would as well.
She then saw her host dressed even better than she was, damn I wish I new her tailor She thought to herself. She had lightsaber hidden inside her purse, not that she had any intention of using it. It was their as precaution only. As girl never new when she might need one. She then spoke to her host [member="Alicia Drey"] Thank you for the invite, she gave a genuine smile as she did, she was happy to be their. Then she made her way to waiting area, and was offered a section of drinks, due to the time of day she choose water. Their she saw one other guest but decide to wait and see who else turned up before starting a conversation.

Romeo, known by some as Darth Inferno, now landed onto the pad, dressed in a black coat with a white fur collar. Under the coat was a black shirt, with red accents, and black dress pants, and black shoes of the fancy like kind. His hair was clean, and jet black while his fiery red eyes scanned the scenery of the lushes mountain, and all of it's greenery.
His date? Why the young miss Savan who insisted on going.
-Why do I feel bad by taking a young girl as my date?-
It probably was an awkward sight of the two, and he sighed inside his head. It was only because he had become her caretaker, and he thought it would be a fun thing for her to come to.
Apart from that, Romeo's lightsaber clung inside the coat, hidden from everyone's eyes. This was for just in case someone here didn't like his date.
He stepped out more into the light, his grey skin looked pale in the sun.
[member="Alicia Drey"]
Særa Ayña Savan
| [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Særa Ayña Savan"] |

Alicia smiled at the first arrival. "Hello Mrrew. Welcome back to Sojourn. I see you are well equipped for the hunt. Please, see your way through. You know where the dinning hall is from your previous visit."

As Mrrew was guided inside through Alicia's gesture and greeting, her gaze turned to Roth Tillian. "Mr. Tillian, I am glad you have made your way here. My name is Alicia Drey. Thank you for your investment into DataTech. Please make your way through to the dinning hall. If you get lost, please ask one of my servants to escort you."

Minutes went by after Roth's arrival. Her gaze met Sabrina Kotass when she stepped up to the "the Fort's" gates. "Welcome to Sojourn. Miss. Kotass." Suddenly her head leaned forward to the woman's ear. "Please keep your identity as a member of the One Sith a secret. I'll explain everything to you at a later point." When she finished whispering, she gestured into the gateway. "Please make your way to the dinning hall, where other guests are gathering." Alicia's own Force-sensitivity was concealed, but she knew who Sabrina really was because of her own membership to the One Sith as Darth Ayra. With any luck she would respect her hosts request.

Her eyes met Romeo when he arrived soon after Sabrina. She smiled at her friend and even gave him a hug. "Romeo, good to see you." She whispered in his ear. "Please keep your Force-sensitivity to a bare minimum and remember to keep my secret. Great to see you again. Dinning hall is just ahead."

When Romeo left her, Alicia remained at the front entrance to greet and guide more guests inside.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya had debated a great deal about bringing a date. If she'd brought Jared she may have risked losing focus, if she brought Alastair, then there was risk his imperial attutude would offend. So she opted to come alone, debarking the shuttle she was clad in a fishtail skirt that hung loosely from her hips and a corset the tightly hugged her torso. The skirt hid a handful of things important to Anaya. The first, was her saberstaff, though she wasn't expecting any trouble, she never left home without it. It also was hiding a gemini droid. If she was scanned, the lightsaber would be detected, but the droid would not be.

Smiling wide, she entered the building, tensing slightly as she glimpsed mandalorian security. Fabulous, just what she needed, she could only hope that Ordo wasn't there. She'd gotten very good at avoiding him after he released her from her cell on Myrkr. Rather than searching for their host, Anaya waited for Alicia to come to her, that was after all how this was supposed to work.

[member="Alicia Drey"]

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive

Christian's arrival was later than he would have preferred, knowing that others would have been there long before him, but planning also hadn't been his strongest suit as of late. He'd been on a steady decline as his casinos, resorts and other establishments continued to thrive on their own. He'd appointed the right people to lead in the case that he was absent, managers, supervisors and members of his bored that would take care of things as he expected. It had been necessary, considering all of this was so very much out of the blue.

He'd gotten low in the last few months with the stagnation that had infected him and his typically hectic and constant lifestyle. His mind needed constant work and this was something that hadn't been afforded to him. That and his work with the other Sith in the galaxy had been one big failure after the next. They were still fighting inwardly, struggling to be the strongest and most feared as they lost grip on the galaxy. It was pathetic, and he'd grown tired of trying to match each and every one of them when they would die before they conceded or quit resisting. He was a powerful Sith, but unlike countless others like him, he wasn't foolish enough to believe that the infighting would stop if a few of the top dogs were taken out and one Sith came forward to claim some transparent throne that only held value to those who pined after the one sitting on it.

