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Character Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight



AliasesPretty Boy - Thugs, Himself
Kid - Roche, Klein
Knight in Red Leather - Himself
OccupationSmuggler (Formerly)
Jedi Padawan
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Weight165 lbs
BirthplaceTheed, Naboo
ResidenceJakku, Jedi Enclave
Education TraitsJedi Youngling
Nubian Public School
Faction(s)Kingdom of Naboo - Citizen
Galactic Alliance - Citizen
New Jedi Order - Knight
LanguagesGalactic Basic,
Huttese, Binary
Force SensitiveYes

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    Born into poverty on Naboo and given to the Jedi Order at an early age, Gatz Derrevar has had a harrowing life. After a traumatic experience with a Jedi Shadow at the tender age of nine, Gatz absconded from the Order and returned to his family on Naboo. For the next eight years, he spent his life as an ordinary child/teenager, somehow always finding himself immersed in trouble—from egging houses, to tagging walls, to hotwiring speeders.

    On the cusp of adulthood, however, his mother was diagnosed with a progressive neurological disorder. After his father was murdered trying to provide for his sick wife and son, Gatz was forced to wear the mantle of the man of the house. He quickly discovered that smuggling spice was far more lucrative than hauling simple cargo, and that it could both put food on the table and pay for his mother's rapidly accruing medical debt.

    Gatz spent over half a decade submerged in the criminal underworld, caring only for his mother and himself. Eventually selfishness took root in him, and the only things he began to care about were credits and infamy. He might have been lost in greed forever, if not for a chance meeting with Valery Noble Valery Noble , the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order herself.

    Reminded that he could be so much more than a Hutt thug, Gatz was inspired by Valery's compassion, and set out to better himself. After a grueling number of months on his own, and much time spent with Valery, Gatz returned to the Jedi in order to finish the training he had once abandoned.

    Now, recently promoted, Gatz has dedicated his life to lending aid to those in need—not as a scoundrel, but as a Knight of the New Jedi Order

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    Generic Skills
    Licensed Doctor
    Ace Pilot
    Skilled Mechanic
    Adept Slicer
    Superb Cook
    Master Maid
    Husband Material
    Force Abilities
    Force Empathy
    The Art of Movement
    Force Body
    Mind Trick
    Force Healing
    Psychometry (Rudimentary)
    Force Drain

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    Close Relationships
    Valery Noble Valery Noble - Informal Jedi Master. Older sister. The shining beacon of the Jedi Order.
    Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania - Closest friend. Brilliant Jedi and a wonderful woman.
    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren - Brain buddy. Confidant who knows me better than anyone. The very model of a Jedi Knight.

    Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus - Fun, spirited, and mischievous. Yet also serene, responsible, and dependable. Also pretty.
    Romi Jade Romi Jade - A mentor. A Jedi Master worthy of reverence. I wish I'd had the chance to truly be your student.
    Lily Decoria Lily Decoria - Briana's Padawan. A more worthy Jedi than I am. Kind, compassionate, spirited.
    Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah - A Jedi from a bygone era. Unorthodox, like me. Little crazy, but that just makes her fun!
    Makko Vyres Makko Vyres - A kindred spirit. Proof that men like us can change. Also, cool tattoos.
    Aris Noble Aris Noble - "Junior." Good kid. Intelligent and curious.
    Vera Noble Vera Noble - "Little Bug." As mischievous as her mother. And just as compassionate.
    Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to - A friend with her heart in the best place it can be. Also a technical savant.

    Jonyna Si Jonyna Si - Jedi Knight. Knows a lot of cool Force abilities. Rayia's Master.
    Rayia Si Rayia Si - Jedi Padawan. Wild, but compassionate. Curious to see what kind of Jedi she becomes.
    Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el - Jedi Master, departed from the Order. Cares about what's truly important, not what others say is important.
    Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el - Master Kai'el's younger brother. A little bit of a stick in the mud, but a good kid, and a better field medic.
    Braze Braze - Master Kai'el's Padawan. Got lost on the Vonnuvi once. Curious fellow.
    Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn - A Jedi Padawan who styles herself as a more traditional Jedi. Difficult to work with, but the seeds of something great are within her.
    Cortana Jade Cortana Jade - The striking image of her mother. Kind, casual. I hope to get to know her better.
    Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor - A fellow member of the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Stoic, a little standoffish. But I can tell that he cares.

    Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof - Brain buddy's arch-nemesis. All around jerk.
    Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua - She tried to eat me. And now she wants, like, my soul or something. Creepy, evil, kinda cute though.

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    Death of a Scoundrel
    A guilty conscience rules Gatz Derrevar. After six years of smuggling spice, the Will of the Force put Gatz in Valery Noble's path. After aiding the Sword during a harrowing mission to Erakhis, the faith and guidance she placed in him was enough to convince the former smuggler to give up his criminal ways. Driven by the guilt in knowing how many people he's hurt—directly or indirectly—during his tenure in Hutt Space, Gatz has dedicated himself to helping others in need, and few need as much help as the enslaved. Having smuggled spice for a particularly nasty slaver in the past by the name of Kragan Garr, Gatz has set out to destabilize his criminal empire as a form of penance.

    A Jedi Once More
    After a harrowing number of months on his own, and having finally put an end to Kragan Garr's empire, Gatz found himself at a crossroads. Careful consideration, and a desire to continue doing good, has led Gatz Derrevar back into the fold of the Jedi Order. Now, a Padawan once more, Gatz is determined to continue his training with the New Jedi Order, so that he might one day call himself a Jedi Knight.

    Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight
    At long last, Gatz has reclaimed his earliest dream. After training under some of the greatest Jedi the Order has ever produced, Gatz faced a harrowing trial during the Battle for Coruscant: facing the eldritch monster known as Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua . Though his confrontation ended in a loss, the Jedi Council determined that he had earned the right to call himself a Jedi Knight. Now, after his Knighting Ceremony aboard the Prosperity, Gatz takes his first steps into a galaxy embroiled in war as: Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight.

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