For the first time, in a long time, Christian wasn't drunk. He had been drinking, the scent of whiskey blatantly clinging to his lips, but he'd tempered his desire to drink the day away again in order to make sure that he was presentable. He'd owed a certain young Sith named [member="Alicia Drey"] a favor for her assistance about 6 months prior on Coruscant, and for that he'd managed to pull himself from the dregs of his boring life and accommodate her request for his company.

Landing in the open field in front of the large structure that appeared to be a personal estate, Christian sighed as his golden eyes glanced over it. As he stood, he took a sip from his glass of whiskey, letting it fall to his waist as he strode down the ramp of his ship and out into the field. He then adjusted his course towards the estate as he reached up and brushed a stay stand of hair from his eyes. He was dressed for the occasion, but anyone with half a brain could tell that he hadn't taken as much care as he could have. His look was scruffy, facial hair trailing from one side of his jaw to the other with his long, unkempt hair freely swaying back and forth as he made it to the steps leading up to the entrance.

When he'd reached the door he tossed back the last of his whiskey and reached out to set the crystal glass on a tray that a server was holding. "Whiskey. I don't care what kind."
[member="Alicia Drey"]

'God i hate Suits...' He walked into the room and with the exception of a single saberstaff, that he would cut a hand off before losing, he held no weapons or technology of any kind as he looked among those that were already here. His body shifting in the suit as he looked at the wall and pushed his still decently messy hair back and let it run though his hand before moving into the room with all the others, looking for the host and going towards her before arriving. "Hello Miss, i am glad to meet you." He gave a shot bow before straightening up, with a level of discomfort which would be obvious.
Two standard hours before the Gathering was to commence, a single stealth vessel penetrated the sector of the Hunter's moon. Aboard the Ca'prudii - six Mandalorians were settled in for the trip and the contract that had been placed before them earlier in the week. The Hunter's Moon was a lush and vibrant forest and jungle mix of foliage making it quite apropos for the title afforded it. It was easily one of the best worlds to host a hunt with all the shrubbery and exotic plants littering the landscape - easy to get lost, harder to track. This was en entirely different escapade for the vode that landed port side of the castle-like structure that had been given a very vague title of its own. While the stone walls were impressive, Azrael hardly considered the meager building materials a fortress of any shape or kind in today's galactic market. There were very few weapons and beings now that couldn't penetrate a stone built castle; the view however made up for it's lacking outer defenses. While the Mandalorian culture was often of keen interest in security detail, mercenary work, and other positions that were well suited for a warrior of their caliber; Azrael still wondered silently why he had been asked specifically by the head of the DataTech corporation to provide a watchful gaze and protective stance for this event. Perhaps that, and other bits of information would fall into his lap during the conference being held.

As promised, he'd come with five of the Mandalorians he had hand-picked for this excursion. Each was versed in their own specialized field, and each were trusted and tried warriors in their own right. Their presence wasn't to be made spectacle, and as such the prelude to the party was taken to observe the security forces in places, and acquaint themselves with the layout at hand. Seeing blueprints offered through the delivered message was one thing, but getting a feel for the hands-on aspect was en entirely different matter. All locked doors were secured, holo-cameras were updated to reflect quicker refresh rates, and sensors were installed for various elements that might pose a threat. The Mandalorians had spread themselves out, each taking part of The Fort to watch and protect. As well, each member of the shareholder committee had been assigned to each member of the Mandalorians. Azrael had opted to be the shadow to their host for the evening, though he would keep his distance and let the Gathering proceed as planned. His job was not to interfere, but simply to guard.

:: Front Gate, two minutes. After the scan, do a perimeter sweep of your area, and then report back to your stations. :: Azrael admonished his vode while he stood in the hallway that lead towards the mouth of the entrance where Alicia had placed herself as a welcoming face to the arrival of the members. His helmet keeping all audible sound to mute silence while the communication of the Mandalorians remained securely between themselves alone. Datapad in hand, Azrael merely scanned the entrance every time one of the guests passed through the threshold. It was a simple weapons and identification check that they were on the list of approved attendants. They were allowed to keep the weapons, but it at least let the Mandalorian know what they had on them - should he need to account for it later on. The charcoal grey and maroon armor plating covering every inch of his sturdy frame. The single left arm barren of all armor was of a bionic construction and recently alchemized. Despite Azrael not having a connection to the Force, the augmentation just boast a slight 'ping' of awareness to those keeping their minds open to the possibility.

Formality wasn't his strong suit, but thankfully he didn't need to be formal in this instance - he needed to be prepared. Mingling with guests, sharing pleasantries or anecdotes wasn't something he'd be indulging in tonight or any night that he was here. This was business, and the vode were being paid handsomely to ensure that this was a stress fee, smooth Gathering. It was unlikely he'd even speak to anyone but Alicia unless he had to intervene in a situation. The preferred outcome of course was to have a very dull, and uneventful watch during the time the guests were in attendance. For those entering the dining hall, they weren't just in Azrael's sights however. Several vode were watching as well from various vantage points with either direct line of sight or feeds of the cameras pulled up for their viewing.

[member="Michael Steelfang"] | [member="Alicia Drey"]
Michael stood just within the dining room his back to the wall he was able to survey everyone within the room with no effort , Michael understood why he was chosen for this task he was a master interogator (and torturer) it perfected his ability to read people with just a glance almost like an early warning system for trouble brewing and was a easy way to get a woman into bed with him but that is a whole other matter with a blink he switched his helemt to the vode's secure comms channel "Everything looks calm [member="Azrael"] for now at least I don't really see why they brought us in seems like everyone is behaving themselves" Michael's armor was painted black as the void itself with only his clan's symbol painted in iron grey for relief on his chest plate over his heart, Michael was a walking aresnal of weapons not only did he have six mounted on his wrist multi weapons but he had his heavy blaster pistols,lightsaber and short sword made of pure beskar with him this place was too cramped to make any real use of his rifle so he didn't bother with it.
| [member="Azrael"] |

Alicia had been deciding what to wear, thinking over each guest that arrived and ensuring that the correct seats for her guests size, notably [member="Mrrew"], were in position in the dinning hall as well as the food, drink and snacks that were laid there for all of them to see, eat and drink. When she was alerted to Azrael's arrival, she had the names of each guest that would be arriving, their companies and any guests that they were bringing alongside themselves.

She had one of her servants greet the Mandalorian, explaining that Alicia was too busy to greet him on the day and that on the second day of the Gathering, that is after the first day in which contained the hunt, the dinner and the after party, would be the day that they would get a chance to speak to one another.

The servant stated that in particular Azrael and his team were here to supervise the guests as they participated in the first event, in order to protect them from the wild natures of Sojourn; and anything after that was standard protection for the day.

| [member="Anaya Fen"] |

Alicia approached Lady Apoleia with a smile on her face. She was correct in assumption that her Host will be meeting her in the event that they did not cross paths at "the Fort's" gateway. "Welcome to Sojourn, Lady Apoleia. I am Alicia Drey, the woman you spoke with over the holomails. I am so glad that you could make it. I'll be with you soon enough, but please, feel free to introduce and get to the know the rest of my guests." She gestured to the dinning hall where everyone had convened.

| [member="Christian Slade"] |

When Christian arrived at "the Fort" Alicia was waiting at the mouth of the castles gateway, after having met with Apoleia in the landing bay to the side of the building and introduced herself. When he made his order upon his first spoken words, she turned her gaze to the nearby servant and nodded her head for them to go and get it. When the servant left her side, her eyes turned back to Christian. "It's been a while, hasn't it Christian? I'm kinda surprised you came. After that night you upped and disappeared. Like it was all a dream."

She linked arms with him and turned into the building for the first time that night. "I missed your company, however fleeting it was on Coruscant and Kaas. We had a lot of fun together, especially on Coruscant. I'm hoping that you stick around because there is going to be more moments for fun if I have anything to do with it. It begins with the other people I have invited here Christian. Influential, powerful people from all walks of life ranging from the ends of business to the criminal underworld. I hope to use them for my upcoming schemes, which I will reveal to you on the second day of the Gathering."

They stopped at the dinning hall door. "I'd appreciate if you kept your knowledge of me being a Sith Lord a secret, for obvious reasons; and keep your own identity as one a secret as well to these people. As I said I will reveal everything to you on the second day because you're important to me Christian. Now, let's go inside and make ourselves known."

| [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Romeo Sin"] |

Together, Alicia and Christian slipped through the ajar door and into the dinning room. An elongated table had been laid with an assortment of food, drink and snacks for guests to enjoy as they waited for the rest of the guests and their host to arrive. She unlinked arms with her friend from Coruscant Undercity and smiled at each face, inviting for them to begin conversation whilst they waited for the others to come.

| [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] | [member="Katagiri Ike"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Grimm"] | [member="Fatty"] |

Alicia Drey was still waiting for three board members of Chandrila DataTech in the form of Ayumi Pallopides, Katagiri and Matsu Ike to arrive, as well as the CEO of Republic of Starcrest Alex Starcrest and the Governor of Filth himself. What a merry bunch they were.
Mrrew smiled as he saw that they'd prepared a chair for his size, and quickly decended into it. Then, he looked around the table to the other faces. He was suprised at how many he reconized. His eyes first fell upoon [member="Solan Charr"], but he made sure to make no expression signaling that they know eachother. It would be easier to pretend to be strangers then explain how they aren't. A lady in purple that he reconized sat around the table as well. He couldn't quite pinpoint where he'd seen her... Maybe it was at Mytus IV? He wasn't sure. He reconized one of the pilots from the Rebel Alliance as well, @roth tillian. He never struck Mrrew as the rich type. Odd that he'd be here. At least he knew enough of them that it came to a fight he wouldn't get killed. The Togorian continued to stay alert, his ears flicking at the slightest noise as he glanced around the incoming partygoers. He didn't much like crowds, he was starting to wonder why he came in the first place. Right, the hunt. He'd just have to wait for the hunt.

[member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Michael Steelfang"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Anaya Fen"] | [member="Christian Slade"] @ sam winchester | [member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] |

Roth Tillian

Roth smiled at the greeting from [member="Alicia Drey"] and then he moved on, sweeping into the room of refreshments, giving everyone there a wide, warm smile and friendly eye contact. At first, it was mostly just [member="Mrrew"] and young woman in a purple dress. Then others began to filter in. He kept his smile up as he orbited the food, taking a look at everything there, especially the drinks. He picked up a glass and then a second, just in case, and surveyed the crowd, considering.

He walked over to the woman in the purple dress, and offered her one of the glasses, "Care for a drink? Nothing's quite as draining as travel, I think. Have you ever noticed that?"

[member="Darth Banshee"]

(Formal Outfit)
She looked at the pilot obviously a military man, with his dress uniform. It`s a little early for alcohol for me yet. She raised her glass slightly, so he could see she was on ice water for know. She then wondered how to answer about the traveling thing, as it was first person who tried chatting her up since she ran away at fourteen. Well she was not sure how to answer other than no, she has her own room. It`s almost a home away from home. Though that might seem a little snobby, so she nodded her head agreement and replied yes it can be, at times. She then a little felt awkward, as she unsure what to talk about so asked him So what line of business are you in? It was all she could think of, as they where in a business meeting after all.

[member="Roth Tillian "]
[member="Alicia Drey"]

Roth Tillian

Roth nodded understandingly at the response, and then set the second one down so he could come back for it later and liberate it from its glassy confines, listening as she spoke, giving a small half-chuckle at the comment about how it could be at times. That was the truth alright. He paused at her question, and then grinned.

"I make movies and do some cargo hauling." He shook his glass slowly, "And I recently purchased a portion of the shares in Chandrila, which is what brought me here. Looks like it will be a fancy gathering." He surveyed the room again, studying the newcomers. He had no idea who any of them were. That was hardly unexpected though. "What about you? You aren't some celebrity I should recognize, are you? That would be embarrassing."

[member="Darth Banshee"]
Flying his father's old ship into his designated area, the young Bothan knew that this hunt, this moon, held a chance for him to succeed. Dressed in what some would call formal clothing, while others would call it lax (Especially those who could afford more), the man walked to the room, where [member="Alicia Drey"] and the rest resided. His fur was groomed, the stains from the line finally out. he looked like a CEO rather than an engineer, for once. Bowing to the hostess and who appeared to be her date, the young man would head to his seat unless given other directions.
Yes that would be embarrassing for you, being a movie producer and a cargo hauler. She wonder why he asked was she in movie, or some thing. She wanted to keep of the subject why she was here though a secret, as the answer was easy she wanted to sell anti matter. Though at moment she wanted to keep that a secret, as to say who the company was, would spell out she was member of the one sith. This would not do for know, as her hostess [member="Alicia Drey"] asked her not to reveal that. So she had to think of some thing for know.

I am here just to meet new people, to be honest. It was half truth, she was here to meet new people as well. She hoped though she know who she could talk to later. As she had some ideas, but she need funds to get them of the ground. Then she saw a bothan come in he looked familiar, though she had not met many. Also she only new one, and he was much older.

[member="Roth Tillian "]
[member="Barkt Melan"]
It would appear that his date had not come, but that didn't matter, he was unaware of the matters for this Gathering, and so he just sat there, waiting till he was needed, or someone would come to him for mingling purposes. Romeo still had a mission to do for his own goals, and that's pretty much where he had come from, the first part of his quest. He sighed as he sat down on a couch, and relaxed the best he could.
[member="Alicia Drey"]
A raspy voice hummed in his ear"Hope they leave some of that food for us " Michael jested "Not if that big cat gets a hold of it" it was his squad mate for this mission Jynx she was a sweet girl and she had start to grow on him Michael gazed at one guest he couldn't help the feeling that he knew [member="Darth Banshee"] from somwhere but he couldn't for the life of him remember from where "Someone you know or in your case someone you slept with but forgot to uncuff from the bed posts before you left?" Jynx teased him "No she's not my type " Michael pointed at [member="Roth Tillian "]"If he is not careful he may just end up six feet under" Jynx cocked her head slightly "Oh how do you figure" Michael chuckled "Just look at her every fiber of her screams uncomfortable and dangerous one of the three worst combinations"
"What are the other 2 ?" "Horny and Drunk or Angry and Hungry"

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